【#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《外研版小学英语课件》,欢迎阅读!
外研版小学英语课件篇一:外研版小学英语 外研版小学英语-必会重点句型 1.特别疑问句
外研版小学英语必会的wht、How、when例句 Wht
Wht’s your nme? Wht re these/those/they? Wht’s tht/this/it?
Wht time is it? Wht color is it? Wht re you doing? Wht’s your fvorite …. Wht’s the wether like? Wht do you usully do fter school?
Wht did you do on the weekend?
Wht’s hppening? (I hve pino lessons t 4 o’clock.) Wht’s wrong with you? ( My leg hurts.) Wht dy is it? (It’s Sundy.)
Wht’s the dte tody? (It’s June. 22nd.) How
How do you spell the word? How’s the wether? How do you help t home?
How mny ducks re there? How much is the met?
How mny pens do you hve?
How re you? How old you? How ws it?
How do you go to school?〔 By bike, On foot.〕 When 针对时间提问
When do you go to mth lessons? I go to mth lessons on Mondy.
When’s Children’s Dy? (it’s on June. First.) 必会的Who、Which、Where、Whose例句 Who 针对人物提问 Who’s he/she? Which
Which boy? Tht boy .he hs blond hir.) Where针对地点提问
Where re you? Where’s my pen? Where re you going? Where did you go? Whose
Whose book on the tble?
一般疑问句 以yes或no来回答,通常以首位的疑问词补充完好,特别状况除外
〔re/were you 和would you like…?〕
re : re you redy?〔Yes ,I m. /Yes, we re. NO, I’m not. /No, we ren’t.〕
re there some pples?( Yes, there re. No ,there ren’t) Is :Is there pen?(Ye(转载于:.hNNsCy 博 文 学 习 XX:外研版小学英语课件)s , there is. No ,there isn’t ) Is it pen? (Yes , it is . No, it isn’t.) Were: Were you t the pool? Ws: Ws it interesting
Do /Does/Did: Do you like/hve …? Cn: Cn you swim?
Would : Would you like some te?(Yes, plese. No, thnks.)
Would he like some chicken? (Yes, he would. No, he wouldn’t.)
外研版小学英语课件篇二:外研版小学英语 动词短语 全 动 词 短 语
外研版小学英语课件篇三:外研版小学二年级英语课件及教案Module 1 unit2