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#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《圣诞节的少儿英语故事绘本》,欢迎阅读!

圣诞节的少儿英语故事绘本 The Christmas Story圣诞的故事 The Christmas Story圣诞的故事

Long,long ago a carpenter named Joseph and his wife,Mary,lived in the city of Nazareth.很久很久以前,有个木匠叫约瑟夫,和他的妻子玛利亚,住在拿撒勒城市里。

They had a small house,and they had a donkey,but they did not have any children.他们有一个小房子,一头小毛驴,但是他们没有孩子。

One day an angel appeared before Mary. It was the angel Gabriel.一天,一个天使出现在玛利亚面前。那是天使加百利。

"God has chosen you to be the mother of His son,Jesus,"the angel told Mary.“上帝选中了你做他儿子耶稣的母亲”天使对玛利亚说。

That made Mary very happy.这使玛利亚很高兴。

Not long after,Joseph and Mary had to travel to Bethlehem to pay their taxes.不久以后,约瑟夫和玛利亚得去伯利恒交税。

"It is a long journey,"said Joseph."But you can ride our donkey."“这是个很长的旅程”约瑟夫说。“但你可以骑着我们的小毛驴去。”

And so they went.于是他们出发了。

When Mary and Joseph came to Bethlehem,it was late at night and they were very tired.当玛利亚和约瑟夫到了伯利恒的时候已经很晚,他们很累。

There was no room for them at the innbut the innkeeper said they could sleep in the stable.So they went there to rest for the night.小旅馆里没有房间了,但是旅馆老板说他们可以再马槽里休息。所以他们去那里休息了。

In the stable were a cow,a lamb,a goat,and a dove.The animals were friendly.在马槽里有只牛,一只羊羔,一只山羊,一只鸽子。动物们很友好。

They let Mary use their hay for a bed.他们让玛利亚用他们的干草当床。

That very night the baby was born.Mary wrapped him up to keep him warm.就在那一天小宝宝出生了。玛利亚为了他的`温暖把他包起来。

There was no crib for the baby,so Mary laid him in the animals' manger.由于没有婴儿床,所以玛利亚把他放在了马槽里。

In the fields nearby,the shepherds who were watching their sheep saw an angel appear in the sky.在附近的田野里,正在放羊的牧羊人看到了天空中出现了天使。

The angel said to them,"I bring you news of great joy.Tonight in Bethlehem,a bady has been born in a stable.He is called Jesus Chirst and he is our Lord."天使对他们说:“告诉你一个好消息,今晚在伯利恒,一个婴儿降生在马槽。他叫耶稣,他是我们的主。”

The shepherds went to they saw the little baby in the manger,they were filled with joy.牧羊人去看了马槽里的婴儿,他们充满着喜悦。

The shepherds knelt before little Jesus.Then they went out to tell people what the angel had said about the newborn baby.羊人在小耶稣前跪下,然后他们出去告诉人们天使说的小婴儿的事。

Far away in the east lived three wise men.在遥远的东方住着三位智者。

They saw a new star in the sky.他们看到一颗新星出现在了天空中。

The three wise men knew the star was a sign-a sign that their Lord Jesus had been born.So the wise men set out to follow the star.三位智者知道他们的主,耶稣,出生了。所以三个智者随着星星


The star led them all the way to Bethlehem.星星带着他们到了伯利恒。

It came to rest right above a little stable.星星在马槽的正上方停下了。

The wise men went inside the stable.They saw Joseph and Mary with the newborn baby.智者们进入了马槽。他们看到了约瑟夫、玛利亚和他们的新生儿。

They knelt down before the baby Jesus and gave him gifts of gold and frankincense and myrrh.他们在小婴儿前跪下,给了他黄金、奶、和药材。

Everyone was filled with joy.Even the nimals in the stable seemed to know how special this baby was.所有的人都充满了快乐,甚至连马槽里的动物都感受到了小婴儿有多么特别。

Now every year at Christmas we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ,because he brought the good news of God's love to the world.现在每年的圣诞节我们都庆祝耶稣的诞生,因为他给我们带来了上帝对世人的


