【#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《选择大小城市就业英语版》,欢迎阅读!
Where to work, big cities or small-medium cities
有关大学生毕业后选择工作地点的问题,极其复杂。落脚大城市,还是去中小城市?是进入竞争激烈高消费生活的大都市?还是中等消费闲暇舒适的小城市?是去广州 深圳做蚁族?还是留在中山稳扎稳打?不同的大学生面对自己的职业规划有不同的选择,事情复杂得拿出权威统计数字恐怕也回答不了。就我自己而言,我会选择竞争压力较小,简单舒适的小城市就业,当然不能不提中大城市也有它很多的优点。
无论大小城市,根本问题都是就业。广州 深圳两大门户城市就业机会多,还是像中山这样的中小城市就业机会多,三言两语是说不清的。招聘调查显示,在北、上、广、深四个城市工作的职场人中,近八成职场人偶尔会有离开一线城市的念头,如果确实有就业机会,81%的职场人表示自己确实会去二三线城市就业。一线城市工作的职场人逃离大城市的首要原因是:房价太高,生活成本难以承受。其次是工作压力太大,生活节奏过快。还有超过三分之一的职场人认为一线城市生活环境恶劣、空气污染严重、交通拥挤令人难以忍受。
说到生活,就更容易了,例如购物:只要是十万左右人口的城镇,Valu-Mart 、Future Shop、 Food Basic、 Cost Cow、 Home Depot、 Office Depot、Canadian Tire这些大型联锁店就一应俱全。肯德鸡、麦当劳、Tim Hotton……,大型MALL里商品一应俱全,价格及服务方式也是全国一致。宝马本田丰田这些品牌汽车的经销维修商也不缺。小城镇的购物缺点就是货物供不应求,品种少选择也就变得少了。一些比较专业的商品和服务,全国性的行业协会和办事机构,只能到大型城市才会找到,这和世界各国是一致的。美国再有钱,也不会在每个中国城市都设领事馆。当然市场是需求的产物,城市慢慢发展起来,这些服务设施自然会出现。
大城市里各种良好的社会资源,丰富多彩的生活,更多的机会,吸引着每年数以百万计的大学毕业生。 但是不少大学生提出在大城市工作幸福指数不高,大城市职场幸福指数不高,“北京有高档的消费场所,最新的潮流服饰,有丰富的文化生活。但是这都与我无关。”有些在大城市打拼的朋友谈起“北漂”经历感触很深,“阴暗的地下室,每天骑自行车奔波,渺小到只有自己还能感觉到自己的心跳。在成功之前,我们基本无法享受到大城市的各种特有资源。”在北漂一年半后,很多人放弃了最初的选择,回到了家乡平稳的生活。“羡慕的职业,父母的疼爱,足够的工资,在这里我的幸福感更多一些。”他们讲说。
总的来说,大城市的经济相对发达,竞争就必然激烈,对于喜欢挑战自己并且适应能力强的人,去大城市发展比较合适;反之,选择一些竞争压力较小的中小城市就业比较合适。 在择业时,大城市不一定就好,小城市也不一定就不好,最“好”城市,应该是适合自己的城市。
Many university graduates choose to work on the question of the venue is
extremely complex. Settled in big cities, or to small-medium cities? Entering into the highly competitive and high consumption life in the metropolis, or enter the
small-medium cities, which have the moderate consumption, leisure and comfort? Becoming one of the ant families in Guangzhou, and Shenzhen, or step steadily and stay in Zhongshan? Different students hold different options about their own career plans. I am afraid that the authoritative statistics may can not answer this question. As for myself, I would choose the less competitive, simple and comfortable
small-medium city, of course, we can not lose sight of many big cities‟ advantages.
No matter the size of the city, the fundamental issue is employment. The two
major gateway cities, Guangzhou and Shenzhen have more employment opportunities or small cities such as Zhongshan has employment opportunities? A few words are difficult to explain. Recruitment survey shows that among the Beijing, shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen four cities, many employee work in these workplaces
occasionally have the idea to leave the city, 81% people said they were going to the small-medium cities in employment. The reasons for people to flee the city to work are the price is too high, the cost of living unbearable, the great pressure of work and the fast pace of life. There are more than third people works in the workplace think that poor living conditions, air pollution and traffic congestion are unbearable. Speaking of the life, such as shopping: Wal-Mart, Future Shop, Food Basic, KFC,
McDonald, Pizza hut and so on, all these large chain stores will appear in the city as long as thousands of people around. The BMW, HONDA and TOYOTO all these brand vehicles‟ service providers do not lack. Someone will against say that some of the more specialized goods and services, national industry associations and offices, only to large cities will find it. Even if the United States of money, he can not have consulate in every Chinese city. Of course, the product of the market is demand, the city gradually developed, all these services will naturally arise. Big cities have good social resources, colorful life, more opportunities, all these attract
millions of college graduates every year. But many college students work in big cities said that the happiness index is not high, "Beijing has a high-end consumer sites, the latest trend of clothing, and the rich cultural of life, but this has nothing to do with me." Some friends have strong feelings about their "North drift" life experiences in big cities, "a dark basement, run around by bike every day, before the success, we can not enjoy the big city's various unique resources.” At last, someone abandoned the original choice, returned to his hometown. , “admirable work, parents „love, adequate wages, and high happiness index." They speak.
In a word, the city‟s economy is relatively developed, the competition will inevitably intense. People who like to challenge him and more adaptable suited to the development of the big cities. On the contrary, the other people should work in the small cities with less competitive. When choosing a career, big cities are not so good and small cities are not necessarily bad, only suitable city is the best city for you.