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#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《十组易混形容词_副词用法辨析》,欢迎阅读!



[1 (2010年全国卷II高考)The island is_attractive in spring and autumn because of thepleasant weather in both seasons.

A. partly B. merely C. nearly D. equally 【分析】选D。均可表示“近乎、几乎”,但用法不尽相同。almostno/any/never搭配;nearly则最常与数词连用,与not连用构成not nearly,或与very/s。连用;hardly否定,“几乎不”;merely表示“仅仅”;equ曲表示“同样地、同等地”

I almost/nearly didn't get up in time. 我差点儿没及时起床。

There were nearly 200 people at the meeting. 与会人员接近200人。

He was very nearly caught.他险些被抓住。

Almost no one believed him.IL乎没有人相信他。 It's not nearly as hot as last year.不如去年那么热。

Hardly anybody came to the party.几乎没什么人来参加晚会。

I wasn't blaming anyone; I merely said errors likethis could be avoided. 我不想责备任何人。我只想说像这样的错误可以避免。 二、曾经:ever/since/once

[2 } (2006年广东省高考)I thought she was amous, but none of my friends have_heard of her.

A. even B. ever C. just D. never

【分析】选B o ever用于否定句、疑问句和if从句中,表示“曾经”,时态不定;since用作副词表示“从那以后”,使用完成时;once“曾经”,使用过去时,描述过去一度发生的动作或状态。

Have you ever thought of changing your job? 你曾考虑换工作没有?

We were divorced two years ago and she has sinceremarried. 两年前我们分手,尔后她又再婚。

This book was famous once, but nobody reads it to-day. 这本书名噪一时,但现在很少人阅读。 三、已经:already}ust/yet

【例3 j (2011高考模拟题)We have_ to decide what action to take. It depends on the situation.

A. yet B. still C. already D. ever

l分析1Ao have yet to d。同have not done表“尚未做”already通常用于肯定句中,也可用在疑问句中,常暗示说话人的“惊奇”“意外”;yet用于否定句表“还,尚”,用于疑问句中表“已经”,用于肯定句表“仍然,还”;just表示“刚刚”,在英式英语中使用完成时,而在美式英语中则使用一般过去时。

I just got some bad news.(AmE)I've just had somebad news.(BrE) 我刚知道坏消息。

There are about five million species in the oceansand we have yet to learn much about them.

海洋中有五百万物种,对此我们还有很多有待了解。 }'e got there early but Mike had already left.

我们去得很早,但迈克在我们之前早就离开了。 I haven't received a letter from him yet. 我现在还没收到他的来信。


[4 } (2007年湖北省高考)She devoted her-self__to her research and it earned her a good reputation in her field.

A. stronB. extremely C. entirely D. freely


Broadly speaking, I would agree with Shirley, thoughnot entirely. 大体上讲,我赞成雪丽,但并非全部。

The great success of this programme has been large1y due to the support given by the local businessmen.

这个项目的巨大成功主要源于当地商人的支持。 She found it extremely difficult to get a job. 她发现找一份工作极其艰难。 五、相当:rather/fair)retty/quite

[5 j (2009年天津市高考)It was a nice house,but_too small for a family of five. A. rarely B. fairly C. rather D. pretty


It was quitelrather a (rather)fairly/pretty difficult question. 这是一个很棘手的问题。

-What do you think of that girl?那女孩怎样?

-She is rather too be sure of herself:她过于自信。

After two year's research, we now have a rather better understanding of the disease. 通过两年的研究,现在我们对这种病有更深的理解。 He was conscious that he was talking rather too much. 他意识到他太絮叨。


【例6 ) (200年天津市高考)A new_ bus service to Tianjin Airport started to operate two months ago.

A. normal B. usual C. regular D. common

【分析】选C o normal正常的,描述预料之中常规事物;usual像往常,寻常的;regular定期的,有规律的。

He should be able to lead a perfectly normal life. 他应该能过上正常人的生活。 She sat in her usual seat at the back. 她坐在她往常坐的后排座位上。 He was a regular visitor to her house. 他是她家的常客。


[7J (2006年湖北省高考)fm certain David'stold you his business troubles._it's no secret that he owes a lot of money to the bank.

A. However B. Anyway C. Therefore D. Though

【分析】选Bo anyway表示让步,含义很多,不管怎样、不论如何、话又说回来等;however表转折,然而。二者均可用作连接副词,置于句首用逗号与主句隔开。

Tom didn't get the job, but he's not worried because it didn't pay well anyway. 汤姆没有得到这份工作,但他并不焦虑。话又说回来,工作薪水也不高。

We sometimes blame others for not understandingwhat we say. More often than not, however, people couldn't understand us because we didn't make ourselves clear.

我们常责备他人没理解我们。情况恰恰相反的是我们没有表达清楚所说的意思。 八、不过:though/still

【例8J (2010年浙江省高考)Playing on a frozen sports field sounds like a lot of fun. Isn't it rather risky,_.

A. though B. also C. either D. too

【分析】Ao though作副词讲,常置于句末用逗号隔开,“不过”;still也可表转折,译作“不过”,但用于句首,用逗号与主句隔开。 I see your view of point; still, I won't agree with you.


There are two heart attacks in a year. It hasn't stopped him smoking, though 一年两次心脏病发作,可是那也没让他把烟戒掉。 九、微:slightly/narrowly

[s) (200年天津市高考)The final score of thebasketball match was 93-94.We were only_beaten.

A. nearly B. slightly C. narrowly D. lightly

【分析】选C o slightly稍微、稍许,表示程度不是很强;narrowly险些,差点,表示庆幸。

-Are you worried?担忧吗? -Only slightly.有点。

We narrowly missed hitting the other car.我们差一点撞上另一辆汽车。 十、大概:probably/possibly/likely/perhaps

【例10(2010年陕西省高考)Studies show thatpeople are moreto suffer from back problems ifthey always sit before computer screens for long hours. A. likely B. possible C. probable D. sure [分析]A o perhaps , possibly , maybe可以通用。perhaps是英式英语maybe是美式英语,在口语中常用,且多置于句首。possibly常和情态动词连用。probablymost likely可能性最大,而likely作副词讲,主要用在most , very后。 I'd likely have done the same thing in your situation.


Could you possibly take care of my dog while I'maway? 我外出时,请你帮忙照看一下我的狗好吗?

(Maybe)This is perhaps her finest novel yet.这也许



