
2022-04-17 02:03:25   文档大全网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ]

#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《学术英语写作》,欢迎阅读!


课程 英文名称 先修课程


Academic English Writing 大学英语教研室开设的B课程



业前能够写作语法正确、表意清楚、语言流畅的英语应用文,并在此基础上培养用英语书写其它体裁文章的感觉与兴趣。此外,从学术写作规范层面,本课程还要求学生学会正确地引用学术文献和他人的观点,提出并组织恰当、有力的论据,避免产生破坏学术规范、违背学术道德的行为。 课程可以帮助学生提高学生的英语运用和表达水平,锻炼学生的逻辑思维能力,激活学生的外语知识的输入输出效率,养成良好的学术写作习惯,培养良好的学术道德,从本科阶段开始就可以为高水平、研究型大学的学生奠定扎实的英语学术写作基础。

English is an international language. Academic reading & writing is a premise for students’ graduation. Despite the great diversity within and between different academic disciplines, several common themes are associated with the experience of reading & writing in academia. This course aims to identify and explore those common themes and to help you, the academic reader & writer, to address and resolve the paradoxes for yourself.

It will do this in a way that can also help you to become a more productive, effective reader & writer with healthier, more positive approaches to what it means to be a successful writer of English, and more particularly what it means to be a writer of academic text.


The overall goal is to provide you key techniques, guidelines and suggestions to improve your academic written communication. You will be introduced to several writing genres such as descriptive essays, process essays, comparison-contrast essays, cause-effect essays, and argumentative essays.

You will develop the writing skills necessary to meet a range of anticipated writing tasks that you will encounter during your academic career. In the future whether you are writing your academic papers, planning a journal article, struggling with reviewers’ comments, or drafting a research proposal, this course will help you to make more effective progress. Hopefully it will also help you to devise a strategy that will reach beyond any individual writing task and to develop an integrated approach to your life and



work as a successful academic writer.

开课院系 通选课领域 是否属于艺术与美育

平台课性质 平台课类型 授课语言 教材 参考书

英语语言文学 英文 自编教材; ,

教学基本要求 1.通过针对性阅读,了解英语不同体裁文章的特点; 2. 提高学生英语语法水平,了解用英语撰写文章的基本要求; 3. 掌握使用英语撰写文章的技巧,了解英语文章的评价标准; 4. 能够独立完成总计1000词左右、语法正确、表达流畅、符合规范的英作文

课程的重点和难点 课程的重点在于,使学生通过针对性阅读了解英语语言内在的逻辑,培养分析性







速提高学生的英语学术写作水平并进一步培养批判性思维的能力。 周次3 主要内容 课堂实践 课后作业4

1. About the course 2. Basics of academic English writing Introduce Yourself Reading 1

1. Words in academic writing 2. Review: Reading 1

Grammar in academic writing: Types of sentences --- --- From sentence to paragraph

From paragraph to essay Quiz 1 Reading 2 Narration: process essays Deadline of Writing Description and exposition Argumentation Reading 3

Writing Models: IELTS(A) & GRE Argumentative Essay: issue

十一 Argumentative Essay: comparison & contrast Quiz 2 Deadline of Writing Task 2

十二 Argumentative Essay: analytical reasoning 十三 Argumentative Essay: cause & effect Reading 4 十四 Supporting details

十五 Using outside sources and other issues 十六 Review Quiz 3


QQ(或其工作 TIM)与学生互动,学生需要加入课程交流群(641581060以便获得教

资料并解答问题,注意,入群后请修改名片为“班号_实名”(如:3 _张三)。

评价方式:形成性评价(40 )+终结性评价(60 ) 考核形式及占比(共 100 分): 1. 考勤(5 分)+课堂表现(5 分)+课下作业(5 分) a. 按照教研室规定,迟到一次扣 0.5 分,无故缺课一次扣 1 分; b. 次缺课通知所在院系并视为自动放弃课程 2. 课堂测验(共三次,每次 5 分,共 15 分) a. 因故错过测验,有正式假条取班级平均分,无假条取班级最低分 3. 课下写作(共 2 次,每次 5 分,共 10 分) 4. 期末考试(共 60 分)



