
2022-09-27 01:05:24   文档大全网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ]

#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《既是形容词也是副词的英语单词》,欢迎阅读!

-CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1

(一) late/lately late 意为迟,晚,置于句末或动词后。He goes to bed late and gets up late.lately 意为近来,最近,相当于 recently ,可置于句首也可置于句末。Lately I've collected a lot of foreign stamps.

(二) pretty/prettily pretty rather very 相近,意为相当,十分It's pretty cold outdoors today.prettily 意为漂亮地,有礼貌地She was prettily dressed at the party.

(三) hard/hardly hard 意为努力地,猛烈地It is raining hard.hardly 意为几乎不,简直不,常置于行为动词前或情态动词、助动词、系动词之后。I was so tired that I could hardly walk.

(四) new/newly new 作副词一般用在某些合成词中,常与过去分词构成合成形容词,两个词之间有连字符。a new-born babya new-laid eggnewly 意为新近,一般用于修饰过去分词,中间无连字符。They are a newly married couple.Don't sit on the newly painted chair.

(五) easy/easily easy 作副词意义和 easily 相同,但它仅用于某些惯用语中。如: Take it easy. 别着急。Easy come easy go. 来得容易,去得快。Easier said than done. 说来容易做来难。Stand easy 稍息!Easily 意为容易地,轻松地,随便地He lots his temper easily. 他很容易发火。

(六) firm/firmly firm firmly 意义相同,它仅用于与某些动词的习惯搭配中。如: hole firm stand firm .Whatever they may say I'll stand firm by you. 论他们说什么,我都会坚定地站在你身边。firmly 意为牢牢地,坚定地,可放在动词前,也可放在动词后。I firmly believe in his leadership.我坚信他的领导。“We won't give in” he said firmly.“我们决不投降。他坚定地说。

(七) deep/deeply deep 意为深深地时主要表示具体可感的深度,一般不放在实义动词前。He went deep into the water.They dug deep for the treasure.deeply 深深地,深入地常用于表示抽象的概念,用于引申义,动词之后或过去分词之前。He was deeply moved by their story.

(八) direct/directly direct 意为直接地,一直地,它多用来表示时间或路程,不能置于动词前。He flew direct to New York.他直接飞往纽约。directly 可表直接地,直率地,直截了当地,马上等意。He drove directly to school.He answered me directly.他直率地回答了我的问题。

(九) loud/loudly loud 作副词意为大声地,常与 talk speak sing laugh 等词连用,它不能置于动词前。They laughed loud and long.他们大声笑了很久。Facts speak louder than words.事实胜于雄辩。loudly 表示杂、乱、大的声音。The bomb exploded loudly.She cried loudly.


(十) most/mostly most 作副词,意为最,非常,修饰动词时,不能置于动词和宾语之间。I like swimming most.mostly 意为绝大多数,大部分地,主要。如:The students are mostly from the countryside. =Most of the students are from the countryside.The medicine is mostly sugar and water.这种药的主要成分是糖和水。

(十一) first/firstly first 意为首先,起初,开始时,第一次First I'd like to make a self-introduction.首先,我想做一下自我介绍。When did you first meet们最初什么时候见的面firstly 意为第一,首先,用于例举事物或理由。Firstly she didn't graduate. Secondly she meant to live with her parents.

(十二) high/highly high 用来表示具体高度、上升的幅度。This kind of bird flies high.另外,它与某些词搭配也可表示抽象意义。如: aim high (目标

高), live high (过富裕生活)。highly 含有比喻义,意为高度地,非常地修饰动词、过去分词、形容词。This method is highly effective.这种方法非常有效。The little boy was highly praised for what he had done.这小孩儿因其所作所为受到人们的高度赞扬。

(十三) close/closely close 意为接近,靠近,挨近,多用于描述两物体之间距离上的变化。He was told to stand close to the wall.有人告诉他靠墙站着。He went closer to her.他向她挨得更近了一些。closely 常用于比喻意,表示仔细地,紧密地,严密地They were closely united around the Partly.他们紧紧地团结在党的周围。The baby was closely looked after by her mother.这个婴儿被她母亲紧紧地看护着。

(十四) wide/widely wide 意为广大地,广阔地,全部地,主要指具体范围,只能放在所修饰的动词的后面。The doctor told her to open her mouth

wide.He travels far and wide.他去过很多地方。wide 有时也可用于表示程度,相当于“ completely ”。如: He was wide awake. = He was completely awake. 他睡意全无。widely 意为广泛地,大大地,用于引申义。As a writer he is widely known.作为一名作家,他远近闻名。They differ widely on this point.在这一点上他们的意见迥异。

(十五) slow/slowly slow 作副词仅和 go drive pass 等动词连用,且只能用在动词后面。Tell the driver to go slower.How slow time passesslowly slow 思相同,前者可用于引申义,且比 slow 用得更广泛,置于谓语动词前后均可。He slowly realized his mistake.Slowly the water in the tube turned green.

(十六) near/nearly near 意为在附近,临近,接近,仅置于动词后。Easter draws near. 复活节快要到了。另外它也可用在下面一些短语中,如:as near as = nearlynear at hand = within easy reachcome near to = almostfar and near = everywherenearly 意为几乎,差不多The job was nearly finished before he came.工作快要做完的时候他才来。


