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#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《AS的句法功能及其对等翻译》,欢迎阅读!

AS是一个多功能词,可作为代词、介词、连词和副词,常其它的词搭配构成短语,并引导各种从句,在句中起着不同的作用,句法功能也不近相同。本文从七个方面对AS 句法功能进行分析、定义其句法功能,及它在句子中作主语、主语补足语、宾语、宾语补足语、表语、状语、定语、同位语等成份,并给出对等的汉语译文。 一、 在句子中作主语和主语补足语 () AS作句子的主语

1 AS单独使用,起关系代词的作用,引导定语从句,并在从句中作主语。它代表所修饰的句子的意思,译为这个”“这一点等。

1 AS在非限制性定语从句中做主语,先行词不是某个名词,而是整个句子。

a) Slowly and carefully he made up his mind, as was his nature.(慢慢地但又仔细地下定决心,这是他的天性。

b) He, as is customary with him, goes to work at 7 o'clock in the morning(他早晨七点钟去上班,这是他的习惯。

c) It is absolutely wrong to think foreign languages useless, as quite a few people did before.(认为外语无用是绝对错误的,不少人过去有这种想法。

d)Gunpowder, as we all know, was invented in ancient China. (中国古代发明了火药,这点我们都知道) 2 AS + 过去分词 构成的省略定语从句中,AS作主语,倒替整个主句内容,译为正如等,其中常用的搭配有:

as already explained正如已解释过的 as previously stated如前所述 as shown in fig如图所示 如:a) As already stated ,friction is one of source of heat.正如已谈过的,磨擦作用是一种源。

b) A meter is supposed to be 1/10,000,000 of the distance between the equator and the North Pole, as measured on a meridian through Paris. (一米是为赤道和北极之间距离的一千万分之一,该距离是通过巴黎的子午线测定的。) As measured…相当于非限定性定语从句,从句中as作主语,as后省略了is

c)As seen from the earth, these planets appear to move in circles round the sun.


d) As announced in today’s papers, all the schools will reopen on 1 September.

(今天的报纸宣布,所有学校九月一日开课) As引导相当于插入语的定语从句,as代替整个主句内容,在从句中作主语,这时可译为正如……”等。如: a) As is known to us, inertia is an absolute quality possessed by all bodies.

(正如我们所知,惯性是所有物体都具有的一种绝对属性。 b) In electrical usage the term potential, as will be pointed out later, has a definite quantitative meaning(在电的应用方面,正如以后将要指出的那样,电这个词具有一定的数量意义。 c)She has married again, as was seemed natural. (她又结婚了,这似乎很自然)

Assuch, may等词连用,起关系代词作用、引导定语从句,并在从句中作主语。如:

a) As many books as are in the room have been made most use.(屋子里那么多书都已充分利用了。

b) Don't read such looks as will defile your mind. (不要读那些对你思想有害的书。

c) There are many looks as are needed.(凡是需要的书都有了。


或作主语的whichthat,as则必须与the same, such或另外一个as连用。译为正是就是如:

a) This is the same man as came yesterday. = (This is the same man who came yesterday.) (这就是昨天来的那个人。)

b) As many people as were present know the news. = (All the people that were present know the news.) (所有在场的人都知道这个消息。)

c) We need such teachers as can teach English. =(We need those teachers who can teach English.) (我们需要能教英语的老师。)


As独立地引导限制性定语从句,起关系代词作用,并在从句中作主语补足语,译为诸如。如:This improvement has led to the development of more complicated measuring instruments, or meters as they are called.(这项改进已导致更复杂的测量仪器,即人们所说的测量仪表的发展。

As指代meters, 在从句中担任主语补足语。


a) He was highly respected as a judge and as a man. (作为一个法官,作为一个人,他受到高度的尊敬。

b) Humour has been well defined as "thinking in fun while feeling in earnest." 幽默极人们巧妙地描绘成认真地感受,风趣地思考。


a) He is sometimes portrayed as belonging to another country.(有时他被描绘成一个外国人。

As + belonging短语说明主语“He "的情况。

b) He is well known as being very cunning(他素以狡猾见称。


a) For many scientific purposes the second is chosen as the unit of time.(在很多科学研究场合,选用秒作为时间单位。 b) Ice, liquid water and water vapor may be referred to as the same substance.(冰,液态水和水蒸汽可以看成是同一物质。

二、在句子中充当宾语和宾语补足语 (一) 作句子的宾语

(1) As 引导定语从句,起关系代词作用,在从句中作宾语。


a) The best method of treating motion is to consider motion of the center of mass and motion about the center of mass, as we shall see in future chapter.研究运动的最好的方法就是研究质量中心运动和绕质量中心的转动,在以下各章里我们将了解到这一点。

As在从句中作宾语,代替整个主句的内容,在从句中作shall see 的宾语。

b) He is very careful, as his work shows. = He is very careful, which his work shows(他很细心,他做的工作表明了这一点。

c) As I have often said, it was my old love.(正如我常常所说的,这是我最初的爱好。


a) Gases, as we known, expand more rapidly than solids when


they are heated.(正如我们所知,气体受热时比固体受热时膨胀更快。

b) The rate of doing work is called the power. As we have seen, it is equal to work divided by the time.做功的速率称为功率。正如我们已经知道的,功率等于功除以时间。

(2)Assuchthe same 等构成短语引导的从句中,as作宾语。

As在限制性定语从句中作宾语,相当于whom、作宾语的whichthat,但必须和the samesuch或另一个as连用。如: a) Is that the same man as you met on the road?

=Is that the same man whom you met on the road?)(那就是你在路是遇见的那个人吗?)

b) Such girls as XiaoWang knows think he is handsome.

(=Those girls whom Xiao Wang knows think he is handsome.)(小王认得的姑娘都认为他很英俊。

c) At this time of the day, all buses and trolleys have to carry as many passengers as they can carry.

(= At this time of the day, all buses and trolleys have to carry all the passengers that they can carry.)(每天这个时候,所有公共汽车和无轨电车都要尽可能多地运送乘客。

the same (...) as... "......一样的""......相同的"所构成的短语中, the same 词组在主句中是宾语,as在从句中一般也作宾语。如:

a) Heat radiation obeys the same laws as those of light.(热辐射与光所遵守的定律相同。

As引导的定语从句中省略了谓语obey, as obey的宾语。 b) X-rays have the same mature as visible light, but their wavelength is much less.


如在结构such+名词+as.........这样的中,such作定语, 修饰主句中某个名词,as是关系代词,引出定语从句,as在从句中作宾语。如:

a) Such instruments as you saw in the lab all homemade.(你在实验室里所看到的仪器都是国产的。 As代表instruments 在从句中作宾语。

b) We hope to get such a tool as he is using.(我们希望能得到一个象他正在用的那种工具。 As 代表tool,在从句中作宾语。 (二) 在句中作宾语补足语

(1) As引导定语从句,在从句中充当宾语补足语。如: a) The metallurgist has made iron into dozens of different metals or alloy steels, as we call them.冶金学家已用铁炼成了许多不同的金属,即我们所称呼的合金钢。

As引导定语从句,as在从句中作宾语补足语,代替alloy steels.

b) Things are not as they seem to be . (事情不是它们表面看起来那样) c)Let’s keep it as it is.


(2) As用作介词,意思为作为,它与名词所构成的短语,放在某些及物动词和某些带介词的动词之后,常常用作补足语。当这些动词为主动语态时,as引出的是宾语补足语。这类常见的动词有: ......当作...... ......称为...... refer to ......称为...... 认为............

如:a) The chemist writes table salt as Nacl. 化学家把食盐合成Nacl


b)In the previous chapter we have learned to look upon heat as a form of energy.


As和名词词组a form of energy一起作宾语补足语。


a) We regard the sun as the chief source of heat and light.我们把太阳看成主要的热源和光源。 b) We accept the condition as true. (人均承认这个结论是真实的。

c) His employer described him as lacking in initiative and drive.(他的主人说他缺乏魄力与干劲。 c) We can't regard the question as settled. (我们不能认为问题已经解决。


(1)as + be (also)+主语的结构中,as引导定语从句,替主句的部分谓语,起表语作用,而这种结构的从句常用倒装句型。一般译为......一样都......”如:

a) Air is attracted by the earth as is every other substance.(空气同任何其他物体一样,都受着地球的引力作用。

从句是倒装句,主语是substance,谓语是is as, as 作表语,它代替主句中的attracted by the earth.

b) Angular momentum is a vector quantity as are also angular velocity, angular acceleration and torque.(角动量是个矢量,速度和角加速和转矩也都是矢量。)

从句是倒装句,谓语是are as ,as代替主句中的表语a vector quantity.

c)The world is as a stage.(世界象是舞台)

(2) As单独使用作关联词,引导非限制性定语从句,as在从句中作表语,其先行词是主句中的某一部分。如: a) This problem is not easy to solve, as indeed it is.

(=This problem is not easy to solve, and indeed it is not easy to solve.) (这个问题不容易解决,也确实不容易解决。) As not easy to solve,在从句中作is的表语。

b) He is again deeply absorbed in his work, as he often is.

(=He is again deeply absorbed in his work, and he often is deeply absorbed in his work.)


Asdeeply absorbed in his work, 在从句中作表语。 c)He seemed a foreigner, as in fact he was. (似乎他是外国人,事实上他就是外国人)

(3) As直接引导表语从句;在这种结构中,as所在从句中的动词总是连系动词,一般是be, as在从句中是表语,译如此。如:

a) Things are not as they seem to be.

(事物不是象它们表面上看起来那样的。) b) This is as it should be.(这本应如此。)

c)It seems as if it were going to rain.(天似乎要下雨) d)It looks as though our team is going to win. (看起来我们的队似乎要赢)

(4) As作关系代词,在引导限制性定语从句中作表语,并常与主句中“the same...""such..."相呼应,译为相同。如:

a) My opinion is the same (opinion) as yours (is). (我的意见和你的意见一样。)

Asthe same opinion在从句中作表语。

b) A flight in an aircraft is no longer such an adventure as it used to be.(乘飞机旅行已不再象过去那样是冒险的事了。 As作动词be的表语。

b) Your answer is the same as mine (is). (你的答案和我的是一样的。)

a)c)句中,the same在句中是表语,as在从句中通常也作表语。

(5) as + adj. +as + n.的结构中,as neat as a pin(非常整洁)as regular as a clock(有规律的)as right as rain(非常健康的)等等,它们在句子中可作表语。如:


