【优质】高中生英语周记400字-范文word版 (2页)

2022-04-22 08:06:45   文档大全网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ]

#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《【优质】高中生英语周记400字-范文word版 (2页)》,欢迎阅读!


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导语:周记有别于“流水账”、“日记”等形式,流水账是有什么就记录什么,不需要作任何修饰和认识的升华,而且内容不限,一周之内可以记录您每一天的任何事情。以下是小编整理高中英语周记的资料,欢迎阅读参考。 Yesterday, I had a dream that China realized the common ideal, walking in the front of the world, celebrating the country and smiling.

The whole country, in the speech of President xi jinping, heard the Chinese dream and pondered what the Chinese dream is, and worked for the Chinese dream.

The path of Chinese dream is not abandoned, but unrelable. Ask yourself, do each of us have a dream? How did it happen? No matter what our dreams are, we are in the process of pursue is implemented in the context of national greatness, therefore, every one of us in the heart is a personal dream, remember our Chinese dream tightly, themselves do not fall at the same time allow China to come forward, and invincible. Country is the soil that we grow, and no country has a home.

Bearing in mind the lessons and experiences of history, the

pressure is the motivation to hone yourself, to forge ahead, to build a perfect China. Let the Chinese dream is no longer a dream but

materialization exists in our eyes of the vast country, prosperity of Chinese, as the world's attention, day line, the gentleman to self-reliance, the same to a country should be unyielding, from every little bit, make believe the words of one house why not sweep sweep the world. Simple struggle but not simple thinking, down-to-earth, overhead clear sky, harmony and dedication to world harmony are part of the Chinese dream.

Believing in the Chinese dream and realizing the Chinese dream, everyone is a dreamer and a dreamer!


