
2022-03-24 19:37:22   文档大全网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ]

#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《新版PEP小学英语四年级上册期末测试题》,欢迎阅读!


一、判断划线字母发音是否相同相同打“√”,不同打“×”(10) ( ) 1Acke Bnam ( ) 2A、lik B、kite

( ) 3、A、nose Bno ( ) 4Abi Bfive 7. Go to te kiche )8 i on the sof ( 9. nswer the phone

1. Cut wit he knife

A. 扫地板 B. 电脑游戏 C. 坐在沙发上 D.用刀切

E 音乐 F. 开门 G 打扫卧室. H. 接电话 I 去厨房 J. ( ) 5Act B、bg 二、找出不同类的单词。(20)

( 1 A window B. oo C. mous )2A. icture . ish C. light

( 3、A. drve B. strog C. shor ( )4、A. rbbi B. book C uler ( )5A. chair B. frk C. spoo

( 6 A. oty B. five C scoolbag ( )7、A. strng B. shoo C. quet ( )9、A. tudy . school C. kitchn 10、A. compue B. ant . duck 三、选择合适的答句。(10)

)1. Where is my eat ? ( 2. Let's clean the idow. ( 3 Are hey farmr

5 ow man books o you have ? A It ner the do

B. Twenton C.. Good ide D. Yes, they re

四、选择相应的汉语意思。(20分) ( )1. Open the door ( 2. Swee the flor

( ). Clean the bdrom )4. Listen t musc

5. Pu your raer ner yur pencilcae. ( 6. lay compuer gme

把橡皮放在铅笔盒旁 五、情景对话(10分)

( ). 别人帮助了你,你要说:

A. xus m B Tan( )3. 如果你想自己擦黑板,你会说:

. Let me clen the widow B Let me clean th boar

)4. 我的书包很沉。

A. y scoolbag is hevy B. My schoobag s ig

)5. 你想知道朋友的妹妹的名字你会说:

A . Whas hs am B. hts her nme ?

( )6. 想知道这是不是你的房间,应该问:

. Is thi your room B Whts this ?

( ). 你没做过的事,你想试一试,你会说:

A. Let me try

B. Lets go an ave a look

)8. 如果你想请别人开门,你会说:

A. Open te door plase B. Com n please

( 9 朋友看见全家福照片,你会介绍说:

A Come and mee m family . They re s nice

)10. 你哥哥是棒球运动员,你会说:





A. My bother s baseball player B My bother is rive

( )11、班里新来了以个男生,你想知道他叫什么名,应该问

AWhats his name? BWhat is h?


AW ae ew classrom . B、Where is y scolag?.

( 13、你想告诉妈妈“我有一个好朋友。”你应该说

AMum . I ae goo rien . B、 Chine

e by?.

( )14、打扫卫生时,你看到同学提不动水桶,你想说

ARally? ets g and se. BLet m halp you. ( 15、你们有了新教室,你想跟同学一起去看看,你应该说 A、Let go ad see. BOpen th oor 六、单项选择(10分)

1. has dinner ?

. in B. of . for

( ). Where he keys

. re B. is C. a

3. Ho ites ca o see

A. many B. muc C. ol

4. Is your mother in the ichen ?

. Ys,it is B. Ys,se is C. No,she is ( )5. Whos this man ? m athe.

A. Sh is B H s C. Ths s ( )6. Mike bi eyes .

A. ae B. have . has )7. My ried uet.

A. are B. is C. has


( )8. Lt lan the edoom.

A I B. m C. s

( )10. s she in te kitce ?

A. Nosh it B. No,she isnt C. No, sh i 七、抄写句子在本子上。6)

1We hav a e classroom 2、 I ave ne sholbag. 3、What i in it?

4、 My uncle is a dctor. 6、Sh is in the kithn.


My grandma s a nurse, my father i a doctor h is strong. My mother i a eacher Lok at tht by, h is my rohe. He is a basballplaye. That litte grl is my iser, he is sudent

( )1. My grandma s a eacher. ( )2. M fthe i trong

)3. Te little girl is m iste, )4 M moher is a nure 九、单项选择。(10分)

1We ____ new cassoom. Ahave B、ar C、has

2Look, he s tall ____ srong

A、to B、an Cor

)3、A o____a oy? A boy.

A、or Bin Cand ( )4Le____ help you

Ago B、me C、I

)5、Whats his ame?. -_____nae is Zhag Peg. Ame BHs C he


