[2010.12.16] An affair to remember 难以忘却的事件 经济学人

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[2010.12.16] An affair to remember 难以忘却的事件

IRVING PICARD, the court-appointed trustee overseeing the Madoff estate’s bankruptcy, has earned his year-end break. December 11th, the second anniversary of Bernie Madoff’s arrest for perpetrating the largest financial fraud in history, was also the deadline for lawsuits to help recoup investors’ losses. Mr Picard has been furiously busy, firing off dozens of lawsuits seeking a total of around $50 billion for investors who lost money in Mr Madoff’s Ponzi scheme.

时至年末,麦道夫财产清算事宜法定受托人艾尔文皮卡德终于可以松口气了。1211是史上最大金融诈骗案主谋伯尼麦道夫(Bernie Madoff)逮捕两周年的日子,也是投资提请赔付损失诉讼的截止日。在此之前,皮卡德忙坏了,由他经手的麦道夫庞氏骗局索赔额高达500亿美元。

Mr Picard’s deep-pocketed targets include some of Wall Street’s top brass, among them JPMorgan Chase, UBS, HSBC, Citigroup and Merrill Lynch (now part of Bank of America). The lawsuits charge them with either failing to spot the fraud or, in some cases, knowingly facilitating it. One $9 billion lawsuit asserts that HSBC twice hired KPMG, an accounting firm, to probe Mr Madoff, but that the bank failed to act when concerns were raised. Another suit takes aim at Medici Bank, an Austrian bank run by Sonja Kohn, whom Mr Picard describes as Mr Madoff’s “criminal soul mate”. The banks and Ms Kohn deny any wrongdoing, but investors’ losses could still fall substantially if banks choose to settle. Mr Picard has already recovered around $2.5 billion, including some $470m in a settlement with Union Bancaire Privée, a Swiss bank which sent clients in Mr Madoff’s direction.

皮卡德的目标还包括一些财大气粗华尔街巨头,如JP摩根大通、瑞银、汇丰、花旗和美林(目前是美国银行的一部分)。这些银行罪名是失察,也有人起诉它们有意助纣为虐。有一90亿美元的诉讼称,汇丰两次聘请毕马威会计师事务所审调查道夫,却对查出的疑点无动于衷。另一桩诉讼将矛头指向了奥地利美第奇银行Medici Bank该银行老板颂雅考恩Sonja Kohn)曾被皮卡德称为麦道夫的犯罪知己。上述银行和考恩均否认所有指控,但即使最后以庭外和解收场,投资者也能追回不少损失。皮卡德已经追回大约25亿美元,其中光是瑞士联合私人银行(Union Bancaire Privée,为麦道夫招揽了不少客户)就为庭外和解支付了4.7亿美元。

Investigators are still trying to work out who else at Mr Madoff’s firm might have had a hand in the affair. Mr Madoff, who was sentenced in 2009 to 150 years in prison, has adamantly maintained he acted alone. That has not spared others from suspicion. On December 11th one of his two sons, Mark, committed suicide after two years of investigations into his knowledge of the fraud (which he denied) and more of Mr Picard’s lawsuits, the latest of which targeted his children. 调查者仍在努力查证麦道夫的公司中的其他涉案者。麦道夫已于2009年被判150年监禁,但他一口咬定自己是单干的。即便如此,也不能使其他人撇清干系。1211日,麦道夫的两个儿子之一马克(Mark)自杀。马克两年来一直在接受诈骗案知情(被他否认)调查最近还卷入了皮卡德的其他诉讼案中。麦道夫子女是皮卡德目前的主要诉讼对象。

Even as they wait to recover their money, the victims also run the risk of settling too soon. Some distressed-debt firms are offering to buy claims from them at a reduced rate. Cash-strapped investors may find this offer appealing, but could regret it if Mr Picard recovers lots of assets later.

Nobody wants to be swindled twice. 尽管投资者翘首盼望追回自己的钱,但动作过猛也许未必是件好事。一些困境债务投资公司正以较低的利率向他们购买索偿权。手头紧的投资者或许会觉得这是笔划算的买卖,但要是皮卡德此后追回大笔损失,他们就得追悔莫及了。没人愿意被骗两次。

