【#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《report(报告)模板》,欢迎阅读!

1. The purpose of this report is to …… 2. The objective of this report is to …… 3. The aim of this report is to …… 4. This report aims to ……
5. Mr. X has asked me to report to investigate / evaluate / study / recommend / analyze / give
feedback / estimate / assess 重复题目
6. As requested by 某人/某部门, I am submitting the following report about 重复题目中的目
7. Upon request of 某人/某部门,
8. As you或者某人,某部门 requested on November 12, I am submitting the following report
on 重复题目
9. Here is the report concerning 重复题目要求
10. We have done a survey showing that 重复题目要求,或者直接开始阐述数据或者信息。
1. According to the recent market research / investigation / survey / the chart above / the table
above / undertaken…
2. The recent visit/investigation/survey showed that …… 3. The table/chart above tells us that ……
4. From the chart shown, we find/learn/notice that …… 5. The table/chart above is showing that……
1. According to the findings above, it can be concluded that …… 2. From the table shown, it can be concluded that…… 3. Therefore, it can be concluded that ……
1. 在有recommendation这个sub-title的情况下。注意,recommendation以及recommend后
2. The following are the recommendations …… 3. It is recommended that …… 4. Sth. should be done.
5. Based on the conclusion / analysis above, we recommend that / it can concluded that …… 6. With reference to the advantages stated above, the following recommendations can be made, 7. With reference to the facts above, the following recommendations can be made,
8. Something is recommended. e.g., A change of attitude is recommended. A more professional
attitude will need to be encouraged through training.
9. On the basis of the results, I have the following recommendations
10. On the basis of the analysis, it is reasonable to have the following recommendations:
如果需要进一步拓展,可以描述一下建议实施后可预期的进展或者景象。具体说法是,建议结束之后,so that …… 或者 thus ……