Carnival in Brazil-巴西狂欢节

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Carnival in Brazil|巴西狂欢节

Carnival festivities3 usually happen just before the Lent4 time, the 40 days period that comes before the Easter. Carnival is a 4-day celebration. It starts on Saturday, and ends on Tuesday. Dates vary every year. For four days, the joyful feelings spread over the streets and squares, from North to South, from East to West.

People put on their costumes5 and go out into the streets or to clubs. There are also the Samba6 schools, which make a parade showing their music and dances. Every year the parade tells a different story. Each city has one or more schools like this. The Samba Parade is the most colorful carnival event in Brazil.

According to historical researches, the first Brazilian carnival party happened in 1641. On that year, Rio de Janeiro7 ‘s governor determined that a whole week should be dedicated to the celebration of the coronation8 of the new king of Portugal.

For Brazilians9, the carnival season is a time to forget or recall the past, to search for new romantic experiences. People can choose between parties or rest, and most people choose parties, day after day, night after night.

Carnival is the only national holiday that moves all the country and its different kinds of people and cultures together. It provides the ordinary people with an opportunity to protest against racial, class, and other inequalities10. During Carnival, the social structure is put upside down as people use costumes to take on11 different identities12: the poor are the royal, the wealthy are maids, adults are children, and men are women.

The name carnival comes from the Italian expression “carne vale”. Hundreds and hundreds of years ago, the followers of the Catholic13 religion in Italy started the tradition of holding a wild costume festival right before the first day of Lent. Because Catholics are not supposed to eat meat during Lent, they called their festival, carne vale—“meat worth it”, which means the meat fast14 and the Lent Time worth the feast of food and music.

As time passed, carnivals in Italy became quite famous; and in fact the practice spread to France, Spain, and all the Catholic countries in Europe. Then, in many parts of the world, where Catholic Europeans set up colonies and entered into the slave trade, carnival took root. Brazil, once a Portuguese colony, is now famous for its carnival.

Carnival traditions also borrow from the African tradition of putting together natural objects (bones, grasses, shells) to create a mask or costumewith each object or combination of objects representing a certain idea or spiritual force. Besides, sambathe music of carnivaloriginated15 from the ancient rhythm16 the African slaves brought to Brazil.

Today, Rio de Janeiro has the biggest and best known pre-Lenten carnival in the world. In February, the former capital of the Republic turns itself into a land of magic and beauty. Splendid balls and street celebrations are held everywhere inside the city. Crowds gather to watch or take part in the wonderful samba school parades.

The Samba Parade began in the 1930’s. By the 1950’s, the samba school parades became very successful. They turned into profitable products and entered the focus of politicians and businessmen. The coming of TV helped to establish a new relationship between samba and society.

Today the event is broadcast to dozens of countries and all Brazilian states. Many people

think of it as the greatest show on earth. 狂欢节是巴西最著名节日,每年盛夏时节,巴西狂欢节都要吸引成千上万游客从世界各地来到这里。





狂欢节是巴西惟一一个能将不同文化背景社会各阶层人士团结在一起全国性节日。普通民众有机会借此盛会抗议种族、等级及其他各种不平等现象。狂欢节期间,人们穿上各式服装,将自己打扮成各种身分人:穷人扮成贵族,富人假扮仆人,成人装作孩子,男人假冒女人。在尽情狂欢中,一切似乎都被颠倒了过来。 狂欢节一词来源于意大利语“CARNE VALE”很久以前,意大利天主教徒们就开始在四旬斋开始前举行盛装狂欢。由于四旬斋期间按教规天主教徒不应吃肉,因此他们将此狂欢活动称作CARNE VALE,意即由于四旬斋期间禁食肉类,因此应该先载歌载舞、豪饮狂欢一番。




桑巴舞盛装游行始于20世纪30年代。到了50年代,桑巴舞盛装游行已非常成功,逐渐成为一项有利可图事件,引起了政客和商人们关注。电视出现则使桑巴和社会之间形成了一种新型关系。 如今,里约热内卢狂欢节活动向巴西各州以及世界几十个国家进行转播。很多人都认为它是世上最精彩演出。


