【#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《五种简单直接表达感谢的方法》,欢迎阅读!

你可能会花成百上千美元对帮助过你的人表达你的感激之情,但是最简单的表示往往是最有用的。 Say Thank You 说声“谢谢你”
It may seem trivial, but show your appreciation immediately after accepting the gift. Remember a gift can be anything items, praise, advice, etc. This reiterates how grateful and thankful that you are.
这看起来微不足道,但一定要在收下礼物后立马表达你的感谢。记住这里的礼物可以指任何东西,比如表扬,建议等等。这样做可以再次表达你的感激之情。 Write a Note 写张小纸条
Here snail mail is better. How often do you get real mail in your mailbox? My guess is rarely. Spend five minutes and write a note either on paper or a card saying thank you. It is a guaranteed way to make the recipient smile.
最好是邮寄信件。你多久才会在信箱里收到一封真正的邮件?我猜难得有一次吧。花五分钟的时间,写一张“谢谢你”的小纸条,不管是在纸上,还是在卡片上。收到纸条的人一定会嘴角上扬,开心不已。 Social Media Shoutouts 借助社交媒体表达感谢
This is acceptable if your recipient is active on social media networks. What better way to show that you are grateful than shouting it out to the world and reaching millions of people. You're act of thankfulness can impact others who may want to use your recipient's service.
如果你想感谢的人活跃于社交网络,那么这个方法就很受用。在全世界面前说出你的感谢,并让百万人都感受到,还有什么方法比这个更好呢?你表达感谢的这种方式可能会影响到其他人。 Send a Small Gift 送份小礼物
The gift must have some meaning to the recipient. If they love gourmet local food, you might wish to purchase a gift card for them at the gourmet grocery and wine shop in their town that they frequent. Buy their cup of coffee. If they love gerbera daisies, send a bouquet to their office.
你的礼物对接受它的人必须要是有用的。如果他们喜欢当地美味的食物,你就可以在镇上他们常光顾的食品杂货店和酒行买张礼品卡送给他们。为他们买一杯咖啡。如果他们喜欢非洲菊,你可以买一束送到他们的办公室。 Smile 微笑
This one is the easiest on the list. Smiling is contagious and instantly brightens someone's day. Combine this with a thank you and the recipient will be on cloud nine. You never know how much this will brighten someone's world until it turns your day around when someone does it for you.
原文来自 必克英语http://www.spiikers.com/studydetail_55313149.html