
2022-09-22 07:08:18   文档大全网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ]

#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《[读书的英语名言]鼓励读书的英语名言》,欢迎阅读!
not afraid not afraid to drill 2、时间是脑力劳动者的资本。 3、勤能补拙是良训,一分辛苦一分才。 i a good training a hard one before 4、汗水换来丰收,勤学取得知识。 weat harvet hard to get knowledge

5、天才无非是长久的忍耐,努力吧! geniu i nothing but a long endurance! 6、早起多长一智,晚睡多增一闻。

an early night more than a mell of widom 7、平时不好学,临考悔已迟。

uually not eay to learn too late to regret the eam 8、灵感是从来不拜访懒汉的。

inpiration i never called on the luggard 9、书籍是横渡时间大海的航船。

10、不怕学不成,只怕心不诚。not afraid afraid of heart i not incere 11、只要是有益的话,小孩的话也要听。 a long a it i good the child will liten to it 12、忘记今天的人将被明天忘记。

forget today" people will be forgotten tomorrow 13、黑发不如勤学早,白发方悔读书迟。 14、你若需要时间,还得自己把他造出来。 15、好学而不勤问非真好学者。

good learning and not often aked not to really good cholar 16、刻苦学习的人总能实现自己的愿望。

people who tudy hard can alway achieve their wihe 17、少年不知勤学早,白首方悔读书迟。


they alway pretend to be clever clever; mart funny 19、钟不敲不鸣,人不学不灵。

don"t knock the clock not inging people do not learn20文学之知识乃是学问之门禁。

knowledge of literature i the acce control of learning 21、靠父亲的学识成不了学者。 22、怕问路,要迷路。嘴勤不走冤枉路。 afraid to ak get lot mouth do not go atray

23、勤奋是聪明的土壤,勤学是聪明的钥匙。 diligence i the mart i mart key oil logitic 24、愈学习,愈发现自己无知。

the more learning the more you find yourelf ignorant 25、水滴石穿,绳锯木断。

dripping water wear through a tone。, little troke fell great oak in the tudy knowledge obtain the brave in battle 2、为别人鼓掌的人也是在给自己的生命加油。 applaud for other i alo to cheer hi own life 3、不傲才以骄人,不以宠而作威。

a proud not only outtanding reputation not to poil and wei 4、赶脚的对头是脚懒,学习的对头是自满。

without hard learning there i no the implet invention 6、傲不可长,欲不可纵,乐不可极,志不可满。

proud not long not vertical not etremely i not full 7、旧书不厌百回读,熟读深思子自知。

old book get back to read read up on pondering elf-knowledge


language i a reflection of the pirit and culture breeding 9、只有从小刻苦勤奋,长大才能接受种种挑战。 only grew up work hard ability to accept challenge 10、自赞就是自轻。自满是智慧的尽头。 elf-praie i the weight

11、自古圣贤,盛德大业,未有不由学而成者也。 the ancient age and oldiery alo did not learn from 12、积财千万,不如薄技在身。

to learn a certain trade than poe a large accumulate wealth mut 13、穿着饮食可以因陋就简,而搞学问是不能因陋就简的。 in diet can roughing it and it i not of learning 14、书房是文人精神的巢穴,生命的禅堂。

the tudy i cholar pirit" lair the meditation room of life15、我们爱我们的民族,这是我们自信心的源泉。

we love our nation thi i the ource of our confidence 16、边学边问,才有学问。若要精,人前听。 learn while ak jut learned to be refined people liten


had not ilence fool not talking and not think cleverne 18、落日无边江不尽,此身此日更须忙。

unet over the endle river the body i the day to be more buy 19、知识上的富有可以享受心灵上的满足。 knowledge on the rich can enjoy piritual atifaction 20、游手好闲的学习并不比学习游手好闲好。

