【#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《英语中常见的定语后置现象》,欢迎阅读!

一、由some-, any-, every-, no-等加上-one, -body, -thing等所构成的复合不定代词的定语必须后置。例如:
Is it anything new in today’s newspaper? 今天的报纸上有些新东西吗? There’s nobody strange here. 这儿没有生人。 二、短语作定语时要后置。例如:
He is a boy about 10 years old. 他是个十岁左右的男孩。(表示计量结构的短语) He carries a girl 1.8 meters tall. 他背着个1.8米高的女孩子。(表示计量结构的短语) The men over there are our teachers. 那边的男士是我们的老师。(介词短语) It’s a bag full of money. 这是个装满了钱的包。(形容词短语) 三、不定式作定语时要后置。例如:
I have much housework to do on weekends. 周末,我有很多家务活要做。 Do you have enough food to last a week? 你有足以维持一周的食物吗? 四、afraid, alive, alone, awake等表语形容词作定语时要后置。例如: People alive were not afraid any longer.活着的人再也不害怕了。 Are you the only man awake then? 那时,你是唯一清醒的人吗?
五、形容词所修饰的词前面有用以加强语气的the one,the only, the very等词语时须后置。例如:
Is that the one thing helpful? 那是唯一有用的东西吗?
You said the very sentence useful finaly. 最后你终于说到点子上了。
六、形容词修饰作名词作用的somewhere,anywhere, everywhere,nowhere等时,也须后置。例如:
Let’s go somewhere quiet. 我们到安静点的地方去吧。
There is nowhere better to sleep. 没有比这更好的睡觉的地方了。
七、here, there, in, out, above, below, abroad, before, today, yesterday,home等副词充当定语时,也要后置。例如:
Have you read the newspaper today? 你看了今天的报纸吗?
The sentence below is very important. 下面的这个句子非常重要。 八、被其他词语修饰的形容词作定语时,往往要后置。例如:
Chinese is a language easy to learn but difficult to master. 汉语是一门易学却难以掌握的语言。
We found a rope long enough. 我们找到了一根够长的绳子。
You can ask somone else. 你可以问问别人。
Have you looked for it anywhere else? 你到别处找过吗? What else did they say? 他们还说过什么?
People old and young love him very much. 老老少少的人都非常喜欢他。 十一、定语从句要后置。例如:
Do you know the old man who lives in the little house? 你认识住在那栋小房子这个老人吗?
The house whose windows are broken has been empty. 窗户全坏了的这栋房子已经空了。