【#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《monsters中文翻译》,欢迎阅读!

1. "Monsters"可以指代各种形态的怪物,包括虚构的、神话的或现实中的怪物。
- The movie is about a group of adventurers fighting against terrifying monsters. (这部电影讲述了一群冒险者与恐怖怪物的斗争。)
- Chinese mythology is filled with stories about various monsters and spirits. (中国神话中有很多关于各种怪物和精灵的故事。)
2. "Monsters"也可用于比喻,表示可怕或恶劣的事物或人。
- Addiction can be a monster that destroys people's lives. (成瘾可以成为毁灭人生的怪物。)
- She had to face her inner monsters and overcome her fears. (她不得不面对内心的恶劣因素并克服自己的恐惧。)
3. "Monsters"还可以指人们认为具有恶劣品质或行为的人。
- He is regarded as a monster for his cruel treatment of animals. (因为他对待动物的残忍行为,他被认为是个怪物。) - The serial killer was described as a cold-hearted monster
by the media. (这个连环杀手被媒体形容为一个冷酷无情的怪物。)
4. "Monsters"在游戏、电影、文学等媒体中经常被用作角色或主题。 - In the game "World of Warcraft," players can encounter and battle various monsters. (在游戏《魔兽世界》中,玩家可以遭遇并与各种怪物战斗。)
- The movie "Monsters, Inc." tells the story of monsters who generate power through scaring children. (电影《怪兽电力公司》讲述了一群通过吓唬孩子产生能量的怪物的故事。)