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Department of Environmental Biology & Fisheries Science
姓 名:倪怡訓 (I-Hsun Ni, Ph.D.)
職 稱:教授兼系主任 (Professor and Chairperson)
學 歷:加拿大英屬哥倫比亞大學生物資源管理博士 (Ph.D. in Zoology-Fisheries
Management, University of British Columbia, Canada) 專 長:漁業生物管理學、魚類學、生態學、環境生物學 電 話:(02)2462-2192 ext 5046 e-mail:niih@mail.ntou.edu.tw
Refereed Papers
1. Qian, P. Y., M. Wu, and I-H. Ni, 2001, Comparison of nutrients release among some
maricultured animals, Aquaculture, 200(3-4): 305-316. (SCI)
2. Liu, X. I-H. Ni and W. X. Wang, 2002, Trophic transfer of heavy metals from freshwater
zooplankton zooplankton Daphinia magna to Zebrafish Danio reiro, Water Research, 36: 4563-4569. (SCI)
3. Tang, D.L., D. R. Kester, I-H. Ni, H. Kawamura and H.S. Hong, 2002, Upwellings in the
Taiwan Strait during the summer monsoon detected by satellite and shipboard measurements, Remote Sensing of Environment, 83: 457-471. (SCI)
4. Chan, S.M. W. X. Wang and I-H. Ni., 2003, The uptake of Cd, Cr, and Zn by the
macroalga Enteromorpha crinita and subsequent transfer to the marine herbivorous rabbitfish, Siganus canaliculatus, Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 44: 298-306. (SCI)
5. Tang, D. L., D. R. Kester, I-H. Ni, Y. Z. Qi, H. Kawamura, 2003, In situ and satellite
observations of a harmful algal bloom and water condition at the Pearl River Estuary in late autumn 1998, Harmful Algae, 2: 89-99. (SCI)
Conference Papers
1. Ni, I-H., Y.K. Tam, K.Y. Kwok and W.L.Y. Chan, 2001, Identification of fisheries
resources and fishing grounds, In Consultancy Study on Feasibility of Developing an Offshore Fishing Industry for Hong Kong: Technical Paper 2, Section 2, Report submitted to Hong Kong Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department thru Binhai Consultants Ltd., pp. 2-1~2-99.
2. Ni, I-H., K.Y. Kwok, and Y.K. Tam and W.L.Y. Chan, 2001, Technical issues on fishing
vessels, gears and training, In Consultancy Study on Feasibility of Developing an Offshore Fishing Industry for Hong Kong: Technical Paper 2, Section 3, Report submitted to Hong
Kong Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department thru Binhai Consultants Ltd., pp. 3-1~3-37.
3. Chan, W.L.Y. Y. H. Wang, and I-H. Ni., 2001, Marketing issues, In Consultancy Study
on Feasibility of Developing an Offshore Fishing Industry for Hong Kong: Technical Paper 2, Section 4, Report submitted to Hong Kong Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department thru Binhai Consultants Ltd., pp. 4-1~4-26.
4. Chan, W.L.Y. Y. H. Wang, and I-H. Ni., 2001, Financial issues in distant-water fishing,
In Consultancy Study on Feasibility of Developing an Offshore Fishing Industry for Hong Kong: Technical Paper 2, Section 5, Report submitted to Hong Kong Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department thru Binhai Consultants Ltd., pp.5-1~5-40. 5. Chan, W.L.Y. Y. H. Wang, and I-H. Ni., 2001, Institutional and logistic arrangements, In
Consultancy Study on Feasibility of Developing an Offshore Fishing Industry for Hong Kong: Technical Paper 2, Section 7, Report submitted to Hong Kong Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department thru Binhai Consultants Ltd., pp. 7-1~7-17. 6. Chan, W.L.Y. and I-H. Ni., 2001, Acceptability of HKSAR fishermen and related social
issues, In Consultancy Study on Feasibility of Developing an Offshore Fishing Industry for Hong Kong: Technical Paper 2, Section 8, Report submitted to Hong Kong Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department thru Binhai Consultants Ltd., pp.8-1~8-12. 7. Chan, W.L.Y. Y. H. Wang, and I-H. Ni., 2001, Option generation, evaluation and
comparison, In Consultancy Study on Feasibility of Developing an Offshore Fishing Industry for Hong Kong: Technical Paper 2, Section 9, Report submitted to Hong Kong Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department thru Binhai Consultants Ltd., pp. 9-1~9-34, A-1~A27.
8. Chan, W.L.Y. I-H. Ni and Y. H. Wang, 2001, Recommendation of preferred options, In
Consultancy Study on Feasibility of Developing an Offshore Fishing Industry for Hong Kong: Technical Paper 2, Section 10, Report submitted to Hong Kong Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department thru Binhai Consultants Ltd., pp. 10-1~10-4, B-1~B-6.
9. Ni, I-H., K.Y. Kwok. Y.K. Tam, and M.Y. Yan, 2001, Biodiversity of marine fishes
in Hong Kong water, Final Report (with website:\\hkfish.ust.hk\) submitted to Environment and Conservation/Woo Wheelock Green Fund.
10. Ni, I-H., and D.L. Tang, 2001, Application of remote sensing on biological resources: case
studies on seal abundance, algal bloom and fisheries concentration, Proceedings of International Conference on Marine resources and environment, National Taiwan Ocean University, pp. 48-58.
11. Chan, W.L.Y. and I-H. Ni., 2001, Literature review and information gathering, In
Consultancy Study on Feasibility of Developing an Offshore Fishing Industry for Hong Kong: Final Report, Section 2, Report submitted to Hong Kong Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department thru Binhai Consultants Ltd., pp. 2-1~2-123.
12. Chan, W.L.Y. and I-H. Ni., 2001, Identification of fisheries resources and fishing grounds,
In Consultancy Study on Feasibility of Developing an Offshore Fishing Industry for Hong Kong: Final Report, Section 3, Report submitted to Hong Kong Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department thru Binhai Consultants Ltd., pp.3-1~3-67.
13. Chan, W.L.Y. and I-H. Ni., 2001, Technical issues on fishing vessels, gears and training,
In Consultancy Study on Feasibility of Developing an Offshore Fishing Industry for Hong Kong: Final Report, Section 4, Report submitted to Hong Kong Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department thru Binhai Consultants Ltd., pp.4-1~4-27.
14. Chan, W.L.Y. Y.H. Wang and I-H. Ni, 2001, Economic issues in distant water fishing, In
Consultancy Study on Feasibility of Developing an Offshore Fishing Industry for Hong Kong: Final Report, Section 5, Report submitted to Hong Kong Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department thru Binhai Consultants Ltd., pp. 5-1~5-48.
15. Chan, W.L.Y. Y.H. Wang and I-H. Ni., 2001, Institutional and logistic arrangements, In
Consultancy Study on Feasibility of Developing an Offshore Fishing Industry for Hong Kong: Final Report, Section 7, Report submitted to Hong Kong Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department thru Binhai Consultants Ltd., pp.7-1~7-17.
16. Chan, W.L.Y. and I-H. Ni., 2001, Acceptability of HKSAR fishermen and related social
issues, In Consultancy Study on Feasibility of Developing an Offshore Fishing Industry for Hong Kong: Final Report, Section 8, Report submitted to Hong Kong Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department thru Binhai Consultants Ltd., pp.8-1~8-9. 17. Chan, W.L.Y. Y. H. Wang, and I-H. Ni., 2001, Option generation, evaluation and
comparison, In Consultancy Study on Feasibility of Developing an Offshore Fishing Industry for Hong Kong: Final Report, Section 9, Report submitted to Hong Kong Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department thru Binhai Consultants Ltd., pp. 9-1~9-35.
18. Chan, W.L.Y. I-H. Ni and Y. H. Wang, 2001, Recommendation of fishery options and
strategy for implementation, In Consultancy Study on Feasibility of Developing an Offshore Fishing Industry for Hong Kong: Final Report, Section 10, Report submitted to Hong Kong Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department thru Binhai Consultants Ltd., pp. 10-1~10-22.
19. Qian, P.Y., M.Wu and I-H. Ni, 2001, Integrated mariculture of seaweeds, shellfishes and
fishes to improve seawater quality and to maximize productivity, Agriculture and Fisheries Technology Promotion Association, 1: 97-107.
20. Tang, DL., DR Kester, I-H Ni, YZ Qi., 2001, A report of a dinoflagellate bloom in Pearl
River Estuary in 1998, Proceedings of Fifth IOC /WESTPAC International Scientific Symposium, Seoul, Korea.
21. Kwok, K. Y., C. Yau and I-H. Ni, 2002, Conservation aspects of commercial fishing,
Proceedings of the IUCN/WCPA-EA-4 Conference on the Protected Areas of East Asia, Taipei, Taiwan, pp. 375-386.
22. Tang, D.L. and Ni, I-H., 2002, Remote sensing of pigment concentration and sea surface
temperature in Chinese seas, In Proceedings of 5th Ocean Science collaboration from both sides of Taiwan Strait, Taipei, Taiwan, pp. 18-19. (Abstract)
23. Ni, I -H. and Y. K. Tam, 2002, General overview of world distant-water fisheries.
Proceedings of the International workshop on sustainable management of tropical & subtropical fisheries, Keelung, Taiwan, pp. B1-17.
24. Kwok, K. Y., C. Yau and I-H. Ni, 2002, Review of Ecological Impact of Various Fishing
Methods, Proceedings of the International workshop on sustainable management of tropical & subtropical fisheries, Keelung, Taiwan, pp. Y1-14.
25. Kwok, K. Y., C. Yau and I-H. Ni, 2002, Review of Ecological Impact of Various Fishing
Methods. Proceedings of the International workshop on conservation of fisheries, Keelung, Taiwan, pp. 14-27.
26. Wong, C. L. and I-H. Ni., 2002, Summary of the feral macaque population dynamics in
the Kowloon hills of Hong Kong, Report of the Symposium on Conservation and Management of Formosan Macaques, Society for Wildlife and Nature, pp. 103-105. 27. Wong, C. L. and I-H. Ni., 2002, A plan for managing feral monkeys in Hong Kong,
Report of the Symposium on Conservation and Management of Formosan Macaques, Society for Wildlife and Nature, pp. 106-111.
28. Tang D. L. I-H. Ni, F.E. Muller-Karger and I.S. Oh., 2003, Monthly variation of pigment
concentrations and seasonal winds in China’s marginal seas, In Proceedings of the International conference on sustainable management of tropical & subtropical fisheries, Keelung, Taiwan.
29. Ni, I -H. and Y. K. Tam, 2003, General overview of world fisheries, Proceedings of the
International workshop on sustainable management of tropical & subtropical fisheries, Keelung, Taiwan. 29. 倪怡訓、石念祖、陳 屏,2003,―魚‖多采多姿的性生活,Poster presentation at永
30. 倪怡訓、簡宗儒、王河順,2003,哭泣的海洋 (漁具漁法的改善,達成永續漁業),Poster presentation at永續臺灣的挑戰-河川與海洋特展,水水臺灣。
31. Kwok, K. Y., C. Yau and I-H. Ni, 2003, Conservation aspects of various Fishing Methods,
Proceedings of the Sino-French Symposium on Sustainable Coastal Development: Marine environmental protection & resource sustainability, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, pp. 56-69.
32. Shi N.Z. and I-H. Ni, 2003, Fisheries biology and management of cutlassfishes, Trichiurus
spp., in waters off Taiwan, In Proceedings of the 2003 Annual Meeting of Fisheries Society of Taiwan, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, pp. D-1-3.
30. Peng M.C., B.Y. Huang, W.T. Yang, S.S. Wu, J.A. Lee, C.T. Chen and I-H. Ni, 2003,
Methodology of detecting cadmium-induced protective protein, metallothionein, in fish body, In Proceedings of the 2003 Annual Meeting of Fisheries Society of Taiwan, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, pp. F17.
姓 名:李國添 (Kuo-Tien Lee, Ph.D.)
職 稱:教授兼副校長 (Professor and Vice-President) 學 歷:日本東京大學農學博士 (Tokyo Univ., Japan)
專 長:漁業科學、海洋生物環境學 (Fisheries Science, Biological Oceanography) 電 話:(02)2462-2192 ext 5031 e-mail:tienlee@mail.ntou.edu.tw
Refereed Papers
1. Lu, Hsueh-Jung, Kuo-Tien Lee, Hsiu-Ling Lin and Cheng-Hsin Liao, 2001,
Spatio-temporal distribution of yellowfin tuna, Thunnus albacare, and bigeye tuna, Thunnus obesus, in the Tropical Pacific Ocean in relation to large temperature fluctuation during ENSO episodes, Fishery Science, 67: 1064-1052. (SCI)
2. Shao, Tai-Yuan, Kun-Ching Liao, Kuo-Tien Lee, 2001, Strategic factors of fishery
products distribution center by using AHP, Taiwan, J. Fish. Soc. Taiwan, 28(3): 209-218. 3. Shao Tai-Yuan, Kun-ching Liao, Kuo-Tien Lee, 2001, Temperature experiment in an
automated cold warehouse of fishery products distribution center, Taiwan, J. Fish. Soc. Taiwan, 28(4): 275-285.
4. Shao Tai-Yuan, Kun-ching Liao, Kuo-Tien Lee, 2002, Reefer Container Routing Design
of Fishery Products, J. Fish. Soc. Taiwan, 29(2): 129-137.
5. Lee Ming-Anne, Kuo-Tien Lee, Yueh-Yuan Tu, Hsien-Shiow Tsai, 2002, The activity of
larval anchovy fishery in the region of Kungliaw, Monthly Journal of Taipower’s Engineering, 650: 76-81.
6. Chao Min-Shao, Ming-An Lee, Yang-Chi Lan and Kuo-Tien Lee, 2002, Relationship
between biological density and volume backscattering strength of sound scatting layer at 208 kHz and 418 kHz., J. Fish. Soc. Taiwan, 29(4): 249-257.
7. Lee Ming-An, Ju-Wen Chan, Jeng-Ton Yeeh, Choa Hsuing Cheng and Kuo-Tien Lee,
2003, Empirical orthogonal function analysis of AVHRR sea surface temperature patterns in Taiwan Straits, Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 11(1): 1-7. (EI)
8. Sheng-Long Kao, Kuo-Tien Lee and Min-Der Ko, 2003, Analysis and Comparison of
Taiwan Fishery Automatic Identification System (FAIS), J. Fish. Soc. Taiwan, 30(2): 131-145.
9. Lee Kuo-Tien, Cheng-Hsin Liao, Wei-Cheng Su, Sheng-Hsiung Hsieh and Hsueh-Jung
Lu, 2003, Studies on the mechanism on fishing ground formation of Sergestid Shrimp (Sergia lucens) in the coastal waters of southwestern Taiwan, Fisheries Research. (SCI) (Submitted)
10. Kuang-Yao Hsia, Kuo-Tien Lee, Cheng-Hsin Liao and Jian-Erh Wang, 2003, Effects of
changes in sea surface temperature on Fluctuation in larval anchovy resources in coastal waters of Taiwan, Fisheries Science. (SCI) (Submitted)
Conference Papers
1. 李國添,2001,氣候變遷對沿近海漁業之影響,漁業技術及資源管理九十年度研
討會,Keelung, Taiwan, ROC, pp. 256-262。
2. 11.Lee Kuo-Tien, Sheng-Hsiung Hsieh, Wei-Cheng Su, Cheng-Hsin Liao and Hsueh-Jung
Lu, 2001, Studies on the mechanisms on fishing ground formation of sergestid shrimp (Sergia lucens) in the coastal waters of southwest Taiwan, The 6th Asian Fisheries Forum, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, R.O.C. pp. 141.
3. 李國添,2001,海洋大環境與其生物資源永續發展,中國工程礦冶學會九十年年
會,海洋資源開發、利用及發展專題討論會,Taipei, Taiwan, ROC, pp. 2-9。 4. 李國添,2002,海洋漁業之永續發展,海洋與臺灣學術研討會,Kaoshiung, Taiwan,
ROC, pp. 2-1-15。
5. 李國添,2002,氣候變遷對沿近海漁業之影響,漁業技術及資源管理九十一年度
研討會,Keelung, Taiwan, ROC, pp. 87-94。
6. 李國添、魏良佑、許金漢、周世欽,2002,臺灣東北部海域之花腹鯖(Scomber
australasicus)產卵場推定,臺灣省水產學會九十一年度學術論文發表會,Taipei, Taiwan, ROC。
7. 李明安、蕭志豪、李國添、廖正信,2002,The squid fishing ground in relation to oceanic
features in the waters off Northeast Taiwan,臺灣省水產學會九十一年度學術論文發表會,Taipei, Taiwan, ROC。
8. 李國添、王凱毅、廖正信,2002,臺灣東北部海域劍尖槍鎖管生殖生態之初步研
究,臺灣省水產學會九十一年度學術論文發表會,Taipei, Taiwan, ROC。 9. 高聖龍、李國添、柯明德,2002,漁船自動識別系統AIS之比較分析,臺灣省水
產學會九十一年度學術論文發表會,Taipei, Taiwan, ROC。
10. 陳德平、呂學榮、李國添,2002,以聲探法評估白帶魚的群集密度,臺灣省水產
學會九十一年度學術論文發表會,Taipei, Taiwan, ROC。
11. 林言修、呂學榮、李國添,2002,東太平洋深層式鮪延繩釣作業深度與大目鮪漁
況調查,臺灣省水產學會九十一年度學術論文發表會,Taipei, Taiwan, ROC。 12. 張婉如、廖正信、李國添、蔡天益、陳信宏,2002,夏季時臺灣東北部海域浮游
動物之種類組成及其分布特性,臺灣省水產學會九十一年度學術論文發表會,Taipei, Taiwan, ROC。
13. 李國添、廖正信,2003,臺灣東北部海域鯖魚參漁海況變動特性之研究,台灣海
14. 張婉如、廖正信、李國添、李明安,2003,夏季臺灣東北部湧昇流海域橈足類多
樣性及其分布特性之研究,臺灣省水產學會九十二年度學術論文發表會,Kaohsiung, Taiwan, ROC。
15. 黃易德、呂學榮、李國添,2003,中西太平洋氣候交替現象及其對鮪漁業之影響,
臺灣省水產學會九十二年度學術論文發表會,Kaohsiung, Taiwan, ROC。
16. 王建二、李國添,2003,臺灣東北與西南海域鯷科仔稚魚資源與海氣環境之關係,
臺灣省水產學會九十二年度學術論文發表會,Kaohsiung, Taiwan, ROC。 17. 葉宗賢、李國添,2003,海氣環境因子變遷對臺灣烏魚(Magil cephalus L.)資源衝擊
之研究,臺灣省水產學會九十二年度學術論文發表會,Kaohsiung, Taiwan, ROC。 18. 王凱毅、李國添、廖正信,2003,臺灣東北部海域海洋環境變化對劍尖槍鎖管成
長影響之初步研究,臺灣省水產學會九十二年度學術論文發表會,Kaohsiung, Taiwan, ROC。
Other Publications
1. 李國添、謝寬永、李明安、劉光明、莊慶達、呂學榮,2001,臺北縣貢寮地區漁
業之調查研究期末報告,臺灣電力公司委託,國立臺灣海洋大學執行,共363頁。 2. 廖正信、李國添,2001,兩岸漁業資源之養護管理與共同利用,行政院農業委員
3. 李國添,2001,鯖鰺漁業資源調查評估,行政院農業委員會漁業暑九十年度沿近
海漁業永續發展-臺灣沿近海漁業資源調查評估計畫II研究報告,Part I: 1-69。 4. 李國添,2002,鯖鰺漁業資源調查評估,行政院農業委員會漁業暑九十一年度沿
近海漁業永續發展-臺灣沿近海漁業資源調查評估計畫III研究報告,Part I: 1-68。
姓 名:李明安 (Ming-Anne Lee, Ph.D.) 職 稱:教授 (Professor)
學 歷:國立臺灣海洋大學理學博士 (Natl. Taiwan Ocean Univ., R.O.C.)
專 長:漁業資訊處理、漁業儀器學 (Fishery Instruments, Fishing-Oceanic Condition
Methodology) 電 話:(02)2462-2192 ext 5032 e-mail:malee@mail.ntou.edu.tw
Refereed Papers
1. M.S. CHAO, M.A. LEE, Yanch Lian AND K.T. LEE, 2002, Relationship between
3. 4.
Biological Density and Volume Backscattering Strength of Sound Scatting Layer at 208 kHz and 418 kHz, J. Fish. Soc, Taiwan, 29(4): 249-257.
Lee, M.A., C. H. Hsiao and C.H. Liao, 2002, The squid fishery oceanography in relation to the oceanic features in the NE waters of Taiwan, The Proceedings of International Conferences on the tropical & subtropical Fisheries, National Taiwan Ocean University, pp. 17.
Lee, M.A., K.T. Lee, Y.Y. Tu and H.S. Tsai, 2002, The activity of larval anchovy fishery in the region of Kungliaw, Mon. J. TaiPower. Eng., 650: 76-81.
Tang, D.L., H. Kawamura, M. A. Lee and T. V. Dien, 2003, Seasonal and spatial distribution of chlorophyll a concentrations and water conditions in the Gulf of Tonkin, South China Sea. Remote Sensing of Environment, 85(4): 475-483. (SCI)
Lee, M.A., Jeng-Dong Yeah, Choa Hsuing Cheng, Jui-wen Chan and K.T. Lee, 2003, Empirical orthogonal function analysis of AVHRR sea surface temperature patterns in Taiwan Straits, J. Mari. Science & Technology, 11: 1-7. (EI)
Conference Papers
1. 李明安,2001,台灣海峽生態系統動態整合研究-聲光遙測台灣海峽浮游動物與鯷
科仔稚魚資源群集特性及海況研究-國科會海洋科學成果發表會,Taipei, Taiwan, ROC。
2. 李明安,2001,鯷科仔稚魚資源評估與管理措施之研究,漁業技術與資源管理研
討會,行政院農業委員會九十年度科技計劃成果,Keelung, Taiwan, ROC, pp. 65-71。 3. 李明安,2002,台灣海峽生態系統動態整合研究-聲光遙測台灣海峽浮游動物與鯷
科仔稚魚資源群集特性及海況研究-國科會海洋科學成果發表會,TaiTung, Taiwan, ROC, pp. 95-99.。
4. 徐培凱、羅文增、李明安,2002,台灣北部海域管水母種類組成及季節分布之研
究-國科會海洋科學成果發表會,TaiTung, Taiwan, pp.351。
5. 藍揚麒、石長泰、趙敏修、李明安,2002,Spring distribution of copepods in relation to
water masses in the northern Taiwan Strait, 台灣水產學會九十一年度論文發表會, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC。
6. 李明安、蕭志豪、李國添、廖正信,2002,The squid fishing ground in relation to oceanic
features in the waters off northeast Taiwan, 衛星遙測台灣周邊水域月別葉綠素濃度分布特性,台灣水產學會九十一年度論文發表會,Taipei, Taiwan, ROC。 7. 李明安,2002,鯷科仔稚魚資源評估與管理措施之研究,漁業技術與資源管理研
討會,行政院農業委員會九十一年度科技計劃成果,Keelung, Taiwan, ROC, pp.
8. Tang, D.L., H. Kawamura, M.A. Lee and T.V. Dien, 2002, Chlorophyll a distribution and
water environment in the Beibu Gulf in the South China Sea. Second International Workshop on coastal Eutrophication, Tianjin, China, pp. 126-234.
9. Ming-An Lee, Yang-chi Lan , Min-Shao Chao and Chang-Tai Shih, 2002, Composition
and abundance variability of copepod at the frontal region near the CY Ridge, VII- The 8th ICOC conference, Keelung, Taiwan.
10. Yang-chi Lan , Chang-Tai Shih and Ming-An Lee, 2002, The Distribution of Copepod and
Relationship with the Hydrographic in the Masses of the Northern Taiwan Strait, VII- The 8th ICOC conference, Keelung, Taiwan. 11. 藍揚麒、石長泰、李明安,2003,台灣海峽冬季鋒面區橈足類分布特性,台灣水
產學會九十二年度論文發表會,Kaoshuing, Taiwan, ROC。
12. 謝豐任、王友慈、李明安、邵廣昭,2003,台灣西南海域魩仔魚漁業混獲特性之
研究,台灣水產學會九十二年度論文發表會,Kaoshuing, Taiwan, ROC。 13. 王友慈、邵廣昭、謝豐任、李明安,2003,台灣西北海域淡水魩仔魚漁業混獲特
性之研究,台灣水產學會九十二年度論文發表會,Kaoshuing, Taiwan, ROC。 14. 李明安,2003,鯷科仔稚魚資源評估與管理措施之研究,漁業技術與資源管理研
討會,行政院農業委員會九十二年度科技計劃成果,Keelung, Taiwan, ROC, pp. 1-8。 15. 黃娟娟、李明安、翁進坪,2003,台灣沿岸海域經濟性黑碟貝資源生物學特性及
其評估管理之研究,漁業技術與資源管理研討會,行政院農業委員會九十二年度科技計劃成果,Keelung, Taiwan, ROC, pp. 73-78。
Other Publications
1. 李國添、謝寬永、李明安、劉光明、莊慶達,2001,台北縣貢寮地區漁業之調查
2. 李國添、謝寬永、李明安、劉光明、莊慶達、呂學榮,2002,台北縣貢寮地區漁
業之調查研究期末報告,台灣電力公司委託,國立台灣海洋大學執行。 3. 李國添、謝寬永、李明安、劉光明、莊慶達、呂學榮,2003,台北縣貢寮地區漁
姓 名:蔣國平 (Kuo-Ping Chiang, Ph.D.) 職 稱:教授 (Professor)
學 歷:日本東北大學農學博士 (Tohoku Univ., Japan)
專 長:海洋基礎生產、浮游生物 (Marine Primary Production, Planktology) 電 話:(02)2462-2192 ext 5019 e-mail:kPChiang @mail.ntou.edu.tw
Refereed Papers
1. Cheng C. H., T. Kawasaki, K. P. Chiang and C. H. Ho, 2001, Estimated distribution and
movement of hairtail Trichiurus lepturus in the Aru Sea, based on the logbook records of trawlers, Fisheries Science, 67: 3-13. (SCI)
2. Shiah F. K., T. Y. Chen, G. C. Gong, C. C. Chen, K. P. Chiang and J. J. Hung, 2001,
Differential coupling of bacterial and primary production in mesotrophic and oligotrophic systems of the East China Sea, Aquat. Microb. Ecol., 23: 273-282. (SCI)
3. Chiang K. P., M. C. Kuo, J. Chang, R. H. Wang and G. C. Gong, 2002, Spatial and
tempotal variation of the Synechococcus population in the East China Sea and its contribution to phytoplankton biomass, Cont. Shelf Res., 20: 479-492. (SCI)
4. Chiang, K. P., C. Y. Lin, C. H. Lee, F. K. Shiah and J. Chang, 2003, The coupling of
oligotrich ciliate populations and hydrography in the East China Sea: spatial and temporal variation, Deep-Sea Research Part II, 50: 1279-1293. (SCI)
5. Chen, C.-C., F.-K. Shiah, G.-C. Gong and K.-P. Chiang, 2003, Planktonic community
respiration in the East China Sea: importance of microbial consumption on organic carbon, Deep-Sea Research Part II, 50: 1311-1325. (SCI)
6. Chang, J., K.-H. Lin, K.-M. Chen, G.-C. Gong and K.-P. Chiang, 2003, Synechococcus
growth and mortality rates in the East China Sea: range of variation and correlation with environmental factors, Deep-Sea Research Part II, 50: 1265-1278. (SCI)
7. Chang, J., F.-K. Shiah, G.-C. Gong, and K.-P. Chiang, 2003, Cross-shelf variation in
carbon-to-chlorophyll a ratios in the East China Sea, Deep-Sea Research Part II, 50: 1237-1247. (SCI)
姓 名:謝寬永 (Kuan-Yung Hsieh, Ph.D.) 職 稱:副教授 (Associate Professor)
學 歷:日本北海道大學水產學博士 (Hokaido Univ., Japan)
專 長:漁具材料學、漁具力學 (Fisheries Gear Materials, Fishing Gear Mechanics) 電 話:(02)2462-2192 ext 5024
Refereed Papers
1. Hsieh, Kuan-Yung, Bao-Quey Huang, Rong-Layz Wu and Chun-Te Chen, 2001, Color
effects of lures on the hooking rates of mackerel longline fishing, Fish Sci., Japan, 67: 408-414. (SCI)
2. Lin, Yuan-Chih, Bao-Quey Huang, Hung-Tai Lee, Po-Jung Lin and Kuan-Yung Hsieh,
2002, Morphometric and Histochemical Characteristics of Fiber Types in Trunk Muscle of
Mullet, Mugil cephalus, J. Fish. Soc. Taiwan. 29(2): 147-156. (國科會優良期刊) 3. Lin, Po-Jung, Bao-Quey Huang and Kuan-Yung Hsieh, 2002, Some Locomotive
Characteristics of Acrossocheilus paradoxus in Swimming Performance, J. Fish. Soc. Taiwan, 29(3): 1-13.
Conference Papers
1. Lin, Bor-Jung, and Kuan-Yung Hsieh, 2001, The swimming patterns of Acrossocheilus
paradoxus, 6TH Asian Fisheries Forum, Asian Fisheries Society, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, pp. 101. 2. 謝寬永、黃章陽、黃聖智,2002,禁用三層刺網對漁獲之影響研究(一),漁業技術
及資源管理研討會,基隆,pp. 165-172。
3. 謝寬永、黃章陽、黃聖智,2003,禁用三層刺網對漁獲之影響研究(二),漁業資源
評估管理及利用研討會,基隆,pp. 159-166。
Other Publications
1. 李國添、謝寬永、李明安、劉光明、莊慶達,2001,臺北縣貢寮地區漁業之調查
2. 謝寬永、李國添等,2001,台灣沿岸海域漁業多元化利用規劃(二),行政院農業委
3. 李國添、謝寬永、李明安、劉光明、莊慶達、呂學榮,2002,臺北縣貢寮地區漁
業之調查研究,臺灣電力公司委託,國立台灣海洋大學執行,共358頁。 4. 謝寬永、李國添等,2002,台灣沿岸海域漁業多元化利用規劃(三),行政院農業委
5. 張福平、于乃衡、謝寬永、莊守正、丁得祿,2002,沿近海漁業永續發展-放流魚
苗增殖漁業資源-放流效益評估,行政院農業委員會農業發展計畫九十一年度計畫研究報告,行政院農業委員會漁業署委託,中華民國水產種苗協會執行,共81頁。 6. 李國添、謝寬永、李明安、劉光明、莊慶達、呂學榮,2003,臺北縣貢寮地區漁
業之調查研究,臺灣電力公司委託,國立台灣海洋大學執行,共369頁。 7. 謝寬永,2002,禁用三層刺網對漁獲之影響研究(一),行政院農業委員會漁業署委
姓 名:歐慶賢(Ching-Hsiewn Ou, Ph.D.) 職 稱:副教授(Associate Professor) 學 歷:日本北海道大學水產學博士 專 長:漁業管理、漁業法規、漁具漁法 e-mail:b0093@mail.ntou.edu.tw
Refereed Paper
1. 翁平勝、于錫亮、歐慶賢,2002:攝影機監控海鱺水槽實驗殘餌率估計,台灣省
Conference Papers:
1. 李尚謙、歐慶賢,2003,大陸漁業政策之研究,台灣水產學會學術論文發表會,pp.
2. 黃騰正、劉文宏、歐慶賢,2003,漁業納入沿岸帶綜合管理之研究,台灣水產學
會學術論文發表會,pp. C-4-4。
3. 丁國桓、丁得祿、劉文宏、歐慶賢,2003,台灣海上箱網養殖管理制度之研究,
台灣水產學會學術論文發表會,pp. C-4-5。
4. 歐慶賢,2003,基隆發展觀光休閒之作法,基隆-海洋都市論壇,pp. 44-48。 5. 蘇宗濤、歐慶賢、劉詩宗,2003,未具船型浮具管理制度之探討,第一屆校聯航
運研討會,pp. 44-51。
Other Publications
1. 歐慶賢、翁平勝、劉文宏、李尚謙,2001,馬祖海域箱網養殖有關漁業權及營運
2. 歐慶賢,2001,新竹市地區休閒漁業整体規畫,海洋大學漁業科學研究所,共79
3. 歐慶賢、邵廣昭,2001,C2C海纜網路系統沙崙及枋山登陸點附近海域海洋生態
4. 歐慶賢,2001,國軍新竹縣新豐鄉坑子口戰車射擊靶場落彈區與縣政府核發定置
5. 歐慶賢,2001,國軍新竹縣新豐鄉坑子口靶場射擊區影響毗鄰定置網漁業之經營
對漁民生計影響之補償救濟基準研擬,海洋大學漁業科學研究所,共98頁。 6. 歐慶賢、邵廣昭,2001,北亞光纜系統(NACS)路由海域海洋生態與漁業影響評估
7. 歐慶賢、李國添、謝寬永、黃將修等,2001,台灣沿岸海域漁業多元化利用規劃(2),
8. 歐慶賢、黃異、舒瑞金、劉文宏、吳金鎮,2001,兩岸漁撈作業、船員雇用等漁
9. 歐慶賢,2001,馬祖漁業現況與展望,廿一世紀馬祖漁業發展新方案研討會,連
江縣水產試驗所,pp. 1-57。
10. 歐慶賢,2001,大陸漁業政策及資訊收集與分析,海洋大學,1-6。
11. 歐慶賢、呂學榮、謝寬永等,2002,台灣沿岸海域漁業多元化利用規劃(3),海洋
12. 歐慶賢,2002,馬祖海域漁業多元化利用規劃,連江縣政府,共231頁。 13. 歐慶賢,2002,臺灣地區船船主僱用大陸地區船員及外籍船員資料蒐集計畫,海
14. 歐慶賢,2002,兩岸漁事糾紛調處及瞭解大陸漁業政策,海洋大學,共212頁。 15. 歐慶賢,2003,兩岸漁事糾紛調處機制之研究,海洋大學,共97頁。 16. 歐慶賢,2003,漁業納入沿岸帶綜合管理之研究,海洋大學,共270頁。 17. 歐慶賢,2003,馬祖海域生態分析暨生態旅遊規劃,海洋大學,共95頁。 18. 歐慶賢,2003,基隆河員山子分洪工程計畫因工程施設導致漁業權是否有損失暨
19. 歐慶賢、邵廣昭等,2003,海洋保護區系統之建立及其經營管理策略之研究,行
姓 名:陳俊德(Chun-Te Chen, Ph.D.) 職 稱:副教授(Associate Professor)
學 歷:日本東京水產大學水產學博士 (Tokyo Univ., Japan)
專 長:漁業生產工學、海洋光學、漁業公害(Fishing Technology, Ocean Optics,
Public Nuisance of Fisheries) 電 話:(02)24622192 ext 5029 e-mail :d0019@mail.ntou.edu.tw
Refereed Papers
1. Chung-Ru Ho, Li-Shang Lee, Nan-Jung Kuo and Hsien-Wen Li, and Chun-Te Chen, 2001,
Intercomparison of spaceborne ocean color measurements between OCI and SeaWiFS,
Geophysical Research Letters, U.S.A., 28(7): 1255-1258.(SCI)
2. Kuan-Yung Hsieh, Bao-Quey Huang, Rong-Layz Wu, and Chun-Te Chen, 2001, The
color effects of artificial lures on the hooking rates of the mackerel longline fishing,
Fisheries Science, Japan, 67: 408-414.(SCI)
3. Wei-Peng Tsai, Chun-Te Chen, and Jung-Yao Lin, 2002, Application of Ocean Color on
Bathymetry Mapping for the Shye-Cherng Set Net, J. Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Taiwan, 7(3): 19-27.
Conference Papers
1. 陳俊德、陳黃谷、何宗儒,2001,台灣北部海域水中光學特性與衛星遙測用水色
模式之選定,臺灣海洋大學生命與資源科學院教學與研究成果展摘要集,pp. 9。 2. 曾文正、蕭詠峰、陳俊德、何宗儒、郭南榮,2002,台灣週邊海域海洋水色之研
3. 李彥毅、葉淑瑛、吳秀賢、黃郁哲、陳俊德,2002,重金屬污染對台灣東北角陰
4. 黃將修、陳俊德等,2002,利用側掃聲納評估龜山島海域珊瑚礁之被覆範圍,中
5. 吳秀賢.陳俊德.楊文婷,2003,利用小型多毛類Capitella spp.之生物活性處理海
洋底泥中有幾污染之研究,臺灣水產學會2003年學術論文發表會論文摘要集,pp. C-2-4。
6. 吳秀賢.李權峰.林啟燦.陳俊德, 2003,利用海洋細菌處理海水中柴油之研究,
臺灣水產學會2003年學術論文發表會論文摘要集,pp. C-2-6。
7. 葉欽洲.李政緯.陳俊德.陳哲聰,2003,台灣沿近海漁業海豚危害減少之研究,
臺灣水產學會2003年學術論文發表會論文摘要集,pp. D-3-2。
8. 彭明棋.黃秉岳.楊文婷.吳秀賢.李仁愛.陳俊德.倪怡訓,2003,魚體內鎘
金屬誘發的防禦性蛋白質-金屬硫蛋白之檢測方法,臺灣水產學會2003年學術論文發表會論文摘要集,pp. F-17。
姓 名:劉春成(Chun-Chen Liu, Ph.D.) 職 稱:副教授(Associate Professor) 學 歷:國立臺灣海洋大學理學博士
專 長:海洋學、漁場學、水中聲學、航海學 e-mail :ccliu@mail.ntou.edu.tw
Refereed Papers
1. 劉春成、林志遠、黃繼興、陳衍光、曾振德、 陳世欽,2001,GIS應用於本省人
工棲所選址之研究,漁業推廣,173: 17-25。
2. Tseng, C. T., S. C. Chen, C. S. Huang and C. C. Liu, 2001, GIS-assisted site selection for
artificial reefs, Fisheries Science, 67: 1015-1022。
Conference Paper
1. 王壬輝、陳衍光、黃繼興、劉春成、林志遠、曾振德,2001,Application of GIS on
site selection of artificial habitats in Northwestern Taiwan,臺灣水產學會2001年學術論文發表會,中山大學,Kaoshiung。
Other Publication
1. 劉春成、黃繼興、陳衍光、王壬輝,2001,GIS應用於人工棲所區為選址之研究,
行政院農業委員會漁業署漁業技術及資源管理研討會,pp. 180~186。
姓 名:廖正信 (Cheng-Hsin Liao, Ph.D.) 職 稱:副教授 (Associate Professor)
學 歷:國立臺灣海洋大學理學博士 (Natl. Taiwan Ocean Univ., R.O.C.)
專 長:海洋環境保全、漁業儀器(Conservation of Marine Environment, Fishery Instruments) 電 話:(02)2462-2192 ext 5050
Refereed Papers
1. Hsu, Chin-Han, Kuo-Tien Lee, Ming-Anne Lee, Cheng-Hsin Liao, and Hsueh-Jung Lu,
2001, Effects of seasonal environment changes on the mackerel purse seine fishery in the waters off northeast Taiwan monitored by satellite remote sensing, Proceedings of the Joint Taiwan-Australia Aquaculture and Fisherues Resources Management Forum, TFRI Conference Proceedings, 4: 257-261.
2. Lu, Hsueh-Jung, Kuo-Tien Lee, Hsiu-Ling Lin, and Cheng-Hsin Liao, 2001,
Spatio-temporal distribution of yellowfin tuna, Thunnus albacares, and bigeye tuna, T. obesus, in the Tropical Pacific Ocean in relation to large-scale temperature fluctuation during ENSO epidodes, Fisheries Science, 67(6): 1046-1052. (SCI)
3. Lee Ming-Ann, Chih-Hao Hsiao and Cheng-Hsin Liao, 2002, The Squid Fishery
Oceanography in the NE Waters of Taiwan - the fishing Activity in Relation to the Oceanic Features, International Conference on Sustainable Management of Tropical and Subtropical Fisheries, Keelung, Taiwan, R.O.C., pp. XIII-1-17. 4. 李明安、廖正信,2003,光波遙測在生物資源開發之應用-以東北部海域燈火漁業
為例,海洋技術季刊,13(4): 11-20。
Conference Papers
1. Liao Cheng-Hsin, Kuo-Tien Lee and Ming-Ann Lee, 2001, Impact of climate variability
on the swordtip squid fisheries in the NE waters of Taiwan, International Conference on marine resources and environment, Keelung, Taiwan, R.O.C., pp. 19-36.
2. Lee Kuo-Tien, Sheng-Hsiung Hsieh, Wei-Cheng Su, Cheng-Hsin Liao and Hsueh-Jung
Lu, 2001, Studies on the mechanisms on fishing ground formation of sergestid shrimp (Sergia lucens) in the coastal waters of southwest Taiwan, The 6th Asian Fisheries Forum, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, R.O.C. 3. 張婉如、廖正信、李國添、蔡天益、陳信宏,2002,夏季時臺灣東北部海域浮游
動物之種類組成及其分布特性,臺灣省水產學會九十一年度學術論文發表會,Taipei, Taiwan, ROC。
4. 李國添、王凱毅、廖正信,2002,臺灣東北部海域劍尖槍鎖管生殖生態之初步研
究,臺灣省水產學會九十一年度學術論文發表會,Taipei, Taiwan, ROC。 5. 李明安、蕭志豪、李國添、廖正信,2002,The squid fishing ground in relation to oceanic
features in the waters off Northeast Taiwan,臺灣省水產學會九十一年度學術論文發表會,Taipei, Taiwan, ROC。
6. 王凱毅、李國添、廖正信,2003,臺灣東北部海域海洋環境變化對劍尖槍鎖管成
Taiwan, ROC。
7. 張婉如、廖正信、李國添、李明安,2003,夏季臺灣東北部湧昇流海域橈足類多
樣性及其分布特性之研究,臺灣省水產學會九十二年度學術論文發表會,Kaohsiung, Taiwan, ROC。
8. 李國添、廖正信,2003,臺灣東北部海域鯖魚參漁海況變動特性之研究,台灣海峽
Other Publications
1. 廖正信、李國添,2001,兩岸烏魚資源之養護管理與共同利用,行政院農業委員
2. 廖正信、呂學榮,2001,燈火漁業資源調查評估,行政院農業委員會漁業暑九十
年度沿近海漁業永續發展-臺灣沿近海漁業資源調查評估計畫II研究報告,Part IV: 1-46。
3. 廖正信、黃寶貴,2002,燈火漁業資源調查評估,行政院農業委員會漁業暑九十
一年度沿近海漁業永續發展-臺灣沿近海漁業資源調查評估計畫III研究報告,Part IV: 1-54。
4. 廖正信、黃寶貴,2003,燈火漁業資源調查評估,行政院農業委員會漁業暑九十
二年度沿近海漁業永續發展-臺灣沿近海漁業資源調查評估計畫IV研究報告,Part IV: 1-79。
姓 名:莊守正(Shoou-Jeng Joung, Ph.D.) 職 稱:助理教授(Assistant Professor) 學 歷:國立台灣海洋大學理學博士
專 長:漁業生物學、資源管理學(Fisheries Biology and Management) e-mail:f0010@mail.ntou.edu.tw
Refereed Paper
1. Liu, K. M., K. Y. Hung, and S. J. Joung, 2002, Estimate of reproductive value of the big
eye Priacanthus macracanthus in the north-eastern waters off Taiwan, Fisheries Sciences, 68: 523-528.(SCI)
Conference Papers
1. 侯彥隆、莊守正,2001,台灣東北部海域廣東鰩之漁業生物學研究,海洋大學生
2. Chen, C. T., K. M. Liu and S. J. Joung, 2002, Shark researches in Taiwan – past, present
and future, Sharks Conference 2002: Sustainable Utilization and Conservation of Sharks, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC.
3. Liu, K.M., W. L. Joung and S. J. Joung, 2002, Stock assessment of the bigeye thresher
shark, Alopias superciliosus in the northeastern Taiwan waters, Sharks Conference 2002: Sustainable Utilization and Conservation of Sharks, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC. 4. Joung, S. J., Y. Y. Liao and C. T. Chen, 2002, Sustainable Utilization and management on
whale shark in Taiwan, Sharks Conference 2002: Sustainable Utilization and Conservation of Sharks, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC.
5. Li, K. T. and S.J. Joung, 2002, The significance of prehistoric shark remains in Taiwan,
Sharks Conference 2002: Sustainable Utilization and Conservation of Sharks, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC. 6. 劉秀珠、莊守正,2002,台灣東北海域丫髻鮫之生殖研究,2002年魚類學學術研
7. 李賢浩、莊守正、陳哲聰,2002,台灣東北部海域平滑白眼鮫之漁業生物學研究,
2002年魚類學學術研討會暨中華民國魚類學會91年會員大會,台北,台灣。 8. 侯彥隆、莊守正,2002,台灣東北部海域廣東鰩之漁業生物學研究,2002年魚類
9. 徐華遜、莊守正,2003,台灣地區鯨鯊漁獲情形及洄游路徑調查研究,2003年魚
10. 李柏鋒、莊守正、邵廣昭,台灣海域烏鯊屬之新種—長吻烏鯊,2003年魚類學學
11. 莊守正,2003,國際間對遠洋漁業混獲鯊魚之討論與我國之因應,國際間對混獲
12. Chen, T. S. and S.J. Joung, 2003, Fisheries biology of dusky shark, Carcharhinus obscurus
in the northwestern Pacific Ocean, Conf. of Taiwan Fish. Soc., Kaoshung, Taiwan.
Other Publications
1. 莊守正,2001,水產資源學實驗課程教材,國立台灣海洋大學漁業科學學系,共
2. 莊守正,2002,鯊魚盾鱗的顯微世界,國立海洋科技博物館籌備處,共38頁。
姓 名:呂學榮(Hsueh-Jung Lu, Ph.D.) 職 稱:助理教授(Assistant Professor)
學 歷:國立台灣海洋大學理學博士(Institute of Fisheries Science, National Taiwan
Ocean University, R.O.C.)
專 長:漁場環境、漁業儀器與資訊解析(Fishery Oceanography, Fishery
Instrumentation, Fishery Information Analysis)
電 話:(02)2462-2192 ext 5033 e-mail:hjlu@mail.ntou.edu.tw
Refereed Paper
1. Lu, Hsueh-Jung, Kuo-Tien Lee, Hsiu-Ling Lin, and Cheng-Hsin Liao, 2001,
Spatio-temporal distribution of yellowfin tuna, Thunnus albacares, and bigeye tuna, T. obesus, in the Tropical Pacific Ocean in relation to large-scale temperature fluctuation during ENSO epidodes, Fisheries Science, 67: 1046-1052. (SCI)
Conference Papers
1. Lee Kuo-Tien, Sheng-Hsiung Hsieh, Wei-Cheng Su, Cheng-Hsin Liao and Hsueh-Jung
Lu, 2001, Studies on the mechanisms on fishing ground formation of sergestid shrimp (Sergia lucens) in the coastal waters of southwest Taiwan, The 6th Asian Fisheries Forum, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, R.O.C..
2. Lu, Hsueh-Jung, Kuo-Tien Lee and Gin-Han Hsu, 2001, On the relationship between
climatic variability and mackerel purse seine fishery, International conference on marine resources and environment, Keelung, Taiwan, pp. 11-19.
3. Lu, Hsueh-Jung, 2001, Climate Variability and Pelagic Fishery: An Overview of the
Regional Fisheries in Western Pacific, Proceeding of International Woekshop on Fishery Policy and Management for the South-Pacific Region, Taiwan, ROC, pp. D61-D82. 4. 林言修、呂學榮、李國添,2002,東太平洋深層式延繩釣作業深度與大目鮪漁況
調查,臺灣水產學會九十一年度論文發表會,Taipei, Taiwan, ROC。
5. 呂學榮、歐慶賢、李國添,2002,台灣沿岸海域漁業多元化利用規劃,中日沿岸
漁業管理研討會,Keelung, Taiwan, ROC。
6. 陳德平、呂學榮、李國添,2002,以聲探法評估集魚燈下白帶魚之群集密度,臺
灣水產學會九十一年度論文發表會,Taipei, Taiwan, ROC。
7. 呂學榮,2002,氣候變遷對中西太平洋鮪資源及漁場變動之影響研究,漁業技術
及資源管理九十一年度研討會,Keelung, Taiwan, ROC, pp. 79-86。
8. 呂學榮,2002,衛星遙測與地理資訊系統在遠洋漁場變動之應用-東太平洋大目鮪
漁海況變動,九十年度行政院農委會漁業署鮪、魷漁業資源計畫研討會報告專輯第五輯,pp. 89-114。
9. 呂學榮,2003,沿近海漁業GIS之建立-漁獲與棲地資料庫之整合,台灣生物多樣
性研討會,Taipei, Taiwan, ROC。
10. 呂學榮、黃易德、李國添,2003,中西太平洋氣候交替現象及其對鮪漁業之影響,
臺灣水產學會九十二年度論文發表會,Kaohsiung, Taiwan,, ROC。
11. 陳建宏,呂學榮,2003,GIS在沿岸漁業海域區劃之應用,臺灣水產學會九十二年
度論文發表會,Kaohsiung, Taiwan,, ROC。
12. Lu, Hsueh-Jung, 2003, An Experimental Web of GIS on Fishery and Non-Fishery
Utilization within Territorial Sea and Coastal Zones in Taiwan, International Workshop on “Toward an Integrated Biodiversity Information Network” and Forun of Species 200 Asian-Oceania, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC. 13. 呂學榮,2003,氣候變遷對中西太平洋鮪資源及漁場變動之影響研究,漁業技術
及資源管理九十二年度研討會,Keelung, Taiwan, ROC, pp. 205-212。
Other Publications
1. 呂學榮,2001,GIS在漁業上的應用實習教材,教育部顧問室,共115頁。 2. 呂學榮、張水鍇,2002,漁業統計,國立編譯館,共182頁。
3. 歐慶賢、李國添、謝寬永、呂學榮等,2002,台灣沿岸海域漁業多元化利用規劃(3),
4. 李國添、謝寬永、李明安、劉光明、莊慶達、呂學榮,2002,台北縣貢寮地區漁
業之調查研究期末報告,台灣電力公司委託,國立台灣海洋大學執行。 5. 李國添、謝寬永、李明安、劉光明、莊慶達、呂學榮,2003,台北縣貢寮地區漁
姓 名:鄭學淵 (Sha-Yen Cheng, Ph.D.) 職 稱:助理教授 (Assistant Professor) 學 歷:國立台灣海洋大學農學博士