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一、 Translation(总题数:6,分数:12.00)

1.Part Ⅳ Translation(分数:2.00

__________________________________________________________________________________________ 解析:

2.故宫 (the Imperial Palace)位于北京市中心,是世界上现存规模最大、保存最完整的古代皇宫和古建筑群(architectural complex)。这座历史悠久的宫殿。面积宏大,南北约千米,东西753米。整个皇宫相传共有9999个房间,分为外朝和内庭两部分。外朝是皇帝行使权力、举行盛典的地方。内庭是皇帝的居住之地。故宫建筑群是中国古代 宫殿建筑 (palatial architecture)的典范,对东亚及其他国家的文化和建筑产生了重大影响。而今整个故宫成为国家博物馆,陈列着众多珍贵的古代 文物 (cultural relics) (分数:2.00

__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案: The Imperial Palace, located in the center of Beijing, is the largest, best preserved ancient imperial palace and architectural complex in the world. The historical, spacious palace stretches about 1,000 meters from north to south and 753 meters on its east-west axis. Altogether, there are 9,999 rooms inside the palace according to legend, which is made up of two parts: the outer court and the inner court. The outer court was a place where the emperors exercised their power and held grand ceremonies. The inner court was the imperial residence. The palace complex exemplifies traditional Chinese palatial architecture, and has influenced cultural and architectural developments greatly in East Asia and elsewhere. Today the entire Imperial Palace functions as a national museum, where a variety of treasured cultural relics are exhibited.) 解析:解析:1.第一个句子主语为“故宫”,后面跟着两个谓语动词“位于”“是”;为使句子简洁,可将“位于北京市中心”译为过去分词短语located in…,放在主语the Imperial Palace后面作后置定语,也可译为定语从句which is located in…。 2.第二句中的“南北约千米,东西753米”都是表达距离,为了避免重复,使表达多样化,在翻译时将“南北”译作from north to south,“东西”译为on its east-west axis 3.第四句“外朝是皇帝行使权力、举行盛典的地方”在翻译时可使用where引导的定语从句说明“外朝”是什么样的地方。 4最后一句中,可将“整个故宫成为国家博物馆”作为主句。“陈列着众多珍贵的古代文物”隐含的主语是博物馆,因而此部分可译为where引导的定语从句,用“古代文物”作主语,使用被动语态。

3.皇帝是中国 封建社会 (feudal society)最高统治者。秦王赢政统一中国之后,称自己为皇帝。自此,中国开始了长达2132年的皇帝统治时期。到1912年中国最后一个皇帝溥仪退位,中国历史上共有495皇帝。皇帝一人掌握国家政策制定、军事决策等全部大权,决定着国家和人民的命运。中国历史上有许多英明的皇帝,他们勤政爱民。制定了许多合理的政策,促进了经济社会的发展。还有一些残暴无能的皇帝,他们带给了人民无尽的灾难,受到人民的激烈反抗。 (分数:2.00

__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案: Emperor was the supreme ruler of the feudal society in China. After Yingzheng, the king of Qin, unified China, he called himself Emperor. Since then, China had entered a period of emperors' reign, which lasted for 2,132 years. There were totally 495 emperors in the history of China until 1912, when Puyi, the last emperor of China gave up the throne. Emperors dominated all the rights of policy making and military decision and so on. They were the only ones who could decide the fate of the country and its people. In Chinese history many wise emperors were diligent in politics and loved their people. They made many reasonable policies to promote the development of economy and society. There were also many cruel and incompetent emperors who brought endless disasters to the people and were resisted fiercely.)

解析:解析:1.第一句中,“中国封建社会”可用of带出,放在所修饰的名词后面作定语,符合英文表达习惯。 2.第三句中“长达2132年的”译为英语时可用which引导的非限制性定语从句来表达,放在中心词后面,使译文前后平衡,避免头重脚轻。 3.“到1912年中国最后一个皇帝……”一句的主句采用there be句型,说明中国历史上皇帝的数量;再用until对时间范围进行限制;在“1912”后面使用when引导的定语从句,说明该年份的特殊性:最后一个皇帝退位。 4“皇帝一人掌握……国家和人民的命运”一句偏长,可拆译成两个句子。后半句“决定着国家和人民的命运”翻译时增译主语“皇帝一人”,虽然原文说的是“一个人”,但由于历朝历代都有很多皇帝,因此要处理成复数:they were the only ones后面再加who引导的定语从句。 5.最后一句中的“他们带给……”译为who引导的定语从句,指代前面emperors,使译文避免了代词的重复,也使译文的句式更加多样化。

4.重阳节 (the Double Ninth Festival)在每年的农历九月初九,是中国的传统节日。早在 战国时期 (the Warring States Period)人们就开始过重阳节,到了唐代,重阳成为全国性的民间节日。攀登高山是重阳节一项重要的习俗,据说这样可以避免灾难。并且带来好运。“九九”和“久久”在汉语中同音,因此,人们把重阳节与祝福老人长寿联系在一起。1989年,中国把重阳节定为 “老人节” (Senior's Day),使之成为一个全国性的尊老、爱老、助老的节日。在节日这天会组织各种活动,以帮助老人们交流感情、强身健体。 (分数:2.00

__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案: The Double Ninth Festival, a traditional Chinese festival, falls on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month. The festival began to be celebrated as early as in the Warring States Period and became a national folk festival during the Tang Dynasty. It is customary to climb a high mountain, which is said to ward off disasters and bring good luck. Because "double ninth" is identical in sound to "forever" in Chinese, people relate the Double Ninth Festival to the good wish of longevity to the old. In 1989, the Double Ninth Festival was officially decided as the Senior's Day, a day of loving, respecting and helping the aged nationwide. On that day, varieties of activities will be organized so as to help old people exchange feelings with each other and improve their physical health.)

解析:解析:l.第一句的译法比较灵活,可将“重阳节是中国的传统节日”作为句子主干,再将“在每年的农历九月初九”翻译为定语从句,The Double Ninth Festivalwhich falls onis a traditional Chinese festival。也可像参考译文那样处理。 2.“早在战国时期……”一句中,含有表示过去的时间状语“战国时期”和“唐代”,整句话的时态转换为过去时。整句用“重阳节(The festival)”作主语,“开始过”和“成为”处理为句子的并列谓语。“过重阳节”可以用被动态be celebratedbe observed表达。 3.第三句“攀登高山是重阳节……”可使用it is customary to句型来翻译“是……的习俗”,表达更地道、简洁;“据说这样可以避免灾难”可以使用which引导的非限制性定语从句来表达。 4.倒数第二句中的“一个全国性的……的节日”可翻译为a day of lovingrespecting and helping the aged nationwide,作“老人节”的同位语。 5.末句“在节日这天会组织各种活动……”,为汉语无主语句,翻译成英语的时候应该把“各种活动”作为主语,用被动语态表达。“以帮助老人们交流感情、强身健体”表示目的,可使用短语so as to来连接主句。

5.中国功夫 (Chinese Kung Fu)是一种极具民族特色的传统体育项目,是中华民族宝贵的文化遗产。它汲取了 儒家 (Confucianism) 道家 (Taoism)的思想精华,体现了古人对生命和宇宙的领悟。功夫不仅是一种 格斗技能 (fighting technique),更代表一种精神——中国人民坚持不懈和不屈不挠的精神。2060年代, 李小龙 (Bruce Lee)将中国功夫融入好莱坞电影,使中国功夫举世闻名。这些功夫电影肩负了传播中国文化的重任。如今,很多外国人认为中国功夫充满奇迹和魔力,因此对学习中国功夫具有浓厚的兴趣。 (分数:2.00

__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案: Chinese Kung Fu, a valuable cultural heritage of the Chinese nation, is a traditional sport event with unique ethnic characteristics. Taking in the essence of Confucianism and Taoism, it embodies ancient people's comprehension of life and the universe. It is not only a fighting technique, but also represents a spiritthe persistence and perseverance

