广东省惠州市惠东县八年级英语下册 Unit 6 An old man tried to move t

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Step1 Everyday listening(复习指南) Step 2 单词集锦

1. 射击v.______________________ 2.虚弱的;无力的adj. (反义词)_______ 3.提醒;使想起v._______ 4愚蠢的;不明事理的adj._______(同义词)_______ 5.隐藏;隐蔽v._____________________ 6.有魔力的;有神奇力量的_______ 7.棍;条(n._______ 坚持(v.) _______-________-_________

8.使兴奋;使激动(v._________-(n.)_____________ 9.西方(n. adj. 10.适合,合身v.______ 11.夫妻;两件事物n.______

12.结婚v.______ (单三)______(过去式)______ 13.丝绸______

14.妻子______ pl.______ 15丈夫______ 16.发光;照耀v.__________________ 17.光亮的,明亮地(adj.&adv.______ 18.带路;领路v.__________________ 19.声音n.______ 20.勇敢的adj.______adv.______ Step 3.重点词组集锦

P41. 1. 尽力移动大山try to move the mountains P42 1. 从事做某事work on doing sth. 2.一…就…as soon as 3. 被某人感动be moved by sb. 4. 找到解决问题的一个好办法find a good way to solve the problem 5.有点愚蠢a little bit silly 6.keep doing 一直干… 7. 放弃干某事give up doing 8.许多其它方式many other ways. 9.修路build a road 10. 关于这个故事有不同的观点have different opinions about the story 11. 使某人想起某事或某人remind sb. of sth./sb.

P43. 12. 首次.for the first time. 13. 对某人是新的be new to sb.14.主角.the main

characeer 15. 事实上in fact. 16. 作出72种变化make 72 changes. 17. 把…变成….turn into 18. 出版.发行come out 19. 帮助弱者help the weak 20. 最受欢迎的故事之一one of the most popular stories 20.对……感兴趣 become/be interested in P44. 21. 很久很久以前 once upon a time=long.long ago 22. 让某人干某事make 23.

有时间干… have no time to do 24. 爱上… fall in love with 25.某物适合某人fit sb.. 25. 情不自禁干…cant stop doing 26. 迫不及待干…cant wait to do 27. 结婚get married to sb.

P45 28.看自己look at oneself 29.听起来愚蠢sound stupid 30. 把一切据为己有keep everything

for oneself. 31.考试作弊cheat in the exam.

P46 the moonlight 在月光下. 33.种稻子 grow rice 34.整个家庭the whole family .35.

自救save oneself .36到达森林 get to the forest .37.沿路扔石子drop stones along the way . 38. 迷路be/get lost 39.明亮地照耀shine bright 40.多么长的时间 How a long time.

P47. 41.pieces of bread 面包屑. 42.find ones way out 找到出路. 43.领导某人去某地 lead

sb . to sp. 44.改变计划 change ones plan 45.由面包制的房子house made of bread 46. 糟糕的事情something bad 47.把还在留在森林 leave the children in the forest. 48.第二次the second time 49.发现他们回家的路 find their way home.

P48. 50. 第二天the next day 51. 给某人指回家的路show sb. the way home. 52.听到…的嗓 hear the voice of Step4 教材回顾

1. P43. An old man tried to move the mountans. 一个老人尽力移动大山。 try to do & try doing

(1)try to do sth = try one's best to do sth 尽力做某事 She tried to describe what she remembered. 她尽量说出她记得的情况.

(2)try doing sth = have a try to do sth 尝试着做某事 Let me try retelling the story. 让我试着复述这个故事吧.

2. P44 .the girls foot could fit the shoe 这个女孩的脚适合这个鞋子。 fit & suit

fit作及物动词:适合,配上,合身,使人适应;作不及物动词,表吻合,合身; suit表适合,常强调颜色、式样等适合某人,而fit则强调大小合身。

eg. (1)These shoes fit me. 这些鞋很合适我穿 (2)That color suits you best .那个颜色最适合你。

3. The weather was so dry that no food would grow . 气候如此干燥以至于没有食物能够种出P46 grow & plant

(1).plant 的主语一般是人.表示人主动去种植,强调的是种植的动作。 More trees and flowers will be_____(种植)in the city. (2).grow 一般表示作物的自然生长,着重指种植以后的栽培、管理过程 The farmer grows wheat in this field. 那位农民在这块田里种植的是小麦。


He grew some flowers in the garden. 他在花园里种了花。 3. remind 的用法

1 remind sb. of sth. 使某人想起….

e.g. It reminds me of my best friend. 它让我想到了我最好的朋友。 2remind sb. to do sth. …表示请提醒某人做某事…… e.g. Please remind me to finish my work. 请提醒我完成工作 4. voicesound & noise


Eg. At midnight he heard a strange sound.半夜里他听到一种奇怪的声音。

Light travels much faster than sound.光的传播速度比声音快得多。 (2) noise意为“噪音”、“喧闹声”,常指不悦耳、不和谐的嘈杂声。 eg. Don’t make any noise!别吵闹! 3voice一般指人的声音,说话、唱歌。

eg. The girl has a beautiful voice.那女孩嗓音很美。 They are talking in low voices.他们正在低声谈话。 5. get married

(1)marry sb表示嫁给某人;与.结婚. 2be/get married to sb表示\"与某结婚\".

3marry sb to sb表示“父母把女儿嫁给某人或为儿子娶媳妇 4marry 般与介词with 连用. Step 5 重点句型归纳。

1. P42 You can never know whats possible unless you try to make it happen . 你永远


仿句: __________________________________________________________(除非你努力工作,否则你永远不会成功)


2. P43 Unless he can hide his tail. He cant turn himself into a man 他不能把自己变成


仿句:① _______________________________________________(如果我们不赶快,将会迟到)


3P 48 the movie was so touching that……….这个电影是如此感人,以至于……..) 仿句:① _______________________________________________(这个纪录片是如此感人,以至于我们情不自禁地哭了)

________________________________________________(那个老人讲的故事是如此感人,以至于我们都被感动了) Step6.重点词组检测

P41. 1. 尽力移动大山______________________

P42 2. 从事做某事______________________. 2.一…就…_________________ 3. 被某人感动__________________ 4. 找到解决问题的一个好办法___________________________ 5. 点愚蠢______________________ 6. 一直干…_________________ 7. 放弃干某事______________ 8.许多其它方式__________________. 9.修路__________________10. 关于这个故事有不同的观点________________________11. 使某人想起某事或某人______________________

P43. 12. 首次. _____________________ 13. 对某人是新的________________.14.主角

________________ 15. 事实上__________ 16.作出72种变化________________________ 17. 把…. __________________ 18. ._____________ 19. ____________________20. 最受欢迎的故事之一________________________ 20.对……感兴趣______________________

P44. 21. 很久很久以前______________________

22. 让某人干某事______________________ 23. 没有时间干…___________________ 24. 上…___________________ 25.某物适合某人___________ 25. 情不自禁干…_________________ 26. 迫不及待干…__________________27. 结婚______________________

P45 28.看自_________________ 29.听起来愚蠢___________________30. 把一切据为己______________________ 31.考试作弊______________________

P46 32. . ______________________ 33._______________ 34.___________________ .35.自救_________________36到达森林______________________ .37.沿路______________________ 38. _______________ 39.耀______________________40.多么长的时间______________________

P47. 41. 面包屑___________________. 42. 找到出路______________________. 43.领导某人______________________. 44.______________________ 45.


______________________46. 糟糕的事情____________________

47.把还在留在森林______________________. 48.第二次______________________ 49.发现他们回家的路______________________

P48. 50. 第二天______________________ 51. 给某人指回家的路______________________ 52.听到…的嗓音______________________


