【#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《如何用15种正确姿势英文翻译《静夜思》?》,欢迎阅读!

英Sir?? 英语公社有15个学霸将《静夜思》翻译成唯美的英文诗了,膝盖请收下!静夜思床前明月光,疑是地上霜。举头望明月,低头思故乡。版本1: Night ThoughtsBefore my bed there is bright moonlight,So that it seems like frost on the ground。Lifting my head I watch the bright moon,Lowering my head I dream that I’m home。(Arthur Cooper 译)版本2:Brooding in the Still NightBright moonlight before my bed。At first I think the floor is all frost。I gaze up at the mountain moon,then drop my head in a dream of home。(Tony Barnstone, Willis Barnstone, and Chou Ping 译)版本3:Thoughts on a Quiet NightBefore my bed the light is so brightIt looks like a layer of frostLifting my head I gaze at the moonLying back down I think of home(Red Pine 译)版本4:Thoughts in the Silent NightThe moonlight shines in front of my bed。I wonder if it’s frost that on the ground lies。I see the bright moon as I lift my head。As I lower it, longings for my home town arise。(谢百魁 译)版本5:Night MeditationIn front of my bed flooded with moonbeam,I mistook for frost appears on the floor;Lifting my head trying to watch the moon,I drooped again
for missing our hometown。(林建民 译)版本6:Homesick at a Still NinghtA silver moon hangs by the balustrade,I fancy moonlight as frost on the ground。Gazing up of the bright moon I’m looking,Lowering my head of my native land I’m missing。(刘军平 译)版本7:Homesickness on a Moonlit NightBefore my bed there streams in the moonlight。It lies there on the ground, looking like frost。Lifting my head, I gaze at the moon bright;Lowering my head, in homesickness I’m lost。(王玉书 译)版本8:In the Quiet Night ThoughtsOh, how the moon shines my bed!It’s thought frost on the ground that lies。To gaze at it, I raise my head,But long for home with downcast eyes。(倪培龄 译)版本9:Thinking Quietly at NightOver my bed is the bright moonlight;Is the frost painting ground in white?I raise my head to see the moon bright,Lower it to picture my home in mind。(朱曼华 译)版本10:Night ThoughtsI saw the moonlight before my bed,I wonder if it were the frost on the ground;I raised my head and looked at the full moon,I dropped my head and thought of my far-off home。(蔡宣培 译)版本11:Thoughts on a Tranquil NightThe moonlight in front of my bedTakes after the frost on earth shed。I lift my eyes for the bright moon;Head down, I long