
2023-01-23 13:37:14   文档大全网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ]

#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《高考英语读后续写具体动作词汇:吃、说、哭、嘴部,头部动作》,欢迎阅读!


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


whisper 悄声说; 低语道 whisper in one’s ear在某人耳边轻声说 murmur 低声细语;喃喃地说 “Mom, I love you.” he murmured.

mumble嘟囔:含糊不清地说 He mumbled something to me which I didn't quite catch. blurt out脱口而出 He blurted out the bad news before I could stop him. stammer/stutter/stumble结结巴巴地说

Whenever he was angry he would begin to stammer slightly.

6. retort反驳道 Sam retorted that it was my fault as much as his. 7. scream尖叫 She screamed at me in anger. 8. shout/yell/cry 高喊;大声喊叫


1. sip ( n./vt.)小口喝 take a sip of the tea v. She was sitting at the table sipping her coffee. 2. devour the food 狼吞虎咽地吃= wolf down sth. 3. swallow sth. without chewing 不加咀嚼地吞下

4. lick (vt.) the cream on the fingers舔舔手指头上的奶油

5. He did not answer, but just continued to nibble at his food 一点一点地吃 6. stuff his mouth with pasta 嘴里塞满了..

7. feast on the food/beautiful scenery 大吃大喝/尽情享受风景 8. He ate quietly, relishing his meal.细细品味;津津有味地吃

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


strode out of the room 大步走

stroll along the river bank沿着河堤散步

stumble/ stagger forward in the darkness跌跌撞撞地走/踉踉跄跄 drag ones feet slowly 蹒跚而行

tiptoe out of the room蹑手蹑脚地走

sb had slipped off / had sneaked in/ crept into the room/偷偷地走 pace back and forth踱步

kneel He knelt down and lifted the child into his arms跪下

edge/elbow ones way out of the crowd/force a passage through the crowd 挤过人群 Eyeing

blink at sb. 眨眼 ones eyes gave a blink of disbelief wink at sb.(一只),使眼色 send sb. a wink

glare at sb. silently怒目而视 gave sb. a hostile(充满敌意的) glare stare/gaze at sb.凝视

eye sb. up and down上上下下地打量某人



1. burst into tears/burst out crying嚎啕大哭 2. sob uncontrollably抽泣;啜泣;呜咽 3. weep bitter tears无声地哭,强调泪

4. wail with fist beating sb. chest嚎哭;恸哭(连续大声地哭) 5. blubber like a baby哭闹(嚎啕大哭,有时指无理取闹地哭)


1. smile and wink at me 微微一笑

2. manage/force a smile强挤出了一丝笑容。

3. Her smile lit up the whole room. 笑点亮了整个房间

4. a smile expanded/spread across ones face 脸上绽开笑容 5. beam with smile眉开眼笑 wore a shinning smile

6. amuse vt.逗乐 My funny drawing amused the children.

7. grin v./n.露齿而笑,咧嘴笑 she has a big grin on her face / she is grinning. 8. giggle v.咯咯笑;傻笑 the child giggled. 其它表达】

1. 嘲笑 laugh at sb

2. 突然大笑 burst into laughter / burst out laughing 3. 笑了一声 with a laugh 4. 笑得合不拢嘴 laugh from ear to ear 6. 哄堂大笑 explode with laughter

7. 放声大笑 scream/roar with laughter 8. 狂笑 howl with laughter

9. Her laughter lingered around the room. 她的笑声在房间里回荡

1. turn one’s head away to avoid ones eye contact把头移开 2. lower/bend/hang one’s head in shame低下头 4. raise/shake /nod one’s head //点头

6. scratch one’s head for a solution to the problem抓耳挠腮 7. frown at the mess in the room皱眉(表不满、不同意) look at... with a worried frown愁眉不展.

8. She stretched her arms out and gave a great yawn. 她伸了个懒腰, 打了个大哈欠. Then he yawned with one hand over his mouth and rubbed his eyes揉揉眼睛.


