【#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《“近视度数”用英语怎么说?真的不是“degree”!》,欢迎阅读!

Water boils at 212° Fahrenheit and 100° Celsius/Centigrade. 水在212华氏度,即100摄氏度沸腾。
“degree”有两个比较常用的表达,写作和口语中都可以用到。 by degrees 逐渐,逐步
The economy seems to be improving by degrees. 经济似乎在逐步好转。
to a/some degree 部分地;在某种程度上
To some degree I think that’s right, but there are other factors which affect the situation.
dioptre: a unit of measurement of the power of a lens, used for measuring a person’s eyesight
A typical short-sighted person in Britain is -4.5 dioptres. 在英国,典型的近视眼是 -4.5屈光度。 Negative Diopters 近视度数 Positive Diopters 远视度数
There’s a big difference in prescription between my eyes 我两眼的度数相差很大。
医学英语中,近视是“myopia”[maɪˈoʊpiə],英文释义如下: a condition in which someone cannot clearly see things that are far away
The influence of the glucagon agonist on myopia development was much more pronounced.
胰高血糖素激动剂对近视发展的影响更为明显。 有时候,近视还会伴随着散光,看东西会重影。 shortsighted/nearsighted 近视
这两个词都是“近视”,前者是英式英语,后者是美式英语。 As you get older, you may become shortsighted. 随着年龄的增长,你可能变得近视。
He is so nearsighted that he can just see the things put before his eyes.
他的眼睛近视得厉害,放到眼底下才看得清。 astigmatism 散光,散视
This demonstrates a lack of significant astigmatism[əˈstɪɡmətɪzəm].
有些朋友可能不近视,反而有点远视,远视用英语该怎么说呢? hyperopia/long-sighted/far-sighted 远视
Examples of refractive error are myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism.
屈光不正的例子有近视、远视和散光。 presbyopia 老花眼,老年远视
One person’s reading glasses for presbyopia[ˌprezbiˈoʊpiə] can be the same as another’s distance glasses.