口译第二次课 教案

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#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《口译第二次课 教案》,欢迎阅读!

2次课 2学时

口译记忆 Memory in Interpreting Unit 1

Teaching Aims:

After this lecture, the students should 1. Know some memory strategies.

2. Know how to use these memory strategies.

3. Master the key point of the visualization and outline memory strategy.

教学 和要求

Difficult Points

1. How to use the visualization memory strategy. 2. How to use the outline memory strategy.

I. Lead-in Part: (20)

In this part, the teacher aims to tell students the reasons of learn the memory strategies, and the kinds of memory strategy.

1. How many kinds of memory? What are they?

(Answers: according to the time of keeping memory, memory can be classified three types: instant memory, short-term memory, and long-term memory)

2. What are your understandings about the memory process? (Input- storage-output)

3. Do you know some memory strategies? (Answers: visualization, outline, inference)

(含章节 容、学时分配、学方法、段)

II. In-Class Activities: (70)

The 1st part aims to help students know what the visualization memory strategy is and how to use this memory strategy. (5)

A. (1)The concept of the visualization memory strategy.

It refers to the listener imagine a picture of the original text in his/her mind on the basis of understanding the original text.

(2) The key point of mastering the visualization memory strategy.

Draw different pictures about the material, and combine them together with logic. (3) Which kinds of text are suitable to use the visualization memory strategy?

Narrative text.

The 2nd task for students is to try to use visualization to memorize the record, and retell the text according to their memory. The teacher will ask the students to listen to a passage, during the listening, they should try to memorize the content of the passage. After the listening, the teacher will ask some students to retell the passage, and then tell them how to use the visualization memory strategy. Task 1: 景点传说 (10)



When the students listen to the story, they should imagine the following pictures:





5幅画面:画面中出现一个樵夫,衣衫朴素,挑着柴,旁边出现手写体“钟子期”三个字; 6幅画面:钟子期听到琴声,站住聆听,循着琴声找到俞伯牙;


8幅画面:钟子期躺着,一动不动,旁边有一捆柴(以帮助记住是谁死了,此处容易搞混); 9幅画面:俞伯牙大哭,然后摔琴,琴断了;


Task 2: 湖北省的地理位置 (10)

史密斯先生,欢迎你到湖北来投资考察。湖北的地理位置十分优越,一定会给贵公司带来丰厚的经济回报。湖北位于中国的中部,东邻安徽,南接湖南、江西,西连重庆,西北与陕西毗邻,北部与河南接壤。湖北以长江横贯东西,以京九铁路纵贯南北,素有九省通衢的美誉。以湖北省省会武汉为圆心,北到北京、天津,南到广州、香港,东抵上海、杭州,西到成都、西安,均在1 200公里范围以内。 When the students are listening, they can have a Chinese map in their mind: 北京,天津


湖北 武汉




Task 3: The Economic Development Model of USA(10)

The economic development model of the USA is often compared to a butterfly. Its head is in the US itself, because the United States put the greatest priority on its homeland. The body of the butterfly lies in the North-central America. Its left wing covers the Asia-Pacific area, including Japan, South Korea, Russia, China, and ASEAN members. Its right wing rests in the Atlantic region, where the closest friends of the US are located, such as Britain, France, Germany, and other NATO members.

When the students listen to the record, they can imagine the following picture in their mind:



蝴蝶身子 蝴蝶右翼


North-central Atlantic


America region


The 3rd part aims to help students know what the outline memory strategy is and how to use this memory strategy. (5)

B. (1)The concept of the outline memory strategy.

It refers to the listener draw the outline of the original text in his/her mind on the basis of understanding the original text.

(2) The key point of master the outline memory strategy.

Outline is formed by two parts: key words and logical clues. The listener should find out the two key points. (3) Which kinds of text are suitable to use the outline memory strategy?

Introductive and argumentative text.

The 4th task for students is to try to find out the key words and logical clues of the records, and retell the text according to their memory.

Task 4: 网络教育的优势 (10)

(Record material): 网络教育至少有四大优势。第一,借助网络学生们可以跨越空间和时间的障碍。例如,新疆的学生也可以享受北京的教育资源。第二点优势则是网络的便利。比如。我们可以将多媒体图书资源置于网络中,这样学生们只需点击鼠标,即可享用这些图书资源。第三,资源优化配置。比如说,我们可以将知名教授的讲演录制下来.并通过网络向全中国乃至全世界现场直播。正是基于这三大优势,网络教育才拥有其第四大优势,即因特网技术使得大众教育成为可能。你知道,让全国人民都在大学校园内接受教育是不可能的。

The passage has a clear structure, which is overall-part. And every part has an example to illustrate it. Therefore, the interpreter can have the follow outline: 网络教育四大优势:

l)跨越空间、时间,例如:新疆—北京 2)便利,如:图书资源

3)资源优化,如:教授讲演—直播 4)大众教育—学校教育

Task 5: Benefits of the Increase of Chinese Student Migration (10)

There has been a rapid increase in the numbers of Chinese students in most European countries these years. Student migration is vital for securing the sustainable economic prosperity of China in the long run. It also links China and Europe in a network of knowledge and human and capital exchange. Several countries, including the UK and Ireland, have looked to fee-paying Chinese students as a source of income for local universities.

The passage has an overall-part structure. The first sentence describes a phenomenon, and then the following sentences analyze the advantages of this phenomenon.

Benefits of the Increase of Chinese Student Migration: 1) Chinas economy

2) China-European links (knowledge, human, capital) 3) Source of income

Task 6: Rogges Speech During the 2008 Olympic Games Torch Relay Route Unveiling Ceremony (10)

Please allow me to thank our Chinese hosts and in particular local president Liu Qi for all the tremendous efforts, not only as regards this torch and torch relay but also for all the preparations for the Beijing Olympic Games. The world is watching and waiting, eager to see what Beijing and China have to offer, and anticipating what this gonna achieve to hosting the games, the torch relay will give us all the foretaste of this. Thanks also go to the presenting partners of the relay, Coca Cola, Samsung, and Lenovo who support this event. May I wish everyone involved in the torch relay good luck and mass success. Xiexie!

This passage is a typical address, which uses paralleled structure. The theme of it is for thanks, and the author thanks for three parties. Thank:

1) hosts and Liu Qi, for torch relay

all preparations

world: watching/ waiting/ eager to see/ anticipating (only one or two words) relay: forecast

2) partners: Coca Cola, Samsung, Lenovo (at least one) 3) everyone: good luck, success

资料 分析

1. Review Lecture two 2. Find more exercises to practice the visualization and outline memory strategy 1. Textbook: A Foundation Coursebook of Interpreting Between English and Chinese 2. Reference Book: A New Coursebook for Business Interpreting

本章课堂教学讨论记忆法中的形象化记忆和提纲式记忆法。教学过程中采用任务型教学法,通过设问、启发、讨论等互动方式,鼓励学生主动参与学习 结合教材练习, 帮助学生掌握提纲记忆法的使用方法以及适用题材,精讲多练,激发学生的学习兴趣。

