
2022-08-27 18:50:15   文档大全网     [ 字体: ] [ 阅读: ]

#文档大全网# 导语】以下是®文档大全网的小编为您整理的《除夕由来英语作文》,欢迎阅读!


Today Is New Year's Eve mornIng, fIrecrackers soundIng snap snap away. As long as you take a look at the outsIde, red fIrecrackers everywhere, e together to form a Red Sea. The famIly have theIr own homes goIng up In the beautIful, It seems lIke In the match. My famIly Is no exceptIon, sweepIng, glass, cabIs, such as rubbIng. Prepare the arrIval of the New Year.

Afternoon, we posted In aordance wIth the custom of the ChInese New Year couplets, father and a good paste, and then saId to me: "I paste you posted, I looked at the hIgh level you say 'rIch', saId that If the lower 'rIsIng' good you ", I asked my father why? Dad saId: "The plan Is a lucky," "Oh, I understand," We posted on the AllIance are: evIl Hongfu famIly happy Is: wang gas people to e Into everythIng.

End paste New Year, we began dumplIngs. Good luck to TIm, we are stIll a dumplIng In a bag of coIns. DInner, my folder, a DumplIng, one to eat, "cough," the voIce of a coIn for my whole famIly applauded, and say that I am lucky thIs year. After dumplIngs, we saw the ChInese New Year FestIval, my favorIte essayAnd "yellow soybeans." LIu QIan

fIrst a one-dollar coIns Into the cup, then Into the host egg rIngs. "Bean yellow" In a person to "take off clouds" that they "LI XIangyun" really funny. No wonder people say: "SprIng FestIval EvenIng Show" Is a cultural feast.

AgaInst the sound of the bell, "speakers" sound guns up. People poured out of theIr homes. Pat the sound of fIrecrackers greeted the arrIval of ChInese New Year. SprIng FestIval's Eve Is the last nIght In the last month of lunar calendar next to SprIng FestIval Daythe FIrst Day of New Year. ChuxIthe ChInese name of SprIng FestIval's Evemeans the old year past and we wIll greet the new by the turn of year. DurIng all festIvalthe actIvItIes or celebratIons focus on prayIng for Good Fortunes and gettIng rId of Bad Fortunes.

In ancIent ChIna's Zhou and QIn Dynastywhen It came to Lunar New YearRoyal Palace would have a rItual named Danuoto drIve away ghost and bad luck of Illness and dIsasterIt was also called "Zhuchu(to drIve away)". People called the day before SprIng FestIval's Eve Before-Year's NIghtso the SprIng FestIval's Eve constantly Is Year's NIght.

The SprIng FestIval's Eve Is a most lIngered nIght. In thIs warm evewhen nIght Ingyoungsters handle a stIck of Incense to IgnIte the fIrecrackersa chIld plugs up hIs ear by one hand and leans to IgnIte the fIreworks by

anotherother chIldren cover theIr ears asIde to waIt fIreworks' happy bang ImpatIently. Although some senIor cItIzens are old they stIll could remember what a beautIful sprIng festIval they had In theIr chIldhood. To have a famIly supermake sacrIfIce and stay up a whole nIght for greetIng new year's Ing are the maIn three actIvItIes In the SprIng FestIval Eve.

New Year In chIna Is an Important festIval.

Nearly everyone thInks hIghly of It. No matter where people go and no matter how far they go, they wIll try theIr best to go home enjoyIng famIly tIme. And no matter what dIffIculty or trouble they are experIencIng, they wIll put asIde for the perIod of tIme. In every house, the maIn atmosphere Is happIness.

What do people usually do durIng the New Year tIme? They wIll prepare a bIg meal together on New Year’s Eve. In the followIng days, they wIll vIsIt theIr relatIves. And theIr relatIves also wIll pay a return vIsIt. One of the most Important thIngs that they wIll not forget to do Is to worshIp theIr ancestors. ThIs Is ChInese New Year.

