高一英语牛津译林版必修第三册 Unit1 Nature in the balance 重点短语归纳

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Unit 1 Key phrases and expressions


1. in turn(P3) 相应地;转而 2. break down(P3) 使分解为,使变化成 3. breathe life into(P3) ...带来起色,注入活力 4. due to(P3) 由于,因为 5. build up(P5) 逐渐增加,扩大 6. come up with(P6) 想出,想到 7. call for(PP6) (公开)要求,需要 8. spring to mind(P8) 突然记起(想到) 9. get rid of(P11) 摆脱,丢弃,扔掉 10. give rise to(P13) 使发生(或存在) ·课文短语(149)

1. the human race 人类 2. do harm (to...) 对……造成伤害 3. sound the alarm 发出警报,敲警钟 4. natural wonders 自然奇观 5. be home to 是……的家园/栖息地 6. a wide range of wildlife 各种野生动物 7. a natural treasure 一个自然宝藏 8. a huge sea of green 一望无际的绿色海洋 9. play a significant role in (doing) sth. 在…中起重要作用;在…中扮演重要角色 10. maintain the fine balance of the Earth’s ecosystem 维持地球生态系统的良好平衡 11. cross into eight countries 横跨八个国家 12. with an area of 面积为…… 13. half the size of ……大小的一半 14. in length 在长度上 15. one in ten 十分之一 16. an unbelievable variety of wildlife 种类多到令人难以置信的野生动物 17. beneath the ground 在地下 18. the towering ancient hardwoods 高耸的古老阔叶树 19. food chain 食物链 20. feed on... 以……为食 21. a tiny army of... 一小批 22. one major danger to... 一个主要危险 23. in danger of extinction 濒临灭绝 24. be left with a question 留下一个问题

25. afford to do sth. 有条件做某事;负担得起 26. be poor in nutrients(P5) 营养不良 27. for one thing 一则,其一;首先 for another thing 再则;另一方面;其次 28. take in 欺骗,使上当;吸收;理解 29. lock up 锁好,把……关入 30. make comparisons with 进行比较 31. leave out(P6) 省略;排除 32. global warming 全球变暖 33. greenhouse gases 温室气体

34. solutions to these problems 问题的解决办法 35. avoid doing sth. 避免做某事 36. at the beginning of... 在……开始的时候 37. make every effort to do sth.竭尽全力做某事 38. a forest clean-up activity 一个森林清理活动 39. (be) devoted to (doing sth) 致力于(做某事) 40. What if 如果……怎么办 41. divide... into... 把……分成…… 42. clean up 打扫,清扫,清理 43. cause increasing harm to...(P8) 对……造成越来越大的伤害

44. a fearsome hunter 一个可怕的猎人/猎手

45. have the greatest impact on... 对……有最大的影响/冲击 46. animal populations 动物种群 47. bring...close to extinction 使……濒临灭绝 48. go extinct 灭绝,走向灭绝 49. destroy animal habitats 破坏动物栖息地 50. leave many animals with nowhere to live

让许多动物无处栖身 51. put animals in danger 动物置于危险之中 52. hunt endangered animals 猎杀濒危动物

53. create well-planned and well-managed protected areas 创建规划良好、管理完善的保护区 54. at risk(P10) 有风险的;在危险中 55. call on people to do sth. 号召 56. a local resident(P11) 一位当地居民

57. Environmental Protection Committee


58. have significant environmental costs


59. heavy industry factories 重工业工厂 60. enjoy outdoor activities 享受户外活动 61. colour the sky a smoky grey


62. for health and safety reasons alone

仅出于健康和安全原因 63. protest against... 抗议

64. tend to 倾向于,往往……

65. connect with 把……和……联系起来 66. pictures of clouds of dirty smoke


67. make huge profits 牟取暴利 68. in defence of... ①保卫,捍卫 ②为……辩护69. point out 指出

70. be deeply concerned about... 深深地担忧 71. take various measures 采取各种各样的措施 72. in the production process 生产过程中 73. draw one’s attention to... (P12) 引起关注 74. the economic benefits 经济利益 75. on the rise 在上升,在增加

76. search for ways to fight the problem 寻找办法解决问题

77. achieve a balance (between... and...)

(在…和…之间)实现平衡 78. make policies 制定政策

79. work hand in hand with other branches of government 与政府其他部门携手合作 80. development strategies 发展策略 81. in an environmentally friendly way

用环保的方式 82. a community-wide effort 社会共同努力

83. follow the golden rule 遵循黄金法则 84. save energy 节约能源

85. a former UN official 一位前任联合国官员 86. lift people out of poverty 使人们摆脱贫困 87. advance economic growth 促进经济增长 88. aim for economic development


89. build a human community with a shared future mankind 构建人类命运共同体 90. habitat loss(P13) 栖息地丧失 91. interact with others 与他人互动

92. make eye contact with others 眼神交流 93. large amounts of 大量的(修饰不可数名词) 94. have a long-lasting effect on...


95. poisonous chemicals 有毒的化学物质 96. give rise to public health problems


97. prevent further damage to...


98. volunteer to take part in clean-up activities 自愿参加清扫活动

