
2022-07-12 12:03:36   文档大全网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ]

#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《土地单词》,欢迎阅读!
geography 地理

geographer 理学 hemisphere 半球

meridian 子午线,经线

parallel 平行圈,纬线latitude 经度longitude 精度elevation 海拔altitude 高度 temperate latitudes 温带地区 horizon 地平线 equator 赤道 tropics 热带地区 Arctic 北极

Antarctic(Antarctica) 南极 expedition 探险

time zone 时区

topography 地形,地形学 plain 平原

plateau (highland) 高地 lowland 低地 basin 盆地

cavern (cave) 洞穴

terrain 地域

subterranean ( underground) 地底下 coastland 沿海地区 island 岛屿

continental island 大陆岛 volcanic island 火山岛 coral island 珊瑚岛 islet 小岛

peninsular 半岛 continent 大陆

continental shelf 大陆架 ranges 山脉 valley 峡谷

canyon 峡谷

channel (strait) 海峡 remote-sensing 遥感的 terrestrial 地球的,陆地的 terrestrial heat (geothermal) 地热

terrestrial magnetism (geomagnetism) 地磁 continental drift 大陆漂移学说 sea-floor spreading 海床扩展 evaporation 蒸发 salinity 含盐度

ocean bottom 海床

sediment 沉淀物,沉积物

tropical 热带的 temperate 温带的 frigid 寒带的 formation 形成

frost heaving 冻胀现象 fieldstone 卵石

土地复垦:Land reclamation

土地利用总体规划:The general land use planning 土地评价:Land evaluation land tenure 土地所有制

tenancy, leasing, lease 租佃

land settlement policy 殖民政策,移民政策 land consolidation 土地集约 to cultivate, to farm 耕作

to till, to manage, to run 经营 dry farming 旱作农业

irrigated farming 浇灌农业 extensive cultivation 粗放耕作 intensive cultivation 集约耕作 crop rotation 轮作

mixed farming 多种经营

single-crop farming 单一经营 to clear 采伐 to weed 除草

to plough , (美作:to plow) ploughing 耕作 (美作:plowing)

to fallow, to plough up, to turn 休闲 to loosen 松土 to dig 挖掘

to earth up 覆土

to harrow, to rake to grow 栽培 to plant 栽植

to transplant, to plant out 移植 seed 种子

to sow 播种

broadcasting, broadcast sowing 撒播 to stake 支木柱 stake 支柱

to prune 修剪,整枝 pruning 修剪,整枝 to graft 嫁接 to harvest 收获

harvest, harvesting 收获 reaping 收割 to pick 采摘 picking 采摘

o cut, to mow 刈割 cutting, mowing 刈割 to thresh 脱粒 threshing 脱粒

haymaking 割晒牧草

to bind(into sheaves) ,

to ensile, to pit 青贮

soil improvement, soil dressing 土壤改良 land reclamation 开垦荒地

irrigation ditch, irrigation channel 灌渠 manure 肥料 to manure 施肥 fertilizer 化学肥料 to fertilize 施化肥 spreading 撒布 to fumigate 熏蒸 to spray 喷射 insecticide 杀虫剂

pesticide 农药

weed killer, herbicide 除草剂 pest 农业害虫 parasite 寄生虫 locust 蝗虫 termite 白蚁 rodent 啮齿类 eeds 杂草 rust 锈病 smut 黑穗病 mildew 霉病 ergot 麦角

phylloxera 葡萄根病蚜 ecology 生态学

environmental science 环境学

methodology of social statistics and analysis 社会统计分析方法 regional economics 区域经济 land jurisprudencelaw 土地法学

real estate investment and analysissynthesis 房地产投资分析 real estate accounting 房地产会计

building construction architectural建筑施工 physical geography 自然地理学

basis of surveying and mapping 测绘基础 generality of resources science 资源科学概论 architectural drawing 建筑绘图 science of land resources 土地资源学 land economics 土地经济

principle of management science 理学原理

generality of architecture engineering建筑工程概论

natural economics of resource and environmental economics 资源环境经济 real estate exploitation and management 房地产开发经营 principles of city urban planning 城市规划原理

construction project budget of architecture engineering 建筑工程概预算 realty evaluation 不动产评估

real estate marketing and artifice 房地产营销策划

