吉林财经大学 商法复习资料

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#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《吉林财经大学 商法复习资料》,欢迎阅读!
1.1-010 what is Law?什么是法P3 2.1-015 the rule of law.法治P5

3.1-490 constitutional theory of the separation of powers权力分立的宪法理论P72

4.1-500-1-530 interpretation of statutes:the literal approach字面规则the golden rule黄金规则 the mischief rule 除弊规则purposive approach to interpretation目的解释规则P74 5.2-010 what is crime?什么是犯罪P82

6.2-240 what is white-collar crime?什么是白领犯罪P96 7.2-270 catching the white-collar criminal.抓捕白领犯罪P98 8.3-010 meaning of property 财产的含义P111

9.case3-060 rights of the person in possession占有者权力P114

10.3-080 limits of land:fixtures土地的限制:附属物,属于附属的东西,不属于附属的东西P116 11.4-010 definition of a tort侵权的定义P204

12.4-060 the concept of negligence过失的概念P206 13.4-070 suing for negligence过失起诉P207

14.4-100 breach of duty of care-what is the standard of care required?违反注意义务-注意义务的标准P216

15.4-125 damage must be caused一定导致了损失P221 16.case4-130 causion:remoteness因果关系:遥远性P222

17.4-140 only foreseeable damage recoverable只有可预见的损失才能获得赔偿P224 18.4-180 purpose of an award of damages损害赔偿的目的P229 19.4-190 damages for property damage财产损失P230 20.4-210 damages for personal injury人身伤害P232

21.case4-215 liability for economic loss经济损失责任P233 22.5-020 requirements of valid contract有效合同的条件P263

23.5-030 must a contract be in writing?合同必须是书面形式吗?P264 24.5-050 importance of intetion意愿的重要性P271 25.5-060 commercial agreements商事协议P271

26.5-070 commercial agreements:contracts with government商事协议:与政府之间的合同P274 27.case5-130-5-390


5-130what makes a legally enforceable agreement?什么组成了一个法律上可以强制执行的协议?

5-140 offer要约

5-150 an offer must be distinguished from an invitation to treat要约必须和要约邀请区分开 5-160 invitation to treat:price lists,circulars,catalogues,advertisements要约邀请:价目表,传单,产品目录,广告

5-170 invitation to treat:goods on display in shop要约邀请:陈列在商店中的商品

5-180 invitation to treat:goods on display in self-service shop or supermarket要约邀请陈列在自助商店和超市的商品

5-190 automatic vending machines-not an invitation to treat自动售货机-不是要约邀请 5-200 further examples of invitations to treat要约邀请进一步例子:拍卖交易 5-210 invitation to treat: auction sales拍卖交易

5-212 to whom can an offer be made?要约可以发给谁 5-215 an offer must be communicated要约必须到达

5-220 acceptance of an offer要约的承诺

5-230 acceptance must be in reliance on the offer承诺必须建立在要约的基础上

5-240 acceptance must be complete and unqualified承诺必须是完全的和不附条件的 5-250 conditional assets is not acceptance有条件的同意不是承诺 5-260 acceptance must be clear and certain承诺必须清晰而且明确 5-270 acceptance may be express or implied承诺可以是明示或默示的 5-280 acceptance may be retrospective承诺也许是回溯性的

5-300 a counter-offer is a rejection of an offer反要约是对要约的拒绝 5-305 battle of the forms形式之争

5-310 acceptance must be communicated承诺必须到达

5-320 the offeror may prescribe the method of acceptance要约人可以规定承诺的方式 5-330 the postal acceptance rule投邮承诺规则 5-350 termination of offer要约的终止

5-360 termination of offer:revocation要约的终止:撤销 5-365 revocation and option撤销和选择权

5-370 termination of offer:lapse of time要约的终止:时限

5-380 termination of offer:non-occurrence of a necessary condition必要条件没有出现 5-390 termination of offer:death死亡

28.5-450 consideration must be sufficient对价必须足够P310 29.5-540 the mentally ill精神病人P329

30.5-550 the intoxicated醉酒,中毒的人P329 31.5-710 undue influence不正当影响P355 32.5-720 duress胁迫P358

33.5-830 contracts illegal at common law普通法上的违法合同P376

34.6-010 what the parties have agreed to:representations or terms当事人在什么上达成了一致:述还是条款P390

35.case6-100 implied terms of the contract合同的默示条款P404 36.6-110 terms implied by the courts法院确定的默示条款P404

37.6-120 terms implied from custom or business usage来自习俗和商业惯例的默示条款P407 38.6-130 terms implied from previous course of dealing来自先前交易的默示条款P407 39.6-140 terms implied by statute制定法上的默示条款P408

40.6-210 notice of exclusion clause required免责条款要求通知P414

41.6-220 notice given after contract formed is ineffective合同成立之后的通知是无效的P415 42.6-280 termination of the contract合同的终止P431 6-290 termination by performance因履行而告终 6-310 termination by agreement协议而终止 6-320 termination for breach因违约而终止

43.6-380 remedies available可以运用的救济P445

6-390 keeping the contract open:election not to discharge继续保持合同:选择不解除合同 6-400 equitable remedies:specific performance衡平救济:特定履行 6-410 equitable remedies: injunction衡平救济:禁令

6-415 equitable remedies: the Mareva of freezing order衡平救济:冻结令 6-416 equitable remedies: the Anton Piller or search order衡平救济:搜查令

44.6-450 damages recoverable:”general” and “nominal”可获赔偿的损失:一般和名义损失P454

6-445 damages recoverable:”expectation loss” and “reliance loss”期待和信赖损失 6-460 damages for disappointment and distress失望和痛苦的损失

