
2023-01-24 10:25:17   文档大全网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ]

#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《项目团队类型的优缺点》,欢迎阅读!

The project team structure has the following structural forms: functional organization, professional team, matrix and special case team according to the actual situation. 用现有的职能型组织来管理并完成项目既有优点,也有缺点,优点如下: 1.不用改变。

项目是在母体组织基本职能结构下完成的,母体组织的设计与运营不需要太大的改变。 Using the existing functional organization to manage and complete the project has both advantages and disadvantages. The advantages are as follows: 1. No need to change.

The project is completed under the basic functional structure of the parent organization, and the design and operation of the parent organization do not need to change much. 2.灵活性

在人员的使用上有最大的灵活性。在项目进行过程中,可以临时将适当职能单位的专家抽调到项目团队中,项目完成后,他们再回到原来的工作岗位。因为各职能部门的业务人员比较充足,人们可以比较容易地在各个项目之间转换角色。 2. flexibility

Maximum flexibility in the use of personnel. In the process of the project, experts from appropriate functional units can be temporarily transferred to the project team. After the project is completed, they will return to their original positions. Because there are enough business personnel in each functional department, people can easily switch roles among various projects. 3.业务专长


3. Business expertise

If the scope of the project is narrow, a functional unit will take the main responsibility, and their business expertise will be developed in key parts of the project. 4.项目后过度容易

职能部门正常的职业升迁路线维持不变。由于专家对项目的贡献巨大,所以他们的职能领域就是他们职业的根据地,是其职业发展与进步的核心。 4. Too easy after the project

The normal career promotion route of functional departments remains unchanged. Due to the great contribution of experts to the project, their functional areas are their career bases and the core of their career development and progress. 当项目设计的范围较宽,一个职能部门不可能对项目的技术及管理承担主要领导责任时,些不足将尤为明显。 1.缺乏重点


1. Lack of focus

Each functional unit has its own core routine business. Sometimes, in order to fulfill its main responsibilities, it ignores the responsibilities of the project. 2.整合不利


2. Disadvantageous integration

Integration between functional units can be very poor, and experts in each functional area tend to focus on only those parts of the project they are responsible for rather than the whole project. 3.缓慢

在这种职能安排下,项目的完成一般需要更长的时间,主要是因为反应时间长——-项目的信息与决策必须在常规的管理渠道内传递。另外,因为缺乏横向的直接沟通,在专家了解事实真相后往往已经做来很多重复性工作 sluggish


项目参与者的动机不够强,他们认为项目是一项额外的负担,与职业发展和晋升无直接关系。而且,因为专业人士只负责项目的某一部分,他们并不认同整个项目,所有权的缺乏不利于人们对项目相关活动的全力投入。 4. Lack of ownership

The motivation of project participants is not strong enough, they think that the project is an additional burden, which has no direct relationship with career development and promotion. 专业团队的优势和劣势


1. Simple 2. Fast 3. High cohesion 4. Cross functional integration 1.昂贵2.内乱3.技术专长不足4.项目过渡困难

1. Expensive 2. Civil strife 3. Insufficient technical expertise 4. Difficult project transition


普遍优点:General advantages 1.有效率

和职能部门一样,资源可以在多个项目中共享。 2.突出项目重点

具有一个正式的指定的项目经理会使项目重点更加突出,这有助于用整体性方法来解决问题 3.项目后过渡容易

由于项目组织被加载到职能部门之上,项目有合理的理由获取职能部门全部技术和专家支持。 4.灵活

矩阵安排可以使企业内部资源和专家得到灵活利用。 矩阵组织的缺点: 1.功能失调冲突

矩阵结构可能造成拥有关键技能与知识的职能经理和项目经理之间的紧张局面。 2.内斗

任何情况下的跨项目共享设备、资源和人员,都会导致冲突和对稀缺资源的争夺 3.压力感

矩阵管理与统一指挥的管理原则相违背 4.缓慢


