
2022-04-22 00:04:11   文档大全网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ]

#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《肖申克有感》,欢迎阅读!





习惯痛苦,并泰然处之,自欺欺人地过那所谓的幸福生活;抑或在内心始终保持对痛苦的敏感,并在痛苦中挣扎,期待一个全新的开始。这两种截然不同的人生态度,跟“to be or not to be”一样让人难以选择,这个命题与“做一个痛苦的思考者或者做一头快乐的猪”一样让人无从下手。

我们该暗地问问自己:内心深处,我们到底被“制度化”了多少?是否我们在心中早为自己建造了一座“不可能”的高墙,把自己围在这监牢里,准备无风无雨地老死其中?我们是否在做之前就想好了退路,计算好了成功与失败的比率,试图付出最少的代价而得到最多? 若果真如此,那请不要忽略这样一个事实:在山崖上找个下山的曲径,比蒙头向上攀登更难! 我们能做的,只能是,蒙头向前

But anyway, Andy he really is a miracle. As we all know, "one of the most important content is the so-called miracle" Christian "salvation". He knew his innocence, so believe in hope and realized it, finally gave almost like Brooks did not fly the Reed a big hope. "In Zihuatanejo, that no memories warm place......" Yes, like 1900 can not afford the vast earth, dream sometimes is small enough, in the blue waters of the Caribbean, a new life. This movie let us believe that "hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies" as Hindus believe that the main salvation will come, rather than pose as a person of high morals with "real name" Wilde "- because gay men sat in prison", or "" Snow White "truth is a daughter incest". Andy has already completed the self salvation.

The crowd recede, the screen fades, we once again into the real life. In the face of Chun Chun teachings teacher, uncertain confused, heavy workload and the cruel reality of the society...... How are we going to finish his salvation? Does not need the pickaxe, also do not need Rita Hayworth poster; we need not face a prison guard, need not face round endless, but do not need to "three sisters" trumpet. Hinder our humanity, just lazy and fear. Fear of failure, don't bother to go to the effort -- it is not so?

Used to pain, and take it calmly, deceive oneself and others over the so-called happy life; or in the heart has always maintained a sensibility to pain, and in suffering, looking forward to a new beginning. The two different attitudes

towards life, like "to be or not to be" makes it difficult to choose, this proposition and "make a painful thinker or a pig happy" as people can not do.

We should ask ourselves: the secret heart, what is "institutionalized"? Whether we are in the heart of early built himself a "impossible" walls, around yourself in

this prison, ready to die with no rain? We are doing before want to retreat, calculate the success ratio and failed, trying to give the least cost and get the most?

If so, please don't ignore such a fact: find a downhill path on the cliff, which is more difficult than to climb!

We can do, can only be, head forward.

