海上钢琴师英文影评原创the legend of 1900

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The legend of 1900

The society, the human beings, who is stronger? Who is weaker?

Like The Shawshank Redemption, the legend of 1900 relates a story using the second perspective. But frankly speaking, the trumpet player is far from satisfactory than Red. That is not to say the play is terrible, it’s just because Morgan Freeman is so great that I almost consider the legend of 1900 as a plagiarized work when I saw it first.

But when saw it in second time, the great skill of Tornatore, which is the ability to shape the roles vividly, become obvious. It is better to consider 1900 as a group of people, not a specific individual. Maybe it is a reason why the screenwriter doesn’t give him a name. Some people say 1900 is a reflection of the fate of artists. And their loneliness contributes to their artistic quality.

1900, being adopted by a boiler man, is an abandoned infant. Unfortunately, his adoptive father died in an accident when 1900 is eight years old. On one hand, the immense talent makes him as a self-taught piano master. On the other hand, the fate also let him be deeply suspicious about the secular world. Even if meet a young girl he loved at the first sight, thinking over and over, he ultimately give up the impulse to find his first lover. Feeling that his fate is tied to the ship, 1900 cannot bring himself to leave the only home he has known. In the end, the Virginian blows up and sinks, with 1900 still aboard.

This is an unreal marvel, a sentimental story, a genius interweaved with the ocean, steamboat, piano, land, loneliness and friendship. As the most European movies, the legend of 1900 also fills with an arm of insinuations. As an abandoned baby in the ship, a piano master in born, 1900 spent his whole life on the ship and never get off, strolling in the deck while other passengers are suffering from the seasickness. He can’t even get off the boat to looking for the woman he loved deeply. But whats the key to understand these insinuations? There are a thousand Hamlets in a thousand people's eyes. From my own perspective it is the choice.

The human beings are faced with the choice at all time. Each choice, big or small, decides the direction of our life. 1900 choose to stay in the boat, even all the passengers are sorely tempted to throw him overboard. He said: Land is a ship too big for me.” He is anxious about the sense of no end, while the key of piano are not infinite, and that lets him relieved.

In fact, when compared with the real world, the life of 1900 has something

unreal. 1900 never contact piano before, but when he play it first, the beautiful music springs from his dexterous hands so naturally. Besides, how a person who never has the formal education can speak in so poetic language? And how he gets the food he needs to survive before Max

finds him in that abandoned ship? However, the most controversial spot is the end of the movie: the heros conversation with Max. I really dont agree with the 1900s explanation why he doesn’t want to go off the ship at the very beginning, thinking he had a negative attitude towards life. But I finally understand the reason. Instead of playing the piano for others or for money, he desires to continue his love for piano in heaven, to play his own music.

Just like the 1900, we all have our own world, and desire to live a so-called life in the demarcated safe zone. But can we? I still remember such words: Take a piano. The keys begin, the keys end. You know there are eighty-eight of them, nobody can tell you any different. They are not infinite. You are infinite. And on these keys the music that you can make is infinite. I like that. That I can live by.” 1900 compresses his life into this side to another, then enlarges into the infinite music he can make on the only 88 keys.

Now take the view from piano to the life itself. The freedom of society is infinite, but what a little pleasure can we enjoy from it? Life resembles a huddled adventure, so we are more prone to have a great admiration to these people who concentrate on a specific area always .Sometimes when be tortured by fate, resisting the change can offers us a sense of security. In other words, the human beings are may stronger than society if we can resist the extra temptation from the secular world. That’s what the movie want to tell us I think.

哈尔滨工业大学 航天学院

