【#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《7点35的英文》,欢迎阅读!

你知道7点35的英文怎么写吗?一起来学习一下吧! 7点35的英文表达1: seven thirty-five 7点35的英文表达2: Thirty-five to eight 7点35的英文表达3: Thirty-five past seven 词组习语:
Quintupling seven is thirty-five 1.七的五倍是三十五 7点35的英文例句:
1. Yes , the swap is thirty - seven thirty - five for a small amount.
小数额互换价是 37-35.
2. Raymond leaves home at seven thirty - five. 雷蒙德七点三十五离开家.
3. I shall await you at seven - thirty or thereabouts. 我将在7:30分左右等着你.
4. With thirty - five other prisoners ( including seven women ), I came to Longhua yesterday.
“我与 三十五 位同犯 ( 七个女 ) 于昨日到龙华.
5. At seven - thirty Friday evening Scali passed this word along.
6. He won by a majority of two: the vote was seven to five. 他以两票多数获胜: 票数是七比五.
7. The restaurant doesn't open until seven forty - five . 饭馆要到 七点四十五分 才开门.
8. Mr Crane, seven thirty, and a table for two. Is it right? 克莱恩先生, 七点半, 两个座位, 是这样吗?
9. The pick up time is seven thirty tomorrw morning, sir. 先生, 出发时间是明天早上7点30分.
10. The milkman calls at seven - thirty every morning, regular as clockwork.
11. A . Would seven - thirty be a convenient time for your meal?
七点半这个时间用餐方便 吗 ?
12. Peter: I finished at about six. I went home at seven thirty. 彼得: 我大约6点结束工作. 7点半到家.
13. The first class in the morning begins at seven - thirty. 上午第一节课七点半开始.
14. I have a thirty seven point five degree Centigrade fever. 我发烧到摄氏37.5度.
15. We serve breakfast from seven thirty to nine in the coffee shop.