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#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《八年级英语Unit1-Unit6专项复习训练(三)----完形填空》,欢迎阅读!
年级英语Unit1-Unit6专项复习训练〔三〕---- 完形填空



2. 速读全文,掌握大意。速读全文要一气呵成,尽管有空格、生词或不明白的地方,仍要快速读下去。读时要注意找出关键词、中心词,划出某些代表人物和情节的词,以便于形成思路。要注意不要在未掌握大意的根底上,边阅读,边做题,这样速度慢、准确率低。 3. 瞻前顾后,灵活答题。“瞻前顾后〞,即先读所填词的句子,回忆上一句,兼顾下一句。如果一句中有两个空白待填,在初定答案时要双管齐下〞,在两处同时试填,然后通读全句,确定答案。答题方法:1〕择优法:根据文章及结构边读边填,如果能够立刻判定最正确答案的,不必再去逐个考证其余答案。2〕排除法:如答案一时难以确定,可按空格位置,从语法结构、词语搭配、上下文语境、习惯用法、词义辨析等方面,对选项逐项分析试填。排除干扰项,从而确定正确答案。

4.复核全文,调整答案。把填好的短文通读一遍,进行核查同时注意以下三点: 1〕上下文的一致性:即时态语态的一致;代词、名词、单复数的一致。 2〕从语法和惯用法及习惯搭配、甚至语感入手,看是否符合上下文的逻辑。 3〕段与段、句与句之间的衔接是否连贯。



Young people today may not know Zhu Mingying. But twenty years 31 ,she was very famous. She was a dancer at first. But one day she thought that she could also sing 32 . So she went to visit a music teacher. The teacher 33 her to sing some songs and then said that she would not be successful(成功的) in singing, 34 she didnt have a good voice. 35 Zhu Mingying didnt give up(放弃).She spent a lot of time 36 to have music lessons. She had 37 time to rest. She even didnt have much 38 to buy herself delicious food. Life was really hard for her at that time. But Zhu Mingying felt very happy, because she proves证明〕 she could be a good singer at last 39 she practiced singing for many years.

If you want do something, just 40 you will be successful in the end! ( ) 1. A. ago B. late C. after D. behind ( ) 2. A. good B. better C. best D. well ( ) 3. A. asking B. tells C. asked D. ask ( ) 4. A. so B. but C. because D. why ( ) 5. A. And B. So C. But D.When ( ) 6. A. going B. to go C. goes D.go ( ) 7. A. a little B. few C. a few D.little ( ) 8. A. money B. food C. work D. clothes ( ) 9. A. before B. after C. since D. because ( ) 10. A. have music lesson B. try your best

C. find a teacher D. spend little money


II. 完形填空。〔共10小题,每题1分,计10分〕

There was a mouse named Tim. His home was in the 1 . Tim worked hard for his 2 . One day his cousin Tom came to visit him from the city. My food is 3 than

yours! Tom said. Come back to the city with me. Tom 4 Tim to his house.

At midnight they came to Toms dinning room. The food was just as wonderful as Tom said. Tim 5 the cheese and cake. Suddenly there was a 6 at the door. The cat was coming. Run, run. Tom shouted. But the cat almost caught Tims tail. He can 7 went away.

8 you must run faster. Tom said. But Tim said, “I’m going back to the country! You 9 told me that a cat lives here! Thank you, Good-bye! Peace (和平) and quiet are 10 than cake and cheese. ( )1. A. country B. city C. river D. lake ( )2. A. clothes B. house C. cousin D. food ( )3. A. good B. better C. best D. worst ( )4. A. went B. came C. left D. invited ( )5. A. has B. eat C. ate D. took ( )6. A. mouse B. sound C. man D. cake ( )7. A. hardly B. finally C. usually D. of course ( )8. A. Yesterday B. Tomorrow C. Today D. Now ( )9. A. always B. never C. sometimes D. often ( )10. A. less B. fewer C. more D. most


We see the sun every day. If it is __1__, we can see the moon in the night, too. The sun and the moon are very near us. They are __2__ stars in space(太空)

Light travels at 300,000 kilometers a __3__. Light reaches us from the moon in __4__ a second and a half. The moon is about 382,000 kilometers __5__.

Light from the sun reaches us in 8.5 minutes. The sun is about 149,640,000 kilometers __6__ the earth. Other stars are __7__ away than the sun. Light from the nearest star reaches us in about four years. When you look at a star, it is very __8__. But in fact many of them are __9__ than the sun. They look small only __10__they are much farther away than the sun.

( )1.A. rainy B. windy C. sunny D. bad

( )2.A. near B. the nearer C. nearest D. the nearest ( )3.A. second B. minute C. hour D. day ( )4.A. more than B. less than C. much more D. as ( )5.A. far B. near C. high D. away ( )6.A. far B. away from C. far rom D. away

( )7.A. near B. very farther C. more farther D. much farther ( )8.A. small B. big C. far D. near

( )9.A. little bigger B. very bigger C. much bigger D. more bigger ( )10A. when B. because C. if D. as

