女娲补天 英文翻译

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女娲补天——《淮南子·览冥》 Nvwa mends the sky


From the time immemorial, the four pillars collapsed and the nine continents ruptured. Neither could the sky cover the whole earth, nor could the earth contain all the creatures. 火爁焱而不灭,水浩洋而不息,猛兽食颛民,鸷鸟攫老弱。 Burning fire, widespread and violent, never ceased;

onrushing water, extensive and boundless, never receded. the kind and the honest were devoured by cruel beasts, the weak and the elder were captured by fierce birds.

于是女娲炼五色石以补苍天,断鳌足以立四极,杀黑龙以济冀州,积芦灰以止淫水。 Hence, goddess Nvwa smelted the multicolored stones to mend the sky, broke off the giant turtle's legs as four pillars to prop the sky,

killed the black evil dragon to save the state of Ji, and pile up the ashes of reed to resist the deluge. 苍天补,四极正,淫水涸,冀州平,狡虫死,颛民生 In the end, the sky mended, the four pillars erected, the floods receded, the state of Ji being calmed

the fierce birds deracinated ,the kind and honest people survived.

背方州,抱圆天,当此之时,禽兽蝮蛇,无不匿其爪牙,藏其蜇毒,无有攫噬之心。 Then, on her back carried the square, and in her arms, held the round sky. In this time, all the fierce beasts and venomous serpent,

with poisonous claws and teeth hidden, had no desire for devouring. 考其功烈,上际九天,下契黄垆,名声被后世,光晖薰万物。 Her feats were eulogized by whole universe, her name were passed to later generations,

her contributions were shared with all creatures.



四极废——支撑天地四方的四根柱子倒了, 九州裂——大地裂开,

天不兼覆——天不能普遍地覆盖万物, 地不周载——地不能全面地容载万物。 火焱而不灭——火势凶猛,扑不灭, 水浩洋而不息——水势浩大,流不尽, 猛兽食颛民——凶猛的野兽吃善良的百姓, 鸷鸟攫老弱——凶猛的鸟用爪抓取老人和小孩。

于是女娲炼五色石以补苍天——于是,女娲冶炼五色石来修补苍天的漏洞, 断鳌足以立四 ——砍断巨龟的角来做撑起四方的擎天柱, 杀黑龙以济冀州——杀死黑龙来拯救中国, 积芦灰以止淫水——用芦灰来堵塞洪水。 苍天补——天空被修补了,

四极正——天地四方的柱子重新竖立了起来, 淫水涸——洪水退了,



Nuwa Mends the Sky

[]刘安 By Liu An


In ancient times, the four comers of the sky collapsed and the world with its nine regions split open.The sky could not cover all the things under it, nor could the earth carry all ihe things on it. A great fire raged and would not die out; a lierce flood raced about and could not be checked.Savage beasts devoured innocent people; vicious birds preyed on the weak and old.


Then Nuwa melied rocks of five coiours and used them to mend ihe cracks in the sky,She supported the four comers of the sky with the legs she had cut off from a giant turtle.She killed the black dragon to save the people of Jizhou, and blocked the flood with the ashes of reeds.


Thus the sky was mended, its four comers lifted, the flood tamed, Jizhou pacified,and harmful birds and beasts killed, and the innocent people were able to live on the square earth under the dome of the sky,It was a time when birds, beasts, insects and snakes no longer used their claws or teeth or poisonous stings, for they did not want to catch or eat weaker things.


Nuwa's deeds benefited the heavens above and the earth below. Her name was remembered by later generations and her light shone on every creation.

