
2022-08-13 06:03:15   文档大全网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ]

#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《中英文条款名称》,欢迎阅读!
地面电站 分布式电站 扩展条款:

1、重置价值条款 Reinstatement Value Clause

2、自动恢复保险金额条款 Automatic Reinstatement of Sum Insured Clause 3自动升值扩展条款(保险金额的10%Escalation Extension Clause(10% of the sum insured) 4、增加资产扩展条款(保险金额的10% Capital Additions Extension Clause (10% of the sum insured)

5清理残骸费用扩展条款(保险金额的20% Debris Removal Expenses Extension Clause(20% of the sum insured)

6、额外费用条款(保险金额的15%Extra Charges Extension Clause(15% of the sum insured) 7500Professional Fees Clause (Sub-limit: RMB5,000,000)

8、时间调整条款 72小时 Time Adjustment Clause- 72 Hours 9公共当局条款Public Authority Extension Clause 10、恶意破坏条款 Malicious Damage Clause 11建筑物变动扩展条款工程造价不超过人民币500万元)Alteration of Building Clause (the total contract value shall not exceeding RMB5,000,000)

12、临时移动扩展条款Temporary Removal Extension Clause 13财产临时移出场所条款

14、临时保护措施扩展条款Temporary Protection Extension Clause 15、自燃扩展条款Spontaneous Combustion Extension Clause 16、自动喷淋水损条款Sprinkler Leakage Damage Extension Clause

17、地震条款A(限额80%,免赔40万或5%) Earthquake Extension Clause (A

The limit of indemnity under this Clause for any one occurrence shall not exceed 80% of the sum insured.

The deductible under this Clause for any one occurrence shall not be less than RMB400,000. 00 or 5% of adjusted loss, whichever is the greater.

18、烟熏扩展条款Smoke Damage Extension Clause

19租用的设备及财产条款Hired & Non-owned Property Clause

20、灭火费用扩展条款(每次事故赔偿限额为保险金额的25%Extinguishing Expenses & Liability Clause

21、盗窃扩展条款Theft & Robbery clause 22污闪、雾闪损失条款

23、成对或成套设备条款Pair & Set Clause

24、供应中断扩展条款Supply Failure Extension Clause (A) 25、露天存放及简易建筑内财产扩展条款

Property in the Open or Simple Building Extension Clause

26建筑物外部附属设施扩展条款Outside Ancillary Devices of Building Extension Clause 27、水箱、水管爆裂扩展条款Bursting of Water Tank or Water Pipe Extension Clause 28、便携式设备扩展条款Portable Devices on Premises Extension Clause 29、突然意外污染责任条款Accidental Pollution Clause 30、紧急抢险条款Emergency Rescue Clause

31、玻璃破碎扩展条款Breakage of Glass Extension Clause

32、起重、运输机械扩展条款Hoisting and Transport Machinery Extension Clause 33、雇员个人物品扩展条款Personal Effects of Employees Extension Clause 34液体渗漏条款(赔偿限额人民币200万元) 35报案时间延迟条款 36索赔费用条款 Sue & Labor Clause


如发生保险责任范围内的损失,被保险人为抗辩、保护或追讨保险财产而依法必须进行的诉讼,不应影响本保单条款的效力;同样,被保险人或保险人为追偿、保护或保存保险财产而采取的行动也不应视为放弃或接受受损保险财产残余部分的权利。 由此产生的费用按被保险人与保险人各自利益的比例分摊。

37、不可控制条款No Control Clause

38、放弃代位求偿权条款Waiver of Subrogation Extension Clause 39、错误及遗漏条款Error and Omissions Clause 40、不可撤销条款Non-Cancellation Clause

41、预付赔款条款(损失金额的50%Payment on Account Clause 42、指定公估人条款Nomination of Loss Adjusters Clause 43免检条款(不超过人民币50万元) 44、索赔单据条款Documents Clause

45、罢工、暴动及民众骚乱条款Strike Riot and/or Civil Commotions Extension Clause 46放弃比例分摊条款85%(万一被保险人不足额比例在85%以内,赔偿按足额赔) 85% Co-insurance Clause

