Unit 1 Cinderella灰姑娘知识点梳理

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Unit 1 Cinderella灰姑娘


单词 prince 王子 put on fairy 仙女 before * why 为什么 have to because 因为 try on clothes * 衣服 fit let take off 词组

1. at the prince’s house 在王子家 2.come and help me 过来帮助我 3.my gloves /trousers/T-shirt 我的手套/裤子/T恤衫 4.go to the party 去参加聚会 5.have some nice clothes and shoes 有一些漂亮衣服和鞋子 6.don’t have any nice clothes or shoes 没有漂亮衣服和鞋子 7.put on the new clothes= put the new clothes on 穿上新衣服 8.take off his white jacket =take his white jacket off 脱下白色的夹克衫 9.take it off 脱下它(it只能放中间) 10.put them on 穿上它们(them只能放中间) 11.try on the shoe 试穿这只鞋 12.try them on 试穿它们 13.come back before 12 o’clock十二点之前回来 14.be sad /happy 伤心/开心 15.have a good/great time 玩得开心 16.at the party 在聚会上 17.have to do sth. 不得不做某事 18.have to come home 不得不回家 19.visit every house 拜访每一户

穿(衣服) mushroom 蘑菇 ……以前 late * 迟的,晚的 不得不,必须 pick 摘,拾 试穿 understand 明白,理解 合适,合身 be bad for… 有害的 脱下 leave…behind 留下;丢下 20.fit sb well 很适合某人 21.at 12 o’clock 在十二点 22.put on the English play 表演(演出)这个英语 23.have a drink 喝饮料 24.draw a dress for her friend 为她的朋友画一件连衣裙 25.read stories 读故事 26.have some snacks 有一些零食 27.at a snack bar 在零食店 28.thirsty and hungry Bobby 饥渴交加的波比 29.in the forest 在森林里 30.find some mushrooms发现一些蘑菇 31.under the tree 在树下 32.pick a big red mushroom 摘了一个又大又红的蘑 33.pick up the book =pick the book up捡起这本书 34.pick them up 把它们捡起来 35.leave a shoe behind 把一只鞋子留下了 36.don’t understand why 不明白为什么 37.foot hurts 脚疼 38.be bad /good for… 有坏处/好处

1.There is a party at the prince's house, but she cannot go. 王子家里有一个聚会,但是她不能去。

2.Why are you so sad, dear? 你为什么这么伤心,宝贝? Because I can't go to the party. 因为我不能去参加聚会。 3. —Why can’t you go to the party? 为什么你不能去参加聚会?

Because I don't have any nice clothes or shoes. 因为我没有漂亮的衣服和鞋子。

4. She puts on the new clothes and shoes. = She puts the new clothes and shoes on. 她穿上新衣服和鞋子。

5. Come back before 12 o’clock. 十二点之前回来。 6. She has a good time at the party. 她在聚会玩的很开心。 7. I have to go now. 我现在不得不走了。

8. The prince visits every house. 王子拜访每一户人家。

9.Many girls try on the shoe, but it does not fit. 很多女孩子试穿这只鞋子,但是都不合适。 10.She goes home at 12 o'clock. 她在十二点回家。

11.Whose shoe do the girls try on? 这些些女孩试穿谁的鞋子?

12. She is having a drink. It's cold and blue.他正在喝饮料。是凉的蓝色的饮料。

13. Andrea is drawing a dress for her friend Sue. 安德莉亚 正在为他的朋友苏画一件连衣裙。

14.I like reading fairy tales. 我喜欢读童话故事。

15.I like reading stories about the Monkey King and Nezha. 我喜欢看关于孙悟空和哪吒的故事。

16.Bobby and Sam are in the forest. 鲍比和萨姆在森林里。

17.Bobby finds some mushrooms under a tree. 鲍比在树下发现了一些蘑菇。 18. He picks a big red mushroom. 他摘了一个大而红的蘑菇。 19. He does not understand why? 他不明白为什么?

20. Because these mushrooms are bad for us! 因为这些蘑菇对我们身体不好。 21. She leaves a shoe behind. 她把一只鞋子留下了。

22. I can use “why” and “because” to ask and answer questions.

我会用为什么因为问问题,回答问题 23. I know the sound of “dr”. 我知道“dr”的发音。

语法及难点: 1. 动副短语用法

put on take off pick up try on 四个词组属于动副词结构,当后面所接的成分是名词时,名词放在中间或者后面都可以,但是当是代词(it him her them )的时候,代词必须放在中间。

如: put on the blouse =put the blouse on .the blouse放在on的后面,或者放在puton之间都可以)

put it on it只能放在中间) 2. Why because 的问句与答句。

why提出的疑问句,回答是要在句子前加上Because Why are you hungry? Because I don’t have something to eat.

