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联系人担当着重要的角色,任何人要联络L或L要和其他人通讯,都必须透过他。联系人英文怎么说?本文是店铺整理的联系人的英文,欢迎阅读。 联系人英文怎么说
contacts; linkman 联系人双语例句
1. Please email us to be removed from our active list of blood donors.
2. The negotiator had not mentioned a driver, nobody had. 联系人原先没有提到过司机, 别人也没有提到过司机. 3. " Why the hell should he stick his neck out? " “ 那,联系人为什么要这样玩命哪? ”
4. The negotiator stays in our hands until you come back safe. 联系人在咱们手中攒着,你不回来,我们就不放他.
5. You'll get a better price from your shady contacts. 你一定能向你的秘密联系人卖到好价钱.
6. Act as liaison between customer and sales representative. 担任或充当客户与销售代表之间的中间人或联系人.
7. Tom Hagen said, " We don't let Mike go until we have the negotiator.
汤姆-黑根提醒说: “ 联系人不来,咱们是不能让迈克去的.
8. The physical address book, for example, stores names in alphabetical order by last name.
比如说, 通常的通信录以姓的首字母的顺序记录联系人. 9. Have you checked her contacts of the last month? 你查过她最近一个月的联系人没有?
10. Choose whether or not to display notices when your buddies come online.
11. Please assign a contact person and fill out the form below. 请指定一名联系人,并认真填写以下表格.
12. Be the key technical contact for customers and institutes. 作为与客户及设计院的主要技术联系人.
13. Should the Secondary Contact receive a copy of the quote?
第二联系人需要报价单 吗 ?
14. Her job is to liaise between students and teachers. 她的工作是做师生间的联系人.
15. This service synchronizes contacts between your desktop computer and your mobile device.