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《高一英语(人教版)-必修二 Unit 4 History And Traditions (4)》
1. 获取梳理对话中有关平遥旅行经历的事实性信息; 2. 推断对话中的人物对旅行的感受; 3. 角色扮演,分享平遥旅行经历及感受;
4. 介绍自己参观过的一处历史遗迹并表达感受。
【课上学习任务】 Warming up
1. Have you ever been to Pingyao?
2. What is your impression of it?
3. Can you mention some of the places of interest or historic sites there?
1. Textbook P43 Exercise 1. 2. Textbook P43 Exercise 2.
3. How did Paul and Xiao Yan feel?
(1). Pingyao has a long history—over 2,000 years. Xiao Yan sounded . (2). Oh, cool, that’s one of my favourite places. Xiao Yan sounded . (3). I couldn’t believe how big and lifelike they were. Paul sounded . (4). Unfortunately, no. I just didn’t have the time. Paul sounded . (5). I just can’t get enough of those beef noodles. Paul sounded .
What were mentioned when they talked about Pingyao?
Take notes about how to talk about your trip. Step 1 Step 2 Step 3
1. Read the conversation between Paul and Xiao Yan aloud.
2. Make a presentation to introduce one of your trips to a historic destination. • Include at least three aspects we mentioned today. • Remember to add your true feelings about the trip.
【课后作业参考答案】 听力原文:
Xiao Yan: Hi, Paul. I’m sorry to hear you’re leaving tomorrow. So what did you make
of Pingyao?
Well, to be honest, when I first arrived, I was a little disappointed. I had expected something different. But then I walked into the old city. I was so amazed! It was like walking into history. So many beautiful buildings from the Ming and Qing dynasties …
Xiao Yan: Yes, Pingyao has a long history—over 2,000 years. It used to be a very
important banking center in China.
Yes, so I visited the Rishengchang Bank and learnt all about the Jin Businessmen. I’ve got to say though, it wasn’t as big as I had expected. But it was still interesting to learn about what banks were like almost 200 years ago.
Xiao Yan: Oh, well, what about the Ming-Qing Street—that’s pretty big. Some of the
snacks there are amazing!
Oh, that place, yes. But I had no idea there would be so many tourists! So I decided to leave and ride out to Shuanglin Temple.
Xiao Yan: Oh, cool, that’s one of my favourite places! It’s so peaceful out there. Paul:
Yeah, that place is really quiet. And some of those sculptures—wow! I couldn’t believe how big and lifelike they were.
Xiao Yan: Yes, they are amazing. So today you walked along the city wall, right? Paul:
Unfortunately, no. I just didn’t have the time. There’s so much more of Pingyao’s history to see.
Xiao Yan: Wow, I can’t believe you didn’t see the wall! You have to stay longer, Paul.
Oh, don’t worry. I’ll be back in Turtle City one day—I just can’t get enough of those beef noodles!