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#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《2022新外研版高一英语必修一全册重点词组小节》,欢迎阅读!
One by one/one after another 44...紧张 Be nervous about 1.一个接一个(2)

Advise me to do 2.情绪紧张 With butterflies in my stomach 45.建议某人做

In panic A piece of advice 3.惊恐地 46.一条建议

Put sb under pressure Adapt to new life 4.置某人于压力之下 47.适应新生活

Depend on Make adaptations to sth 5.依靠 48...改编/改写/改造 Make the most of Take/adopt a positive attitude 6.最大优势地利用 49.采取积极的态度 Graduate from school Adopt sb 7.从学校毕业 50.收养某人 Was doing A when B did Apply to sb for sth 8.正准备做事这时突然 51.向某人申请(工作)

As if/as though Apply A to B 9.好像 52.应用 Start high school Have a good understanding of 10.开始上高中 53.精通/领悟/理解 Keep an open mind 54.与某人分享某事 Share sth with sb 11.保持开放包容的心态

Deal with Environmentally-friendly 12.应对/处理 55.环保的 At the sight of Pass/hand me a book 13.一看见 56.递给某人一本书 Go all out On the stage 14.全力以赴 57.在舞台上 Hold ones head up 58.给某人照像 Take photos of 15.高昂头/自信点

In particular Stay fit and healthy 16.尤其/特别 59.保持健康 Give sb a hand After class/school 17.帮助某人 60.下课/放学后 To begin/start with 61.上学 Go to school 18.首先/一开始

What do u think of Argue with sb about/over sth 19.认为某人怎么样(2个) 62.和人关于事争论 Be curious about Look into=investigate sth 20...好奇 63.调查 With curiosity Be wanted 21.好奇地 64.被招聘/被通缉

Join the club 22.引以为荣(2个) Take pride in/be proud of 65.加入校俱乐部

Make/leave an impression on 66.做好准备 Make preparations for sth/to do 23.给某人留下印象

Be impressed with/by sth In preparation for 24...印象深 67.以准备 An embarrassing moment Be ready/willing to do 25.令人窘迫的时刻 68.甘愿/乐于做

In my eagerness to get to know Take( an active )part in sth 26.急于知道 69.(积极)参加活动 Be eager for sth/be eager to do Join us in (doing) sth 27...渴望 70.加入某人中一起活动

A collection of Participate in activities 28.一整套 71.参加活动

Give sb a nudge 29.轻推某人 72.各种各样课外活动 Various after-school activities

Its my turn 30.轮到某人 73.(活动等)变化从... Vary from to In turn Play a part/role in 31.依次/轮流/反过来影响 74...种扮演角色/起作用 In return In part 32.作为回报 75.部分上 It turned out that Partly due to 33.最终是/原来是/结果是 76.部分因为 Keep calm Part(vi .)with sb 34.保持镇静 77.和某人分手 Make(full)use of Take up a lot of time 35.(充分)利用 78.占用很多时间 Make the best of A tight schedule 36.好好利用 79.日程紧 Take advantage of As scheduled/planned 37.利用/占尽先机/便宜 80.正如事先计划的那样

Offer them courses 38.一个新生活的开始 A beginning to new life 81.提供某人功课

Offer courses to them 39.一开始 At the beginning of/in the beginning

Give a vivid description of Cope with sth 40.(生动)描写 82.处理 Decide to do Coping strategies 41.决心做 83.应对的策略 Make up our minds to do 42.决心做 84.如果必要/这样/有可能/曾经 If necessary/so/any /ever Be determined to do Make/take notes of 43.决心做 85.做笔记

Take note of Take it down 86.注意到 123.记下/取下/拆卸 A piece of information Ahead of schedule 87.一条消息 124.提前 Inform sb of/about sth As scheduled/planned 88.通知某人关于 125.正如事先计划的那样 instructions A tight schedule 89.物品说明书 126.紧的日程表

Turn on my brain Look forward to (doing)sth 90.动脑思考 127.期待/盼望 The engine wouldnt start Pay attention to sth 91.脑筋不好使 128.专心/注意 Of( great/vital) importance 92.(非常)重要 129.穿校服 In school uniform

Of( great/vital) significance 130.良好的开始是成功的一半 Well begun ,half done

At least In exchange for sth 93.至少/最起码 131.以交换 At most Exchange A for B 94.至多 132.AB Up to sth In memory of 95.高达 133.以纪念(死者) Rank as In honour/honor of 96.名列为 134.以纪念 Win an award In need of time 97.赢得奖项 135.需要时间等

In favour/favor of 98.颁奖/证书给某人 Award sb sth=award sth to sb 136.支持/拥护

Reward sb with sth 137.辩论支持 Argue for sth 99.回报某人

Have the opportunity to do Argue against sth 100.有机会做 138.辩论反对

Of (great /no)help Argue that clause 101.很有帮助/没帮助 139.辩解

Spoke so fast that not every 102.合理的建议 Sound advice 140.他说得如此快以至于并未都记下来

Safe and sound Struggle with note-taking 103.安然无恙地 141.记笔记有困难 Sound asleep Have the ability to do 104.酣睡 142.有能力做 For sure Be able to do/be unable to do 105. 当然 143.能够做/没能力 Be frightened of Capable/incapable 106...很害怕 144.有能力的/没能力的 Figure it out In a hurry 107.猜透/弄明白/理解/想出 145.匆忙地

figure I was running out when I bumped into 108.数字/轮廓 146.正要跑出教室这时我撞见

Not always/all/every=all/every..not 147.向某人道歉 Say sorry to sb 109.不总是

Apologise to sb for sth=make an apology to sb for 110.过去一定有时刻 Must have had a moment

Look back on 111.回顾 148.展示/提供某物给某人 Present sth to sb

A specific piece of information Present sb with sth 112.一条具体信息

Handle disappointments Give a presentation 113.应对失望

114.解决问题 Address/tackle issues/challenges 149.正要离开这时突然灯灭了

Refer (red)to sth I was about to leave when the light went out. 115.提到/参考/查阅/有牵连

Summarise the main points I was on the point of leaving when the light went out. 116.归纳中心点

To sum up/to conclude I was leaving when (suddenly) the light went out. 117.归纳起来

facilitate 118.期刊参赛/入选作品 A journal entry 150.缓解/减轻/使方便

Come to an end=bring/put sth to an end Lessen/alleviate/relieve/relief/ease 119.结束

Bump into sb Co-author 120.撞上 151.合著者 Around the corner collective 121. 在拐角处/即将来临 152.集体的

Panicked/panicking 122.随着暑假的来临 With it approaching 153.惊慌(vpanic

With it around the corner 154.困难的 Challenging/tough/demanding With it drawing near inner/outer 155.内心的/外在的 As it approaches internal/external 156.内部的/外部的 As it draws near 157.内向的/外向的(性格) introverted/extroverted As it is around the corner Specific/given/assigned 158.具体的/特定的

