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Unit 6 How many pens are there?
Period 1
1.词汇:能听懂、会说、认读新单词thirteen,fourteen,fifteen,sixteen,eighteen,nineteen,twenty。 2.句型:能用“How many...are there?”就物品的数量提问,并用简单句“Thirteen/...”对该询问做出回答。 二、教学重点及难点
教学重点:新单词的学习,并能运用“How many...are there?”句型及回答。
教 学 难 点 :thirteen,fifteen,twenty的发音。 三、教学准备:
准备一个盒子里面放20支钢笔,一个魔法棒,打印8个单词卡片thirteen,fourteen,fifteen,sixteen,eighteen,nineteen,twenty。四、教学步骤 Step 1 Warming up
1.Greetings and free talk. 2.Sing a song”Are you sleeping?” Step 2 Presentation
1.thirteen先分组,计分方式:加尺子。再出示一个空盒子,挥动魔法棒,变出笔来。T:What’s in it? How many pens are there?Let’s count.One ,two...thirteen pens.板书并教学单词
thirteen,teen用红笔强调,出示PPT跟读,游戏:拍卡 2.Fourteen又拿出一支笔,和thirteen一样教学,游戏:跳卡 3.Fifteen-twenty以此类推,结合游戏:剪刀石头布,魔术手指,接卡,passing down。
4.所有卡片在一起,玩游戏:炸弹,分组比赛 5.Listen and answer带着问题听录音 How many rulers are there? How many pens are there?
6.Watch the video and repeat.模仿语音语调 7.Read and practice.分组,分男女 8.老师示范,分组练习句型,并小组展示 Step 3 Practice 1 New words
大小声说单词,看口型猜单词,看图说单词 2 New sentences
How many ... are there? 看PPT回答问题 Step 4 Homework