【#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《Hands up 举起手来》,欢迎阅读!
Hands up!
(密集枪声) 一位八路军战士A和另一位战士B边跑边向后开枪。A中弹,从怀里拿出文件对B说:
This paper is very important. You must give it to General Zhu De. Go! B不忍心丢下A说:No. Let’s go together! A: Go! Quickly! It’s too late. B: All right. Take care.
B只得独自离开。一群日本鬼子追过来。被A打死两个。A 也中弹牺牲。日本鬼子搜身没发现文件。指挥官龟田十分生气。
龟田:八嘎。We must find that paper. Or we will die. Who can? 鬼子甲乙站出来,行军礼:Sir, we can!
龟田:Ok. If you find the paper, I will give you a lot of money. 鬼子甲乙:Hey!
第二幕 战士B带伤躲避日本鬼子,来到一个农民家。(敲门声)农民开门。 农民女:Who’s there?
战士B:Oh. Madam. I am a red army soldier. The Japanese are looking for me. Can you help me? 农民:We want to help you but we can do nothing. I am sorry.
农民的儿子张嘎: No problem. We can help you. My name is 张嘎。Come in.
(鬼子进村音乐响起。两个鬼子端着枪伴着音乐声进场。把农民夫妇叫出来站好。) 鬼子甲:Where is the Chinese soldier? Tell us. Or I will kill you! 鬼子乙: Right. Mixi mixi!
(张嘎偷偷绕到鬼子背后。拿起一个扫把顶在鬼子背上说“ Hand up!”。鬼子以为是枪,吓得哆嗦。把枪也交给了张嘎。张嘎拿起枪一下崩掉两个鬼子。)大家把鬼子拖到一边离开了。 第三幕
三个日本兵出现。其中小指挥D说:Guitian is very angry. We must find the paper. Can we? 两个士兵齐答:‘Yes,we can.( 整队,出发。音乐鬼子进村响起。 动作整齐滑稽) 小兵张嘎发现鬼子来了,躲在路边学猫叫。鬼子停下了,惊恐地东张西望。然后 D:It’s just a cat. Don’t worry. Let’s go. (继续前进) E:Excuse me, Sir. I want to pee. D:Go ahead. But be quick.
丁走到一边小便。张嘎用弹弓“啪”打到他头上。丁立刻倒地。被拖走。 D看看手表对士兵F说:What’s wrong? Go and have a look.
F走过去,还没看清就被张嘎弹弓打晕。D发觉不对劲,刚拔枪出来,背后被张嘎用枪顶住。 张嘎:Hands up! 鬼子乖乖就范。
战士B和张嘎一家商量:I think lots of Japanese will come. We must be ready. I have some bombs. Let’s bury them on the road. They will kill many Japanese.
张嘎:Good idea. Let’s do it. (把气球放在地上,用布盖住。 大家躲起来) 王二小牵牛出场,《王二小》音乐响起。 龟田带大部队出场(举着太阳旗):八嘎。I will kill all the Chinese and get the paper. Come on! (鬼子进村音乐再次响起,鬼子队伍动作随音乐节奏进行,搞笑)
龟田凶狠地说:Where is the red army soldier? Tell me!
鬼子过来,踩到地雷。一时爆炸声四起,鬼子人仰马翻。剩余的爬起来还想抵抗。这时响起冲锋号。红军大部队赶来把鬼子团团围住(砍断太阳旗,立起红旗)。大家齐声说:Hands up! 鬼子狼狈地举起手被押走。 战士B拿出文件交给首长。“here is the important paper, sir.” 首长:Great! You did a good job. And you, Zhang Ga. 张嘎行军礼, 转向众人:Attention. Go. (打靶归来响起),队伍整齐离场。