
2022-12-30 08:05:14   文档大全网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ]

#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《六年级知识点整理》,欢迎阅读!

一、16单元单词背会 二、16单元重点单词

1science museum科学博物馆 2post office邮局 3

bookstore书店 4cinema电影院 5hospital 医院 6crossing 7turn left左转 8 turn right右转 9、直走 go straight 10on foot 步行11by bus 乘坐公交车12by plane乘坐飞机 13by taxi 乘坐出租车14 by ship 乘船15by train乘火车16 by subway 乘地铁17Slow down and stop at a yellow light.光灯减速停一停。19Stop and wait at a yellow light.红灯停下等一等。 20Go at a yellow light.绿灯行。21visit my grandparents看望我的(外祖)父母22see a film看电影23take a trip去旅行24go to the supermarket去超市25this morning今天早上26this afternoon今天下午27this evening今天晚上28tonight在今29tomorrow明天30next week下周31dictionary词典32comic book(儿童的)连环画册33word book 单词书34postcard明信片35dancing跳舞36singing唱歌37reading stories读故事38playing football踢足球39doing kung fu功夫40cooks Chinese food 做中餐41studies Chinese 学汉42does word puzzles猜字谜43goes hiking去远足44factory worker工厂工人45postman邮递员46businessman商人47police officer警察48fisherman渔民49scientist学家 50pilot飞行员51coach教练52Sarah is angry. The cat is afraid萨拉生气了。猫很害怕。53The cat is ill. Sarah is sad.猫生病了。萨拉很难过。54Sarah and the cat are worried.萨拉和猫都很担心。55They are happy.他们很开心。56You should see a doctor.你应该看病。57you should do more exercises.你应该多锻炼。58You should wear warm clothes.那应该穿暖和的衣服。59You should take a deep breath and count to ten.你应该深深呼一口气,然后数到十。 三、16单元重点短语

1next to 紧挨着2pay attention to注意 3slow down 慢下 4by bus =take a bus 乘公交车 5traffic light通信号灯 6by ferry乘轮渡 7far from意为“离……远”8at home在家 9play with和、、、一起玩 10wear a helmet戴头盔 11take photos 12 pen pal笔友 13hobby爱好 14on a farm

一个农场里 15listen to music音乐 16 sing English songs 17、唱英文歌 18fly kites放风筝 19 over there 在那边 20 in front of 在、前面 21have to不得不 22live in居住在 23lots of= a lot of 许多 24go to work工作 25study hard努力学习 26stay healthy保持健康 27go home 回家 28 be good at擅长 30head teacher校长 31an interesting film 部有趣的电影 32Italian restaurant 意大利饭馆 33 take the No.57 bus 乘坐 57路公交车 34half price 半价 35read to the cow 对牛读书 36thats interesting. 那太有趣了。37 other countries其它的国家 38Be afraid of 害怕 39Be angry with 生气 40Whats wrong?怎么啦? 41next time 下次 42go home 回家 43go there 去那儿 44 go to school 去上学


1---What are you going to do tomorrow?---Im going to have an art lesson.你明天打算干什么? 我打算上一节美术课。 此句是个一般将来时态的特殊疑问句。 用了be going to 结构。 be going to +动词原形”构成一般将来时态, 表示计划、安排将要做的事或根据目前推测将要发生的动作, 意为“打算, 将要”。 1Where is the cinema?电影院在哪儿? Its near the park.在公园附近。

此问句是由特殊疑问词where 引导的一个特殊疑问句, where意为“在哪里, 到哪里”, 用来询问地点, 放在句子的开头。 询问“某人或某物在哪里”的基本句型是: Where +is/are+ 主语?” where is 后接名词或代词的单数形式, where are 后接名词或代词的复数形式。

2When are you going?---Next Monday.

此句中when意为“什么时候, 何时”, 它引导的疑问句用来对年、月、日等时间进行提问。 3How can we get there?

此句用来询问“怎样去某地”, 后面直接跟地点。 回答时, 可以用“ Turn left, turn right, go straight.”等句来回答。 4Howdo you come to school?你(们)怎么来学校的?

On foot.步行

此问句是由特殊疑问词how引导的特殊疑问句, 用于询问对方的出行方式。 回答时要根据具体情况作答。 5 Can you help me? 你能帮我吗? 回答方式有两种 Yes , I can.\ No, I cant.

Can 是情态动词。情态动词的特点是后接动词原形。还有shouldmust都是情态动词。

6Does he live in China ,too? 他也住在中国吗? Yes, he does./No, he doesnt.

7Is your father here today? 近今天你爸爸来吗?

Yes,he is./No,he isnt.

8What does he do? 他是做什么的?

He is a business man.他是一名商人。

9Usually, I come on foot.=Usually, I walk.通常情况下,我步行来。10I must pay attention to the traffic lights.我必须注意交通信号灯。11Turn left at the bookstore. Then turn right at the hospital. 此句是指路的句型。 常用到的句型有:turn left, 向左转turn right, 向右转go straight直着走。同时表示在某处的介词用at. 12Dont go at a red light.别闯红灯

本句是祈使句的否定句。祈使句表示命令、请求、劝告、禁止的句子。 祈使句的肯定句:动词原形开头1Look at the blackboard 看黑板

2Let me help you.我来帮你

13祈使句的否定句:Dont +动词原形开头。1Dont go at a red light.别闯红灯。2Dont let him go=let him not go.别让他走。 14Why not go on Tuesday? 为什么不星期二去?

Why not=Why dont you 意为:为什么不 15She works at a university.她在一所大学里工作

16Do you want to be a head teacher ,too?你也想成为一名校长吗? Yes,I do.

No,I dont. I want to be a businessman.不,我想成为一名商人。17Whats your hobby? 你的爱好是什么?

I like singing.我喜欢唱歌。

18What are your hobbies?你的爱好有哪些? I like singing and dancing.我喜欢唱歌跳舞。 五、按要求写单词 原形和缩写形式

1do not 缩写dont 2can not缩写cant

3does not缩写doesnt 4will not缩写wont 5Is not

缩写Isnt 6let us缩写Lets 7are not缩写arent 8should not缩写shouldnt 9have not缩写havent 10has not缩写hasnt 对应词、反义词

1man - woman 2fisherman-fisherwoman 3 policeman- policewomen 4right-left 5yes-no 6in front of-behind of 7go-come 8far-near 9 fast-slow 10here对应词there 11sad-happy 12well-ill 13 bad-good 14same-different 15wrong -right 复数形式 1)规则变化

1bus-buses 2subway-subways3library-libraries 4story-stories 5leaf-leaves 6hobby-hobbies 7country-countries 8factory-factories 9secretary-secretaries10box-boxes 1112dictionary-dictionaries 13family-families 14puzzle-puzzles 2)不规则变化

1foot-feet2man-men 3postman-postmen 4 mouse-mice 6businessman -businessmen 7 am/is-are 第三人称单数形式

1go-goes2do-does 3pass-passes 4fix-fixes 5

watch-watches 6wash-washes 7teach-teaches 8live-lives 9take-takes 10use-uses 11like-likes 12love-loves 13write-writes 14study-studies 15fly-flies 16try-tries 17listen-listens 18draw-draws 19walk-walks 20run-runs 21have-has 22 read-reads 23say-says 24visit-visits 25buy-buys 26feel-feels

名词加s表示复数 动词加s表示单三 名词变复数、动词变单三,变法都是一样的 1、一般在词尾加s

2、以sh ch x o结尾的词后加es(o结尾的单词无生命加s) 3、以辅音字母加y结尾的单词,把y 变为i再加es 4、以ffe结尾的单词,把ffe变为v再加es 动词变单三,以不发音字母e结尾的单词,直接加s.

