【#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《读《蒙田随笔》的读后感英文》,欢迎阅读!

Reading Montaigne’s Essays, it was an enjoyable experience to explore his thoughts and ideas. As a French philosopher and writer, Montaigne’s works contain a wealth of knowledge and wisdom that still relates to modern society today.
One of the main recurring themes in the essays is that of self-examination. Reading through Montaigne’s writings, I find myself relating with many of his thoughts and experiences. Montaigne was strongly in favor of becoming aware of oneself and
understanding their strengths, weaknesses, and views on life. He advocated actively questioning one’s own beliefs and motives, as this leads to greater enlightenment. Self-reflection can help to not only define ourselves but also helps us understand others better and strengthens our relationships.
Another prominent concept in the essays were his views on
skepticism. Montaigne was highly skeptical of any kind of doctrine or opinion, even his own. He felt that it was essential to always question what we believe in and to constantly reevaluate our knowledge and beliefs. This is something that I strongly relate to and agree with. We should be open minded to different ideas and opinions and be willing to adjust our own if we discover that another may be more accurate or better suited.
In addition, Montaigne was also very passionate on topics such as friendship, freedom, and moderation. He felt that these were qualities that every human should strive to embody. Montaigne believed that being a good friend and learning to moderate our actions and emotions are important traits we should all take time to
Overall, reading Montaigne’s Essays was both a pleasure and an insight into universal truths. It was similar to having an extended conversation with an enlightened friend. I am grateful for the wisdom that Montaigne has left for us, for his views are still relevant and applicable in our lives today.