对联来历 英文版

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对联来历 Poetic couplet

新春佳节,千家万户喜气洋洋,张灯结彩,对联更是人们习 以为常的必有之物。当然,对联并不一定只在春节使用。在乡 下,甚至婚丧嫁娶也要在门旁贴副对联,以渲染气氛。然而,假 如要问:对联产生于何时?它是怎么样产生的?或许许多人会瞠 目结舌,不甚了了。

The Spring Festival, thousands of households decorate, be bursting with happiness, poetic couplet is people learning that there will be things often. Of course, not only the use of poetic couplet in the spring festival. In the country, and even weddings and funerals will be posted at the door side poetic couplet, to render the atmosphere. However, if ask: poetic couplet produced when? It came about? Perhaps many people would stare mesh tongue, do.

这也难怪,虽然对联是中国的特产,且有着悠久的发展史, 许多对联作品至今脍炙人口,但是,有关研究联的作品却寥寥 无几,何况关于对联的发生、形成并非众口一辞!

This also no wonder, though the poetic couplet is China specialty, and has a long history of the

development, many works of poetic couplet still win universal praise, however, relevant research works of poetic couplet is few, and the occurrence of a poetic couplet, formation are not all say the same thing! 对联即楹联,又称楹帖,俗称对子,字数多少无 定规,要求对偶工整,平仄协调,是诗词形式的演变,加上优美 的书法,真可谓是一种特殊的艺术品。春联仅是对联中的一种, 春节期间贴在门上,表现人们喜迎新岁、向往幸福生活的美好愿 望。

Poetic couplet: "couplet", also called "Ying post", commonly known as "pairs", how many words without rules, requirement antithesis neat, tonal harmony, is the evolution of forms of poetry, plus elegant

calligraphy, it really is a kind of special art. Which is only a kind of poetic couplet, posted on the door during the Spring Festival, people celebrate the new year performance, happy life wish.

清人陈云澹《簪云楼杂话》记载:春联之设,自明太祖始。 帝都金陵,除夕传旨:公卿士庶家门上须加春联一副。《列朝诗 集》、周晖的《金陵琐事》以及乾隆年间长沙钱德苍的《解人颐》等笔记小说都有类似记载。如是说,春联被正式肯定和推广在明 代初年朱元璋时期,到现在不过五六百年之久。

The Qing Dynasty Chen Yundan "Dan Yun Lou miscellaneous words" records: "Spring Festival couplets which, since the Ming was. Jinling Royal Park, new year's Eve edicts: Gongqing Shishu door must add spring festival couplet one." "Lie Zhaoshi," Zhou Hui "and" Jinling trivia Qianlong Changsha Qian Decang's "people" and other notes novel solution we have similar records. As is said, which was officially affirmed and promoted in the Ming Dynasty and early Zhu Yuanzhang period, only five hundred or six hundred years.


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然而,人们都记得王安石那首著名的《元日》诗,诗云: 爆竹声中一岁除,春风送暖入屠苏。千门万户瞳瞳日,总把新 桃换旧符。这表明早在北宋时期我国人民就普遍地将春联作为 更新除旧、美化环境、渲染气氛、点缀生活的一种艺术形式。

However, people remember Wang Anshi's famous "Yuanri" poem, a poem: "a suichu fireworks, warm spring breeze into the tusu. Numerous households pupil pupil, the new peach for old symbol." This shows that in the early Northern Song Dynasty Chinese people generally will spring festival couplets as an art form with the exception of the old, beautify the environment, rendering the atmosphere, embellishment of life.

既然如此,那么春联产生于何时呢?北宋人张唐英《蜀祷 杌》说:蜀未归宋之前,昶令学土辛寅逊题桃符版于寝门,以 其词非工,自命笔云:新年纳余庆,佳节号长春。《宋史五行 志》和《宋史蜀世家》也是这样记载的。因此,人们普遍认为 五代时期后蜀主孟昶所题写的这副楹联是中国第一副春联。

If so, then the generation born in the spring? People in the Northern Song Dynasty Zhang Tangying

"prayer" Shu Wu said: "before the Shu song Chang did not return, make soil science Xin Yinxun title only version to come to his door, non workers, pretentious pen cloud: New Year Festival, Yuqing, changchun." "History of the Song Dynasty, records of the five elements" and "history of the Song Dynasty, Shu family" also records. Therefore, people generally think that this pair of couplets shuzhumengchang wrote five generation period is Chinese first deputy.

这个说法未免太绝对化了。据说,晋代著名书法家王羲之, 有一年春节前夕,先后写过几副对联贴在门上,都因字体妍美雅 丽、内容新颖而被人悄悄揭走。除夕将至,门上仍空无一字。王 羲之又精心构思一副而拦腰斩断,先分别贴出上半截,联云: 福无双至,祸不单行。这副不吉利的对联自然没有人去揭。 一黎明,王羲之又将截下的下半截分别接上。就成了福无双至 今朝至,祸不单行昨夜行的妙联。由此看来,春联早在五代前 就出现了。

This story is too absolute. Reportedly, the Jin Dynasty famous calligrapher Wang Xizhi, one year on the eve of the Spring Festival, has written several pairs of poetic couplet on the door, because font Yan Li, our new and was quietly removed away. New year's Day is approaching, the door is still empty. Wang Xizhi has crafted a pair Lanyao off, were posted on half, Lian Yun: "Felicity never turns out in pairs., Disasters pile up on one another." This pair of unlucky not to expose the nature of poetic couplet. Early dawn, Wang Xizhi will be the lower half section are respectively connected on the. A "Felicity never turns out in pairs. now and Disasters pile up on one another. last night," the wonderful joint. In view of this, Spring Festival couplets as early as five generations ago appeared.

春联仅是对联的一种,而对联早在唐代已风靡全国。《资治 通鉴》载:天宝元年,有人送给惯于玩弄权术排斥异己而又无德 无才的宰相李林甫一副对联,上联为口蜜;下联为腹剑 表明此时的对联已变成反映人政治倾向的一种文学形式了。


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Spring Festival couplets is a poetic couplet, and poetic couplet as early as the Tang Dynasty has swept the country. "Mirror" set: Tianbao the first year, someone gave a Machiavellian remove those who disagree with sb. without virtue only prime minister Li Linfu a poetic couplet, on the "honey"; the "abdominal sword". Show the poetic couplet has become a kind of literary form reflect people's political leanings. 其实,要说清楚对联起源于何时,必须辨明对联之所由生。

In fact, to say clearly poetic couplet originated when, must identify the poetic couplet the students.

在我国古代,有一种带有迷信色彩的风俗习惯,即挂 。据说桃木有压邪驱鬼的本领,古人在辞旧迎新之际,用桃 木板分别写上神荼郁垒二神的名字,或者用纸画上二神 的图像,悬挂、嵌缀或者张贴于门首,意在祈福灭祸。东汉应劭的《风俗通义》说:《黄帝书》称上古之时,兄弟二人,曰荼, 曰郁,住度朔山上桃树下,简百鬼,鬼妄榾入,援以苇索,执以 食虎。于是,县官以腊除夕,饰桃人垂苇索虎画于门,效前事 也。桃符最初书写二神的名字或描绘图像,后来演变为书写吉 祥语,进而发展成对偶的诗句,这就是造纸术产生之前的对联 了。同时,也说明至少在东汉时已盛行春节挂桃符的风俗。还有 人主张对联的起源应在距今两千年的春秋战国时代,理由是保存 此时资料的《山海经》也有此类记载。

In ancient China, there is a superstitious customs, which is linked to "peach". Said wood pressure evil

exorcism powers, the ancients in the new year, with peach wood respectively write "Tu", "Yu Lei" two God's name, or paper painting of the two God images, suspension, ornamented or posted on the door to pray, killing curse. The Eastern Han Dynasty should Shao "custom meaning" said: "the" Huangdi book "that the ancients, two brothers, said Shen, Yu said, live in the mountains of new on the peach tree, Jane ghost, ghosts have Gu, aid to reed cable, the fresh tiger. So, the county magistrate to wax on New Year's Eve, decorated peach vertical reed cable tiger painting on the door, before also." The first two words written the names of God or painted images, and later evolved into the writing auspicious words, and then developed into a dual lines, this was before papermaking produce poetic couplet. At the same time, also shows that at least in the Eastern Han Dynasty have been popular spring festival hanging Taofu customs. And the origin of people advocate poetic couplet should be in two thousand years ago in the spring and Autumn period, the reason is to save the data "ShanHaiChing" also have such records.

看来,对联究竟起源于何时,目前仍是中国文化史上的一个 谜。

It seems, poetic couplet exactly when the origin, remains a mystery China cultural history.


