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Cultural Blocks to Creative Conceptualization


Creative thought ,though commonly associated with genius alone ,is one of the basic processes of the human mind and one that engages some fraction of every individual's day . 创造性思维,然通常与天才相联系,但也是人类思维的基本过程之一,并且参与到每个人一天中的一部分的。Many biological functions , such as maintaining constant body temperature or proper oxygen concentration in the blood , are generally performed without conscious intervention . 许多生物功能,如保持人体体温恒定或氧在血液中的浓度适当,通常是无意识的在执行。Others , including walking erect or head scratching ,require a relatively brief learning period , after which occasional mental monitoring suffices to ensure that function is being properly performed . 此外,如直立行走或抓头,需要一个相对较短的学习时间,之后偶尔地进行监测就足以确保其功能However ,most higher-order functions ,from aardvark hunting to zeroing a potentiometer ,require extensive training and constant practice to ensure proficiency . 然而,大多数更高级的功能,如从土猪狩猎到调零一个电位器,则需要大量的培训和不断的实践来确保其熟练。Creative thought ,whether in synthesizing a combination of musical sounds , unpuzzling a maze ,or integrating a complex mathematical expression ,falls in this last category and can also suffer from acquired prejudices and patterned responses .创造性思维,无论是组合成一种乐声,解释一个疑惑,还是完成一个复杂的数学表达式,到头来也可能受到偏见和预期反应的影响。Unfortunately ,social pressures toward conformity and limited opportunities for creative thought in daily life result in a steady erosion ,of most people's creative ability ,and consequently it is necessary to overcome mental petrification and compartmentalization before the inherent human capacity for innovative thought can reemerge .不幸的是,走向统一的社会压力以及日常生活中有限的机会导致了大多数人的创新能力遭到持续的腐蚀,因此在人类本固有的创造性思维重现前克服精神僵化是很有必要的。Following J.L. Adams and his colleagues at the Stanford University Design Division ,it is convenient to group these obstacles to successful conceptualization into several major categories ,including cultural ,intellectual ,environmental ,emotional ,and expressive blocks . 根据在斯坦福大学的设计部门的J.L. Adams和他同事们的研究,把这些障碍分组为几大类包括文化、知识、环境、情感、和富有表现力的方面是很方便的。Here ,the cultural blocks are explored briefly.这里,将会简要探讨一下文化街区。

Cultural imprinting is a basic component of the socialization process ,and in Western society often involves the labeling of fantasy and playfulness of humor as childish occupations ,unbecoming of professional adults . 文化印迹是社会化过程的一个基本组成部分,在西方社会里,幻想力和诙谐幽默是幼稚职业的标签是不适合具有专业精神的成年人的。Since at least one approach to the synthesis of as yet nonexistent objects involves imagining a "better " world and asking "why not" ,a bias against fantasizing may be burdensome . 由于不存在的对象包括想象一个“更好的”世界以及问“为什么不”至少有一种合成方法,因此反对幻想的这种偏见是繁重恼人的。Curiously ,it may well be the weakness of this block in children ,the "uneducated",and science fiction writers that explains the ability of these individuals

occasionally to spark an idea in the mind of a professional engineer charged with a problem-solving task. 感兴趣地是,这种偏见对于“未受教育群体”的儿童和科幻小说作家是有缺点的,它解释了一种这些人偶尔会在脑海中引发一个由专业工程师负责的解决问题型任务的想法的能力。

The essence of humor has been defined by many writers as the juxtaposition of mutually exclusive contexts .幽默的本质已经由许多作家定义成并列相互排斥的情况。The verbal synthesis of a joke or humorous story is thus not far different from the innovative thinking desired in the conceptualization stage of the design process and , indeed ,many novel situations may at first appear absurdly funny .言语合成的笑话或幽默故事因此并不是远远不同于创新思维中所需的概念化阶段的设计过程的,事实上,许多新情况在第一次出现可能是荒谬可笑的。Thus ,for example ,the possible use of a hand-made ice lens to provide a life-saving fire for an isolated individual in the polar region by focusing the sun's rays on an available fuel might easily be dismissed by a design team seeking only "serious "solutions .因此,例如,可能使用一个通过聚焦太阳光到可用燃料的手工制作的冰透镜来给一个在极地孤立的人提供火源可能很容易被解雇的设计团队寻求的是“严重”的解决方案

Similarly ,many, if not most ,scientifically trained professionals have been made to believe that intuition or feelings cannot be trusted and that only rational thought can bring results. 同样,许多,如果不是大多数,科学训练的专业人士已相信直觉或感觉是不可信的,只有理性的思维才会有结果。Even a casual examination of the design process suffices to reveal the need for total mental involvement in the search for alternative solutions , and the failure to use the integrative pattern recognition capability of the human brain may unnecessarily prolong or totally destroy a potentially promising line of thought.即使是一个随意的设计审查过程就足以揭示需要总精神来参与寻找替代的解决方案而未使用综合模式识别能力的人类大脑可能就会不必要地延长或完全摧毁一个具有潜力和前途的想法。

The political conservatism of most practicing engineers ,and even engineering students ,is a well recognized societal factor(at least) in the United States and contrasts sharply with the mental restlessness and openness often characteristic of highly creative individual 大多数见习工程师,甚至是工程学的学生的政治保守主义是一个(至少)在美国公认的社会因素,与高创造性个人的精神紧张和公开的特性形成了鲜明的对比。The projection of such attitudes onto the design process ,in the form of preference for "tried-and-true" approaches or the all-powerful "right way" ,while necessary for the prevention of the premature introduction of novel technology ,is undoubtedly anathematic to innovative conceptualization .投影的这种态度在设计过程中,在形式的偏好“可靠”的方法或全能的“正确”的方法,而必要的预防过早引进新技术,无疑是厌恶的创新概念A design team in which both an appreciation for the state of the art and a desire to seek new biological and/or psychological factors ---the more experienced engineer can be expected to adopt a more conservative posture , it falls to the younger engineer to supply the innovative impulse . 一个鉴赏目前工艺水平和一种寻求新的生物和/或心理因素的欲望的设计团队,经验更丰富的工程师可以预计采取一个更为保守的姿态,它落在了更年轻的工程来提供创新的冲动。The frequently observed successful design team model of several individuals personifying the "corporate memory" ,or the company's "bag-of-tricks" ,joined together with one or more young "hot shots" ,who have not yet stopped asking "why not?" ,may be seen as supporting the foregoing contention .常见的成功的设计团队模型的几个人的化身“记忆”,或公司的bag-of-tricks加入了一个或多个年轻的“温泉”谁尚未停止问“为什么不?”可以被视为支持上述论点。

