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经典唯美的英文诗句欣赏阅读带翻译 经典唯美的英文诗句篇一 慈母颂》Mother Machree There’s a spot in my heart which no colleen may own;

There’s a depth in my soul never sounded or known; There’s a place in my memory my life that you fill; No other can take it no one ever will;

Every sorrow or care in the dear days gone by; Was made bright by the light of the smile in your eye; Like a candle that’s set in a window at night; Your fond love has cheered me and guided me right; Sure I love the dear silver that shines in your hair;

And the brow that’s all furrowed and wrinkled with care;I kiss the dear fingers so toil warm for me;

Oh! God bless you and keep you, mother machree! 外文诗:歌颂伟大的母亲《慈母颂》 在我的心灵之中 有个地方,深不可测 境从未与闻 哪个少女也难问津;

在我的记忆之中 我的生命充满你的身影 谁也不能取代 永远无人有此真情;

珍贵时光悠悠逝去 辛劳烦扰却永不消停 你眼中的微笑,其光彩 使烦劳转为光明;

宛如点燃的烛光 深夜透窗棂 你深情的爱激励我 引领我一直前;是的,我爱你如银的发丝 闪烁着深情的光芒 我爱你额上道道皱 岁月刻满沧桑 我吻你勤劳的手指 双手柔情温暖我心房;

啊,慈母在我心 苍天保佑,福寿永绵长! 经典唯美的英文诗句篇 你将会成为我的挚爱 You Will be My Ain True Love You“ll walk unscathed through musket fire, No ploughman“s blade will cut thee down, No cutler"s horn will mark thy face, And you will be my ain true love, And you will be my ain true love. And as you walk through death"s dark veil, The cannon"s thunder can"t prevail, And those who hunt thee down will fail, And you will be my ain true love, And you will be my ain true love. Asleep inside the cannon"s mouth, The captain cries, “Here comes the rout,”They"ll seek to find me north and south, I"ve gone to find my ain true love. The field is cut and bleeds to red, The cannon balls fly round my head, The infirmary man may count me dead, When I"ve gone to find my ain true love, I"ve gone to find my ain true love. 你穿过枪林弹雨毫无损伤, 什么武器都不能让你倒下, 什么武器都不能在你的脸上留痕, 你会成为我的挚爱, 你会成为我的挚爱。

你穿过死亡的黑纱, 隆隆的炮声无法将你战胜, 追杀你的人只会以失败告终, 你会成为我的挚爱, 你会成为我的挚爱。 安睡在炮口里, 指挥官喊道:大败了 他们会四处寻找我, 而我已去寻找我的挚爱。

战地狼藉血红一片,炮弹在我耳边飞舞, 救护人或许以为我已死去, 而我已去寻找我的挚爱, 我已去寻找我的挚爱。

by Alison Krauss 经典唯美的英文诗句篇三 Herry Wadsworth Longfellow/享利.沃兹渥斯.朗费罗 Tell me not in mournful numbers, 请别用哀伤的诗句对我讲;

Life is but an empty dream! 人生呵,无非是虚梦一场! For the soul is dead that slumbers 因为沉睡的灵魂如死一般, And things are not what they seem. 事物的表里并不一样。

Life is real! Life is earnest! 人生是实在的!人生是热烈的! And the grave is not its goal;


Dust thou art , to dust returnest, 你是尘土,应归于尘土。 Was not spoken of the soul. 此话指的并不是我们的精神。 Not enjoyment , and not sorrow, 我们的归宿并不是快乐,Is our destined and our way;

也不是悲伤, But to act, 实干 That much to-morrow. 才是我们的道路, Find us farther than to-day. 每天不断前进,蒸蒸蒸日上。 Art is long , and time is fleeting. 光阴易逝,而艺海无涯, And our hearts , though stout and brave. 我们的心哪——虽然勇敢坚强, Still , like muffled drums , are beating 却像被布蒙住的铜鼓, Funeral marches to the grave 常把殡葬的哀乐擂响。

In the world’s broad field of battle, 在这人生的宿营地, In the bivouac of Life, 在这辽阔的世界战场, Be not like dumb,driven cattle! 别做无言的牲畜任人驱赶, Be a hero in the strife! 做一名英雄汉立马横枪! Trust no future.howe’er pleasant!别相信未来,哪怕未来多么欢乐! Let the dead Past bury its dead! 让死去的往昔将死亡一切埋葬! Act,act in the living Present! 上帝在上,我们胸怀勇气, Let us,then,be up and doing, 让我们起来干吧, With a heart for any fate; 下定决心,不管遭遇怎样;

Still achieving,still pursuing 不断胜利,不断追求, Learn to labour and to wait. 要学会苦干和耐心等待。

