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篇一:2015高考英语话题写作——健康·饮食【含答案解析】 第二节 话题写作——健康·饮食 10个高频写作词汇情景专练

1attach importance to认为有重要性;重视 相关链接 most valuable possession最宝贵的财富

keep healthy保持健康 写作素材 1.健康很重要;

2.如何保持健康?(适当的营养、充足的睡眠、经常锻炼) 写作训练

(1)现在人们开始比过去注重健康了。他们开始意识到健康是一个人最宝贵的财富。然而,很多人不知道怎样保持健康。 (2)我重视平衡饮食,换句话说,它很有益。 2balance n.平衡 相关链接

build up one’s body增强体质 contain vt.含有,包含 a balanced diet均衡饮食 be rich in富含有 be low in低含有

keep one’s figure保持体形 写作素材1

你的朋友Lily因为节食减肥而生病了,请用英语给她写一封100词左右的邮件鼓励她加强锻炼,早日恢复健康。 写作训练1 Dear Lily

I am sorry to hear that you are ill as a result of going on a diet.You shouldn’t have eaten so little 事实上,你最好多做体育活动,增强体质)I am writing to tell you what you should do to recover your health.

Above allyou should eat more vegetables and fruit because they are rich in vitamins and 含有大量的糖与脂肪)In additionyou should exercise regularly and have enough sleep.(3)It_is_as_important_as_ 它和保持平衡饮食同样重要)Don’t be too tired.What’s morekeep yourself happy every day. I’m looking forward to your recovery. Yours Li Hua 写作素材 2


With the improvement of people’s living standardspeople are paying more attention to health problems.

Firstlywe should eat lots of fruit and vegetables,因为它们含有维生素多,脂肪少)As a proverb says“An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” (2)Don’t have a lot of food that contains too much fat(不要吃含太多脂肪的食)Secondlyexercise is

important.(3)Regular_exercise_can_help_us_keep_our_figures_(经常性的锻炼有助于我们保持身材)People who do running every day usually have stronger hearts than those who don’t.

Finallywe should sleep about eight hours every dayand never work too hard.Overwork and little sleep will cause us to fall ill.What’s morekeep happy every day.

3build up健身 相关链接

worse and worse越来越差 the above activity以上活动 health problems健康问 写作素材


当今学生身体状况令人担忧,肥胖症成为一种很普遍的现象,而眼睛近视的学生大约占到三分之二。针对这一现象,教育部、国家体育总局、共青团中央在全国范围内全面启动了全国亿万学生阳光体育运动(Sunshine sports for millions of students nationwide)” 写作训练

Nowadays 学生的健康状况越来越差)obesity has been so common among teenagers and about two thirds of them are shortsighted.So I think “Sunshine sports for millions of students nationwide” is a very good activity 能帮助学生解决健康问)For all the students

(3)taking_part_in_the_above_activity_is_really_a_good_chance_for_ 参加以上活动实际上是一个强身健体的好机会)

4exercise n.锻炼 相关链接 take exercise锻炼

physical activities体育活动 be beneficial to对有好处 写作素材1 写作训练1


(2)It is obvious that most of their spare time is spent on homeworkcomputer games and TV 在我看来,学生应该抽出更多的时间来进行体育活动,这对他们的成长与健康很有好处)Both the education departments and parents should encourage students to set aside more time for physical activities. 写作素材 2

假如你叫李华,最近你校响应教育部的要求,启动了冬季长跑活动。作为高三学生,你班同学就此议论纷纷,议论的主题是:高三学生要不要参加长跑和其他各种体育锻炼。请你根据下表所提供的信息,给English Evening写一封信,介绍大家的看法和你的观点。 注意:词数100左右。

There’s a lot of talk in my class about whether the Senior 3 students should spare the time to take part in the winter long run program.60% of the students think it a good idea,这能使我们坚持天天锻炼)Besides runningwe can do many sports such as morning exercisesplaying ping-pong and basketballbut it shouldn’t take up too much time.Exercise builds one’s body and reduces diseases.Sports let

另一方面,百分之三十的人认为锻炼是浪费时间,使人疲惫)After having sportsthey are much too excited for a long time to pay attention to their lessons.It’在我看来,锻炼是必要的)After some exercisewe can feel more refreshed and relaxedwhich can help us learn better. 5habit n.习惯 相关链接

a good habit好习惯 a bad habit坏习惯 form the habit of养成习惯 get into the habit of养成习惯 写作素材

为了人们的健康,一些大中小城市相继在公众场所实施了禁烟。 在其他城公共场所戒烟的呼声也越来越高。 中央下令领导干部在公共场合戒烟。然

而,与之不协调的是,越来越多的高中生正在加入烟民的行列。请根据提示写一篇短文,分析高中生吸烟现象、原因并呼吁高中生戒烟。 写作训练


stillhe became addicted to smokingwhich led to his obesity and great harm to his lungs.


(3)从上表可以看出,70%以上的学生已经戒掉了吸烟的坏习惯,并养成了良好的健身习惯。 6health


Health is more important than wealth. Good health enables us to enjoy our life and achieve what we hope for in our career.

Today, more and more people are in poor health. If we want to keep healthy we should healthy diet.

First, we should have a balanced diet.Though we may not like eating vegetables, but the vegetables have a lot of

nutrition. They are very good for our health.

Second, we'd better eat regular meals. We need to eat breakfast, lunch as well as dinner every day. Because regular meals throughout the day can give us enough energy to carry out our daily activities.

Third, we should get away from fast food, for it may cause a lot of disease. 篇三:改变饮食与健康英语作文

Dietary Changes and Health Care As is shown in the graph, China's food

distribution has taken great changes from 1960's to 1990's According to this statistics of cereals, vegetable, meat, and fruits, the number of those who eat rice, flour or vegetable has greatly decreased in the past four decades. In contrast of this the

number of those who eat oil or meat has sharply increased. From such dietary changes, we can perceive the rapid improvement of our people' s living standard. Why does this improvement occur? The direct reason is the fact that the Chinese people have attached much importance to their health care. Nationally, China's economic growth is booming, and more people are getting richer. Individually, everyone's consumption of food is increasingly varied. In particular, most of people are reluctant to eat much vegetable, but much meat and oil in their diets. In my view, the changes of China's dietary distribution seem to be both positive and negative. The positive aspect is that China' s economical growth has given rise to the higher level of dietary standard, with most of people living rich and happy. But the negative aspect is that, I'm afraid, less eating vegetable will lead to poorer health, such as lacking vitamin nutrients in one's body. Therefore, we think it necessary for the Chinese to be aware of the balanced diets: Lots of vegetable and meat, which may gain us healthier bodies in the new century.


