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[确认的英文怎么说] 确认用英文怎么说
to affirm; to confirm affirm是什么意思:
v. 断言,肯定,证明,证实,申明 take the affirmative
站在赞成的一方 affirmation of contract
批准合同 They required her affirmation of the fact.
他们要求她证实那一事实。This received opinion is piously affirmed.
这个被普遍承认的观点已经得到值得嘉许的肯定。All the votes are in the affirmative. 全体投票赞成。confirm是什么意思:
v. 证实;使巩固;批准;为…施坚振礼(或坚信礼) confirmation of the report
传闻的证实 She is a confirmed drunkard.
她是个饮酒成癖的女人。 The price is subject to our confirmation.
所有价格经我们确认后有效。Cn you please confirm that you have received this mail. 您能否确认已收到此邮件The latter is subsequently confirmed. 后者随后也加以确认。