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#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《消失的马航》,欢迎阅读!

The Malaysia Airlines disappearance 消失的马航 Confusion reigns 一头雾水

A riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside a lot of speculation 疑云笼罩的谜题,各种猜测不断

Mar 15th 2014 | SINGAPORE | From the print edition Still nothing

1 IT HAS been a dreadful week of mounting anguish, despair and frustration for the families and friends of the 239 passengers, most of them Chinese, on board Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, missing since the early hours of March 8th. The last contact with the Boeing 777 was as it crossed into Vietnamese airspace over the South China Sea on a scheduled flight from the Malaysian capital, Kuala Lumpur, to Beijing. As The Economist went to press, not a trace had been found, though on March 13th China released satellite images taken three days earlier of apparent debris on the sea not far from where the plane disappeared.

38日凌晨消失的马航MH370载有239名乘客,其中大多数是中国人。这些乘客的亲友度过了煎熬的一周,痛苦和绝望感越来越强烈。这架波音777预定从马来西亚首都吉隆坡Kuala Lumpur)起飞前往北京,最后一次联络是在穿过中国南海上空的越南领空时。313日中国发布了拍摄于三天前的卫星图片图片显示在飞机消失不远处的海域有明显的残骸。但截至本期经济学人付印时,还是没有飞机的任何线索。

2 At the latest count 42 ships and 39 aircraft from a dozen countries have taken part in one of the most intensive searches ever undertaken, scouring nearly 27,000 square nautical miles (93,000 square kilometres) of the South China Sea and even the Andaman Sea. The failure to find any wreckage or the aeroplane’s flight-recorder means there are no clues, as yet, as to what happened. That in itself is unusual. Disappearances in mid-flight are rare because the plane’s altitude and speed usually give pilots time to react to problems. The loss of the Malaysian plane is being compared to the Air France Airbus A330 which disappeared in 2009 in mid-flight between Rio de Janeiro and Paris. In that disaster its pilots struggled with mechanical failure.

最新统计显示,在这次迄今最为密集的搜索中,12个国家的42艘轮船和39架飞机参与,搜寻了中国南海和安达曼海Andaman Sea27,000平方海里93,000平方千米)的海域。没有找到飞机残骸和飞行记录器,也就是说没有线索说明发生了什么。这一事实从其本身来说就很不寻常。飞机在飞行途中消失的情况很少见,因为飞机的飞行高度和速度一般能给飞行员足够的时间处理问题。马航被拿来与2009年从里约热内卢飞往巴黎途中的消失的法航空中巴士A330相比较。法航灾难是由于机械故障。

3 In the absence of facts, speculation rules. Many at first suspected terrorism, especially when it emerged that two travellers had booked onto the flight together and had checked in using stolen passports. (The use of stolen travel documents by asylum-seekers or criminals is common in Asia, and Interpol has criticised many authorities’ inadequate checking of its database of stolen

passports.) But in a hijack, pilots should have time to send out a distress signal. And it soon emerged that the two were Iranians apparently seeking asylum in Europe via Beijing, with no known links to terrorism. Some Chinese privately suspected ethnic-Uighur Muslim terrorists from the restless region of Xinjiang in the west of China. The authorities had blamed extremists from there for a knife attack at a railway station on March 1st in which at least 29 people were killed. Yet Uighur militants have never shown the organisation or ambition for airborne terrorism. And no credible outfit has claimed responsibility.


4 As for the possibility of sudden structural failure, the Boeing 777 is one of the world’s safest planes. Of just three significant accidents and three fatalities in 18 years of service, none was caused by the airframe. The missing aircraft had recently passed a maintenance check.


5 For the relatives and friends of the missing passengers and 12 crew, it has been harrowing. The Malaysian authorities have released much confusing information. In Beijing families have been holed up at a hotel near the airport. There relatives have expressed growing frustration, despite Chinese officials taking pains from the start to show concern for their nationals. Chinese authorities have publicly hectored their Malaysian counterparts to search harder. They have made much of the resources they are sending to the region. Conflicting statements about the plane’s flight path, China’s foreign ministry said, were “pretty chaotic”.


飞行数据记录器(Flight Data RecorderFDR)能记录飞机的系统工作状况和引擎工作参数等飞行参数,内容包括:空中飞行速度、高度、航向、发动机推力资料、俯仰与滚动资料纵向加速度资料及许多参数资料根据美国联邦航空局对飞行数据记录器的最低要求,必须包括压力高度、空速、磁航向、加速度及经过时间等5项,除了上述五项,美国联邦航空局另外再要求俯仰姿态、滚转姿态、发动机动力及襟翼的位置。计录器是由马达带动的8条磁


