
2022-03-19 06:58:22   文档大全网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ]

#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《化险为夷的近义词》,欢迎阅读!

【近义词】危为安逢、凶化吉、绝处逢生、虎口脱险、有惊无险、转败为功、转败为胜、起死回生 【读音】 huà xiǎn wéi yí

【英文】 Change danger into safety 字解释


夷有三种含意。 1,平坦,平安;2,破坏建筑(使之成为平地)例:夷为平地;3,灭掉,杀尽,例:夷族。 其中,在化险为夷中,这个夷字为第一解,既化险境为平安。 词解释


唐·韩云卿《平蛮颂序》:“变氛为阳煦,化险阻为夷途。” 清·曾朴《孽海花》第二十七回:“以后还望中堂忍辱负重,化险为夷。” 4 编辑

兼语式; 作谓语、定语;指危险的处境变成平安

除夕遇险的一幕,自然又回忆起来,但我们这一次是~了,虽然费了一些周折。(郭沫若《革命春秋·南昌之一夜》)1990年《商丘地区建筑志》:“袁家山又称吕祖庙,是明朝兵部尚书袁可立为纪念他渡江时化险为夷而建成。” 歇后语

悬崖上勒马——化险为夷;孔明大摆空城计——化险为夷等。[2] 英文翻译

change danger into safety;bring order and peace out of chaos and confusion;come [emerge] safely out of danger;get out of the jaws of danger

1. In any event, Walters saved our March 16 trip with the

imagination and tenacity. 不管怎样,沃尔特斯以他的想象力和不屈不挠的意志使我们的旅行化险为夷。

2. I have saved my life more than once before by presence of mind and quickness. 我以前,由于头脑冷静,行动敏捷不止一次化险为夷。 这个字是用来描述某件一开始不顺、但最后却化险为夷的事。

Comeback is a word that is used to describe something that starts off badly but then somehow ends well.


The neighbors were relieved to see the children come out safely from the danger of the burning house.


But john steinbeck inadvertently so that the entire truth jianfa, xiao longnv make herself jianfa, but are huaxianweiyi. 森林火灾几乎无法控制,幸好老天突然下起大雨,才化险为夷。

The forest fire was nearly out of control when suddenly it rained heavily and saved the day.


And see if abstruse, timor and other places also certainly not for being soft-hearted, and therefore, we study day andnight, saved the day on how to protect the well-being of the quartet.


But while his cavalier attitudes and headstrong sensibilities may serve him well on occasion, anakin's reckless tendenciesare not always destined to save the day.

