简爱 作者简介

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#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《简爱 作者简介》,欢迎阅读!

Charlotte Bronte was born in the north of England in a priest family, in 1816. Her mother died, at the age of eight, Charlotte was sent to a boarding school where living conditions were extremely poor, due to her two sisters have died. Charlotte and her sister Emily returned home, in the desolate mountains spent her childhood. At the age of fifteen, Charlotte go to school, a few years later as a teacher in this school. She also worked as a tutor, eventually because of cannot bear the tutor's discrimination and mistreatment, she resigned. She had intended to run a school. However due to the lack of students, the school did not run. But learning experiences in Italy inspired Charlotte's strong desire to express them. In 1846, she completed her second novel" Jane Eyre ". In the autumn of 1847 the novel published, with great success, reprinted two times next year, let the unknown author become one of the famous British novelists.

夏洛蒂·勃朗特,1816年,夏洛蒂·勃朗特出生于英国北部的一个牧师家庭。母亲早逝,八岁的夏洛蒂被送进一所寄宿学校。那里生活条件极其恶劣,她的两个姐姐因染上肺病而先后死去。于是夏洛蒂和妹妹艾米莉回到家乡,在荒凉的约克郡山区度过了童年。十五岁时夏洛蒂进了伍勒小姐办的学校读书,几年后又在这所学校当教师。她也曾做过家庭教师,终因不能忍受贵妇人、阔小姐对家庭教师的歧视和苛待而辞职。她曾打算自办学校,为此她在姨母的资助下去意大利进修法语和德语。然而由于没有学生,学校没能办成。但是在意大利学习的经历激发了夏洛蒂表现自我的强烈愿望,促使她投身于文学创作。 1846年,夏洛蒂创作完成了她的第二部小说《简·爱》。小说于1847年秋以柯勒·贝尔的笔名发表,大获成功,次年就再版两次,让这位名不见经传的作者就此跻身英国著名小说家的行列,被马克思归为以狄更斯、萨克雷为代表的“出色的一派”。

Other works:

Jane Eyre, published 1847 《简爱》 Shirley, published 1849 《雪莉》 Villette, published 1853 《维莱特》 The Professor, published 1857 《教师》


